
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fair Report 2017

Oh My!  I received an embarrassment of riches from the Durham Fair.
This was the first year that I entered any quilts in my local fair.

Alice Payne won Big and I was so so happy for this quilt.
You may remember that I was a little (okay, a lot)  heartbroken that the quilt wasn't good enough for the AQS show in Lancaster or Paducah.  I know it's old fashioned, but I know the work and love that Alice put into her quilt in 1859.

This beautiful quilt won Best In Show.
I also entered Remembering Abe and my Asian Flower Garden quilts.
Here are some photos from the fair.   Many have already found a way onto FB and IG.
I caught the Llama competition during lunch after working in the admissions booth.
 I ate this three days in a row.....delicious and worth it!
Canning was really big this year.
 I love the animal exhibits, especially the babies.
Oh My Gourds!!
How Stinking Cute is this food vendor?
Sunset over the fairground.  No filter - no kidding.
I have to say this is the first time in a long time I felt happy and proud to be an American.

I'm determined to finish this Hexie table runner in time for Halloween this year.
have a great week!


  1. Be still my heart...Halloween fabrics are like crack to me. Love 'em, can't get enough and look at yours! Awesome! Oh, yeah, good job at the fair, too. (Since it's hard to put my real emotions into a comment, I am trying to be a bit funny!!) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Enjoyed reading your fair report... sounds like a wonderful time!
    Congrats on all the beautiful ribbons!
    Love the Halloween Hexies!

  3. Congratulations again for your Alice Payne and others prices ! It's well deserved Barb !
    This fair is amazing and I've never seen any pumpkins like that...they are enormous !! :)
    Oh what fun and joy for you !!

  4. Congratulations!!! Well deserved honors. I hope you will keep entering your quilts in shows. It will inspire many more people to quilt, I am sure.

  5. I'm so happy that Alice got the recognition she (and you!) deserved. Thanks for sharing all of these amazing photos, the sunset is stunning. Our fair is in October and I am really looking forward to it.

  6. Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Congratulations! Our fair is nice but pales in comparison. How fortunate for your community to have a spectacular fair like that. The first year I entered a quilt in our county fair I went to the Floral Barn to see it and what ribbon I may have won. It was no where to be found, I was panic stricken and ran to find someone in charge. Little did I know it was in the corner with all the other Grand Champions! I had no clue. Best to you Barb! What a fun post!

  7. Congratulations again, mom – I'm already excited to go to the fair with you again next year! I am too excited about that Halloween table runner... yay fall festivities! XO

  8. What a wonderful really-truly fair! The ones here have become all about the food and the rides as well as the evening entertainment. Crafts are an afterthought and animals are mostly absent. Congratulations to you for your ribbons - you deserve them all!!

  9. Congratulations on your ribbons........the Fair looks like THE most fun ever!

  10. Congratulations on all of your ribbons! I'm glad to see your beautiful quilts are appreciated. Those pumpkins are rather amazing! As is the sunset. Good luck with your hexies!

  11. I have read your entire blog. I have enjoyed all of your posts. Congratulations on your awards at the fair.


    1. Hi connie - I don't have your email - so I hope you see this. You read ALL? as in everyone. Oh you must be suffering from Barb overdose.
      Thanks for the comment!

  12. Congratulations! Of course all of those ribbons were well deserved! Love the table runner! I just got back to working on my Hex Vex and am doing it in Halloween fabrics as well. Such a fun project.

  13. Congratulations on all those lovely ribbons you won. Your quilts are most worthy of them. The fair looked like so much fun. Such a beautiful sunset picture - those colors...!

  14. That is so awesome.... you should be over the moon

  15. Wonderful news on your ribbons!! The Durham Fair looks to be a fun your Spooky bits for Halloween a lot...hugs, Julierose

  16. Wow that's a lot of ribbons. Congratulations on each and every one of them. Better get the hexi done so it too can get its share of ribbons.

  17. Congratulations Barb! So happy for you and Alice! Well deserved!

  18. Congratulations Barb! Where was the fair? It is good to be with a hometown crowd and feel so good about being an American....our country is the greatest! Happy Sewing, looking forward to what you'll make this year and out exchange too.

  19. Well deserved ribbons! Thanks for sharing your fair pics. I love entering the fair and seeing all the things crafters, bakers, farmers and 4H-ers do! I didn't have a corn dog this year but usually do ๐Ÿ˜›

  20. It looks like you scooped up a lion's share of the ribbons, and so well deserved too! I love small local fairs, they are the best. It's so heartening to see all the traditional crafts still being carried on, the 4-H kids with their beautiful animals, etc.

  21. Congratulations! Is this a county or state fair? Some real quilt beauties there. Not surprised that you were a triple winner. Good luck getting your table runner finished. It's spooktacular!

  22. Congratulations! Your work deserves it! The fair looks like fun!

  23. Oh my gosh, Barb! Congratulations on all your well-deserved ribbons! That is absolutely wonderful! Loved seeing pics of the fair :) Your table runner is perfect for Halloween. What fun!

  24. I would have been at the Strawberry Shortcake booth every day. Love to indulge in it.

  25. Congratulations to you and Alice. And like Karen I would have been to the Strawberry booth everyday along with the corndog.

  26. I take it that this is a county fair? What fun! and Congratulations!! Did you get rewarded monetarily? I won some ribbons at the local county fair and got some $ - if I remember correctly it was $14.00!!! Maybe next year I will enter the state fair as well as the county fair. It's really fun. The day I went to see how I did, it was over 100ยบ and we didn't stay too long but were able to see the sheep and goats.

  27. Well done- congratulations! That was an outstanding display of quilts. And the other photos are also inviting. All those canned goods make a pretty picture. As our small town newspaper used to write when reporting on local events, "a fine time was had by all."

  28. Loving all the BIG pictures of your stuff. Thanks for blogging them. And well deserved on all those ribbons! The local folks know how to appreciate fine work.

  29. Yay for the Alice Payne wins! I'm betting it was a huge hit with the fairgoers.:)

  30. Yay Barb! Congrats on your ribbons - very well-deserved! Your local fair looks like so much fun! It brings back childhood memories, for sure! So much fun fussy cutting with your Halloween fabrics! I look forward to seeing the finished table runner.

  31. well earned. your alice payne quilt is such a lovely tribute to a quilter of days gone by and I love to see these quilts shown and enjoyed. Fabulous to see such a big canning section, some talents that seem to be fading away.

  32. Well deserved ribbons! Those gourds are amazing as is the sunset!

    Whenever I go to our local fair the first thing that I want to see is the baby goats :)

  33. OMG Beside your stunning quilts, my favorites are your nonstop lunch habits and the gourds...Oh, my....
    Just lovely..

  34. Congratulations!! SO well-deserved! It's fun to see the photos of the fair as well.

  35. Congratulations on your ribbons, especially Alice Payne. She's a stunner!

  36. Congrats .... I'm so happy for you!


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