
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Where am I?

Hello!  I feel like I've been busy busy busy the past couple of weeks.  Thank you to all the Brownstone Quilters who came out for my talk and workshop on Feb 11.  Also thanks to Clamshell Quilters where I presented my lecture; Quilts - The Story of My Life last week.  It is always rewarding to share my passion for quilt making.

Here is a little 4-patch variation that I made to celebrate my 30th Wedding Anniversary which was Valentines Day.
I included photos from the 3 decades in an IG post.
Happy Belated Presidents Day!  Here is very small sampling of my Presidents collection.
In other news, I finished a little log cabin doll quilt - its more runner size.  I did simple straight line quilting.
I had a very small piece of this pretty blue toile' for the backing.
Here is a little "Year of the Rooster" quilt that I made using leftover ninepatch blocks which worked well as little coops.
I made this before I heard about the challenge from the Two Thimbles Quilt Shop with the same theme.  I ordered this super cute challenge package filled with fun goodies!
I've already started a new little quilt for the challenge.  Join the fun!

Remember this project?  I finally had the time to really figure out the next border (it took lots of math brain power, lol).  It will be all clamshells and sparrows.
You can see a printout of the bird color placement on the left.  It is so so helpful for me.  I machine basted everything again - I love this method for hand applique it is so secure and no pins to catch.
Seriously Starbuck?   He is perched on some bedding while I was doing the sheets.....notice the empty cat bed.  If he fits, he sits.
My Alice Payne quilt will be on display this weekend at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival.  Is anyone going?  I'd love a photo of it since I won't be there.



  1. Love the rooster mini. The sparrows and clamshells will be so awesome. Great idea and an original one I might add as I've never seen this kind of border before. ;^)

  2. Love the border for your medallion! So unique!! Your "other" rooster challenge is very sweet. The heart quilt is so cute!

  3. Are you back-basting by machine? I love the bird border!

  4. Barb, I just had a dream that you and Rich were renewing your vows. Several of your friends were standing up with you, but I, of course, couldn't find my dress! Darn, you already have a Lincoln bust. I was gonna offer you one. Love that basket quilt and the borders you are prepping. How's the thumb?

  5. Your medallion project is an inspiration! Congrats on your anniversary celebration!!

  6. Beautiful design!! Love the birds and fabric choices.

    1. Thank you Sandra - your Blogger settings are for no-reply.

  7. What a sweet little quilt to celebrate the 30 years of love! And I really enjoyed the photos by decade. You have aged so well. : )
    Gorgeous backing on your little log cabin runner.
    Your rooster quilt with the "coops" made me giggle. I look forward to seeing what else you create for this Year of the Rooster.
    The sparrow and clamshell border will look terrific, but the thought of having to figure it out makes my brain hurt. Glad it was you and not me.

  8. Squeal!!! I love, love, love this quilt!. The next border is going to be sensational! Can't wait to see it together. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  9. Your sparrow/clamshell border is fabulous!!! It's perfect to go with your gorgeous center. Congratulations on 30 years! Your Valentine's quilt is wonderful and an excellent way to mark the day. Fun rooster quilt - I'll be curious to see what you come up with for the next one. Your log cabin runner is so pretty - I'm tempted to run downstairs and start one :0)

  10. Such wonderful and fun projects! Those borders on the medallion are going to be fabulous. Since I have a rooster theme in my red kitchen I particularly appreciate your little nine patches as chicken houses. Too cute! Happy Anny a little bit late!

  11. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary! Your medallion quilt is stunning! I am looking forward to seeing what everyone does with the year of the rooster challenge.

  12. Stunning quilt, Barb. Always a pleasure to see what you're working on. What a pleasure to take your workshop at Brownstone in NJ. We're all anxious to see what you'll come up with for next year! You're an inspiration.

  13. Clamshells and sparrows, I love love Love that border! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  14. The birds for your border caught my eye. I love birds on quilts. Love, love, love your quilt thus far and look forward to seeing it all put together.
    I had no ideas for the challenge from Two Thimbles. Maybe had I ordered a starter kit, I may have thought of something. You are creative that way with challenges. I am wondering what you will end up with.

  15. It is so inspirational to see your creativity. The next borders on your medallion are so original and fresh, You have the best collection of presidential quilts. How fortunate for the quilters in your area to have the opportunity to attend your lectures. I bet you get everyone all pumped and excited to get sewing. Your blog does that for me.

  16. Great post, Barb! You have so much going on. Cute little heart quilt to celebrate your 30th anniversary. Congrats! Love seeing some of your presidents collection :) Lovely little Log Cabin runner and fun Year of the Rooster quilt. I sent for that cute challenge package, too. Absolutely LOVE the border on your new quilt. It's a WINNER!

  17. It's always fun to see what you're up to! The clamshell and sparrow border looks like a winner!

  18. Belated happy anniversary wishes! Love the borders for your basket quilt - it's going to be another fabulous Barb quilt!!

  19. Happy Anniversary! Those borders on your basket quilt are so stunning! I can't wait to see this finished and I am sure you are hand quilting it?

  20. Your bird border is seriously fabulous. I love the pattern for the birds!

  21. Love the clamshell & sparrow border for your medallion quilt. This is my first year not attending Mid Atlantic. I hope you get some Pictures!

  22. Looks like you've been busy and having fun Barb -- always lots of eye candy here! Our cats are just the same -- never in their cat bed. Their new favorite is a basket that I use to carry things to and fro. Must be in a cat's DNA LOL.

  23. I'm sorry I'm late to let a comment .... your medallion quilt will be gorgeous with these borders ! It's a fabulous idea Barb as usual !
    I also love your anniversary quilt and....happy anniversary!
    Your fabrics with Presidents are beautiful and for sure one day, I will make another quilt with Mr Lincoln !

  24. What a wonderful and fun-filled post ( as usual ) and Happy Anniversary! A milestone and a testament.

  25. That border would be way to complicated for me! It is a gorgeous quilt! Can't wait to see it with the new border on it.

  26. Love the sparrows and clamshells too! Looks like a hit with everyone - this is a beautiful quilt!


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