
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Come Over and Play!

is the name of a new little liberated house quilt I made this week using some brights and low volume fabrics.
 I started with these two blocks and a mailbox.  I use the number print because it reminds me of marking the sidewalk for hopscotch...remember hopscotch?  Sky blue and all?
I did machine fan quilting.
Here is the backing fabric.
Can you believe the mess I made with my drawer of polka dot fabric?  gee wiz.
 The goldfinches are back and looking fabulous.  The Hummingbirds are back also, but I haven't caught a photo yet.
 Hello handsome.  I think they heard the shutter through the window.
I finished the king sized log cabin top for my son, Andrew.  
 I'll start quilting it very soon.  It is about 96 x 96" so I'll quilt it in sections.
Coco has been limping lately, so I've been resting her from long walks.  Between that and the rain lately she's been very bored.
I'll be visiting the Herring Run Quilters Guild on Saturday to present a program on Scrap Quilting and hold a Liberated House Workshop.

On Sunday I'm going to the Northern star Quilters Guild Show.



  1. Love the houses and their fabrics! That's exactly what my "post house" sewing table looks like too but seriously, you can't tidy up or toss out tiny bits... they might make the perfect window or shutters! LOL

  2. Miss the NSQS. Just got their announcement. Few weeks ago. Think it's a fur piece from Naples or Hayward WI. Heading north tomorrow with a divert to panhandle to join a biennial Vietnam reunion. Then north you huskies.....what the heck I went to NIU. Hope CoCo just strained a leg twirling. Gave her a pat for me

  3. Your little quilt makes me think of a song my Mom used to sing to us from her youth. Don't know the name for sure, but the first line was, "Oh, jolly playmate, come out and play with me, and bring your dollies, three--climb up my apple tree...". Boy, as I type what I thought I could remember, the whole song comes flooding back to me.
    An explosion in the polka dot drawer!! What fun! : )
    What a nice pose from the goldfinch.
    Andrew's quilt looks really good.
    Poor Coco. Looks like he doesn't dare cross the threshold.

  4. Fun little quilt with Spring colors ! I love it !
    Congratulations for the finish of the log cabin for your son ! A big work of quilting is waiting for you.... Not fun for our pets ! It's raining in France but it's good for Mother Nature !

  5. Your liberated houses are so cute! I think I want to live in that neighbourhood...

  6. Fun little quilt and gorgeous big quilt for Andrew. You get amazing photos of the birds through the window. Give Coco a belly rub for me and tell her to feel better soon. Have a fun and safe teaching adventure !

  7. What a fun and happy little quilt. I love the back. You always have the best backings! I was at Cyndi's on Saturday and her goldfinches and house finches were back. So Cute!! Does Coco take condroitin? It saved our pup when he got older. In fact it turned him into a pup again. I'm thinking I should take it now myself. I get stiff in the rain too!

  8. I love all your fabric choices, Barb! Your stash is to die for. And your photo staging is terrific. One did the hummingbirds get to you without stopping in PA first? My husband will be jealous. B )

    1. Thanks Betsy
      Maybe my hummers came up the shoreline. They'll be there soon!

  9. Our house finches have returned and we have two pairs of cardinals this year. The goldfinches haven't been spotted just yet. Two wonderful quilts in your post today -- hugs to the bored dog and safe travels for you.

  10. LOVE your little house quilt, Barb! I really have to try one soon. That photo of Coco is so good too. She's beautiful, isn't she?

  11. Hopscotch was so cool at our elementary school--even the boys played! We used damp paper towels for tossing. We also played a lot of dodge ball and red rover and monkey bars--truly good times.

  12. That house block turned out really cute! I love the triple fans too! I do remember hopscotch!
    What's up with Coco limping? Bummer....
    April showers bring May flowers.

  13. Sweet houses! Love the fan quilting. We played hopscotch for many hours as kids. My favorite token was an old broken necklace that slid easy. Our cat eats birds so no feeder here to tempt them! Will you quilt your son's project in parts on your long arm?

  14. Your finches are just lovely! Poor baby dog...I am sorry she is hurting. I am in love with your fun house quilt!

  15. Darling little houses!
    It looks like Spring has finally arrived in full swing up in CT.
    Love the pictures of the birds and Coco.

  16. The houses are so cute and I love the mailbox! I would take a little of your rain to get rid of all the pollen flying around here!

  17. Your cute houses inspire me to start some. Love the addition of a mailbox.

  18. Cute little house quilt! Love the baptist fan quilting. It looks so good on your door wreath. Do you leave it there or was that just for the photo. I would be worried somebody would make off with it!!! It is wonderful having the colorful birds back again. I so enjoy watching them at the feeders.

  19. Hopscotch, you brought a smile to my face. We played that so much in the yard when we were kids. Love the quilts. You have been a very busy bee. Thank you for sharing.

  20. What fun fabrics you used in your little quilt. I'd come over to your house and play! Your goldfinches are gorgeous. Wish I'd get some at my feeders but I never do. Have fun quilting Andrew's quilt! It looks great. Glad to see the pic of Coco :) Hope she feels better soon!

  21. The backing fabric is wild! You showcase such nifty fabrics on the back of your quilts.
    I remember playing hopscotch. I wonder if kids today ever do that. If so, it is probably some ap on their phone.

  22. ooh herring run is in my old neck of the woods...graduated hanover high 50 years ago this year...50??? yep 50...

  23. I LOVE your cute little house quilt Barb. So happy and cheerful. Andrew's quilt is cool too -- and wow -- that's a big quilt for you to wrangle. Will you be quilting it with the fan??? Have a great quilty weekend!

  24. Love the quilt projects and as to birds I was out for a morning walk and saw a few goldfinches right ahead of me ; oh I love their return! :)

  25. Love the quilt projects and as to birds I was out for a morning walk and saw a few goldfinches right ahead of me ; oh I love their return! :)

  26. Love the little houses and mail box. I made mine to look like a snow fall at night. You make me want to make a Spring version.
    The goldfinch enjoying our seeds are so much fun to watch. No humming birds yet on our feeder. I hope they find us too.

  27. Your houses are so happy!! It's amazing how much mess we can make playing with little bits. Andrew is going to love his new quilt. You have such pretty birds visit you. I hope Coco's sore leg is just a temporary thing. She looks so sweet resting in the doorway looking longingly at the garden.

  28. Beautiful houses! Coco looks so sweet. Zeus has been having trouble with long walks, especially as it gets warmer. I have been taking two shorter walks to give him to rest up between them.

  29. I am really behind with my favorite blogs!! Hope Coco is feeling better soon. I love the large quilt for Andrew and thought maybe you would quilt it with fans too. I really like how the fans came out on the small quilt. I would never have thought of quilting a large fan on a small quilt. Duh!


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