
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Done & Delivered!

Woo hoo!  I finished the king sized quilt for my boy, Andrew.  

Harbor Fog - 96" x 96"
I machine quilted it in 3 sections.  All the quilting is done vertically to make it manageable on a home machine.  Here is how I set up to attach the right and left sections.
I use a portable ironing board and fusible tape.
I just work slowing, moving down the length of the quilt.
For those of you on IG you know I had a problem with the crayola markers - again!  Some but not all of the red markings didn't not come out.  I did an overnight soak again in Dawn and it worked - yay
After moving some furniture I was able to block it with a few fans going.  It took about 3 days!
Here is a little tip:  turn your binding clips around; they work perfectly this way.  Maybe this is how I was always supposed to do it.  Is this how you use them?
How I label my quilts:
This time I sketched some ideas on paper first.
I also use PDF (prepared for dyeing) fabric.  It absorbs the ink better and makes a nice clear label.
 Finally, I attach left over strips to frame it.  The sail number is his Birthday :)
Thank you Pinkadot Kelly for the fabulous vintage little quilt and other fun goodies for my recent Birthday.  I've never seen some of these fabrics before.  I plan to hand quilt it.
I adore this Lancaster, PA  map print and that sweet card is made from a real vintage card.
Fabric APB!
Does anyone have a 1/2 yard of this double pink?  I'm happy to pay or trade for it.
I recently discovered this peachy fizzy soda.  It is refreshing on a hot day, but I do not recommend riding your bike this way.
Have a great week!


  1. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. I'm not sure I would tackle another large quilt under my little machine. Good for you! LOVE the label! I wish I did still have that pink. It was one of my favorites. I am going to Cyndi's this weekend and will see if she might have some in her attic.

  2. A beautiful finish on your quilt. And filing away the tips you give. Thank you for sharing.
    The Lancaster print is new to me. It is something you can use for part of one of your quilt backings. Or maybe with bright flowers appliqued on top like the newsprint fabrics I have seen done.

  3. What a fantastic finish this is! I absolutely love the personalized label. This quilt is truly a keepsake. --Andrea

  4. I forgot to mention that I read just the other day that you should use a particular type of Crayola marker and now I forget the word. Think it was Ultra. I have never used Crayola markers so am not familiar with how well they work.

  5. I love Andrew's quilt. The colors are so masculine and the quilt is large! I am sure he will treasure it forever. How nerve wracking having another crayons episode. Glad those marks came out. Great job Barb!

  6. Lovely quilt! Great quilting too. I know signing your quilts, "mom" is personal, but like photos, mom doesn't say who it is or who made it. (I have an old photo album and lots of photos are labeled, mom, me, and aunt suzy) I'd sure love to know who those people are! LOL
    I LOVE the name of your quilt!

  7. That is a great name for your son's quilt.
    No, I have never thought to use my binding clips that way, but it sure makes sense. Thanks for enlightening me!
    You had so many clever labeling ideas. One thing about you, Barb, is that you make the back of a quilt almost as interesting as the front.
    Wow, what a sweet little quilt top--perfect for your hand quilting.
    I went through my pink repro stash and I do not see that fabric. I think Wendy is on the right track to check with Cyndi.
    I see that soda in my brother's fridge all the time. I think he and his wife really like it. Haven't tried it myself.
    Thanks for the "Don't try this at home" warning. I was about ready to don my jodhpurs and give it a go! : )

  8. I may have that pink. I will look as soon as I get home from work. Hopefully that container these fabrics are in isn't out of reach. Remodeling...Ugh! Will look tonight for sure. Laura V.,

  9. I wish I could help you with that pink - it's very pretty! Cyndi has an attic too - sigh - I so want to go there! Your quilt for Andrew looks wonderful and I love the label. The vintage top is such a cool gift! I can't wait to see how you handquilt it - it'll be marvellous!

  10. Congrats! on completing Andrew's quilt. It's AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing how you arrive at your label design.

  11. Barb, Andrew's quilt is fabulous!!! Love the design and the colors,

  12. WOW what an accomplishment...I can't imagine man-handling that size with a domestic machine ; well-done and very lucky son! : ) it is wonderful.

  13. Congratulations on a beautiful finish. Delightful label. You son will love it.

  14. The quilting looks great, it is just right for your modern quilt. I admire your bravery for doing it at home! Great finish. :D

  15. Wonderful finish on Andrew's quilt! It's a great pattern and the choice of colors/fabrics really made a stunning visual! Love the label, too!

  16. Andrew's quilt is very "manish!" I'm trying to decide on a quilt pattern for a grandson and this pattern might do the trick. Straight line quilt looks great too. I love the map fabric with barns & covered bridges! You can't beat the barns in PA! Great post as usual!

  17. Congratulations for this fabulous quilt and the panel is awesome ! Very clever !
    I'm pretty sure Andrew will treasure it !
    I'm sorry for the pink fabric I don't have it ! Fingers crossed For Wendy will find it at Cyndi's shop (with Sue !!)
    You received a beautiful present from Kelly ! What a beauty !

  18. The quilt is absolutely wonderful- and so flat-lying with your blocking. It's a biggie, and I admire that you handled it all on your own. Good post- love that Lancaster fabric, too. Peachy fizzy? Sounds refreshing.

  19. Andrew's quilt is fantastic, the color, the design and the vertical quilting. I'm so glad the marks came out. I don't think I could tackle such a huge project on my machine. I'd have to get out the checkbook. Hand quilting your gift from Kelly will be perfect. It's a wonderful gift. I haven't had Fresca forever.

  20. My son's MIL told me about the peach Fresca several weeks ago and I hunted and hunted and finally found it. But I was seriously disappointed and probably won't drink the other 11 cans in the 12 pk. Will need to pass along to her since she liked it. LOVE your son's quilt!

  21. Your son's quilt is so nice and I'm glad your markings came out! I have used crayola markers for years to mark for quilting and have never had a problem - scary!! Thanks for the tip on using special fabric for labels! Sweet little gift for you to hand quilt.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. thanks for the warning Meredith I agree. Some think we should leave this pieces "as is" . It is food for thought.

  23. What a wonderful photo shoot and a clever way of quilting such a large quilt! It turned out great. Love the label, too! I use binder clips the way you do. Such a sweet vintage quilt. Would be lovely with some hand quilting :) I hope you can find more of that pink fabric. I haven't had Fresca since high school, lol!

  24. Yeah! It's such a wonderful quilt, so masculine! Even the back looks great. What a lovely, lovely gift!

  25. What a great quilt Barb -- I'll bet Andrew LOVED it -- so perfect for the guys! I love your fun label too. Looks like you've been busy and having a great summer!

  26. Such a wonderful quilt for Andrew!! I love the pieced back too. You always have such fun posts. I hope someone was able to help you out with the double pink fabric.


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