
Friday, October 27, 2017

Baskets - Sew With Us!

Surprise!  Happy Friday Post!
After seeing Julie H's antique quilt in Ann Arbor,  Kelly (Pinkadot) and I decided to make some and do them in our own style and size.
We're inviting everyone who would like to make some to join in the fun.  This isn't a formal Sew Along - but more like a Sew With Us.

Kelly is doing bright solids with a 5" block.  She's calling them Baby Baskets.  Aren't they sweet!
I'm making mine like Julie's antique with muslin and 2 (or 3) prints.
My blocks are going to finish around 6 1/4".
Here is my little tutorial - use your favorite methods.
I'm using the easy eight method click here to see how it works.
My easy eight square size is 5" x 5" which requires trimming of the 8 HST.

I like to lay the pieces out by my machine before I sew.
I'm pressing the way it wants to go and then I'm grading the seam.which means cutting the dark fabric back to 1/8" to reduce shadowing and bulk.
which means cutting the dark fabric back to 1/8" to reduce shadowing and bulk.
After each piecing step I carefully lay the block out - ooops.  Clearly I was paying more attention to Scandal on TV.
 Well, I did stitch it just like I had laid it out.....
After ripping off the top and sewing back on, I realized I put in on the basket bottom - aaarrrgggg - pppppffffffftttt
When you make 3 piecing errors within 1 hour.  It's time to call it a day.
Here is a little hint as to where I'm going with this project.  Yes, I'm going to combine my FWB Swap Bow Tie blocks and the new basket blocks - wee!
Kelly and I hope you feel inspired to try a few of these wonderful basket blocks.  Let us know by posting in FB, IG or blog with #basketswu.

Happy Friday and Happy Basket Sewing


  1. Bow Ties and Baskets! Love the alliteration. Can't wait to see them together.

  2. I'd love to join in! Maybe when I arrive back from Houston I'll do a few....or maybe sneak one or two in tomorrow while finishing my packing.

  3. Oh boy, I've located the box of 1930s baskets! It's retreat next weekend... headway, here I come!

  4. How fun...thank you for the tutorial, Barb...awesome!!

  5. What fun! Will try to make a mini! Love both of your versions!

  6. What a fun "sew with you" - I can't wait to see how you put the baskets and the bow ties together :0)

  7. In January, like every year I will make a SAL and this next year will be... baskets !! :)))
    Have fun Barb and thank you for the tutorial !!

  8. Baskets and bowties...what's not to like? I'm working on a quilt that is just 4 patches and some flying geese..I wish I could say how many times I've reached for my seam ripper on this one! Post made me smile and now I don't feel so bad! Some days that's just the way it rolls. :) ~

  9. You are killing me here! This is one of my favorite blocks and I really want to do this, but I have too many sew-a-longs I am ignoring now. I love your mistakes! I rarely rip out. I just throw them in the UFO box. My next pot luck quilt will have to be called "Sews with Wine"!

  10. Barb, I love the idea of trimming the dark fabric on the backside. I have never thought of that.
    What a big difference it makes.
    Love the way you're doing the blocks!
    and I agree with Wendy: I need another project to follow along like a you-know-what!

  11. Yes, I also appreciate that tip to trim the dark fabric. I will ALWAYS do that from now on! You can't always iron to the dark side, so this is a considerable relief, actually. I bet you are surprised by the response!

    Anyway, the blocks are also very cute. Love your fabrics!

  12. Oh, so sweet!
    I hate it when a mistake infects all further sewing in that session! I can dull a seam ripper pretty quick!

  13. I've been drooling over a little mini basket quilt I have no business making right now, but I may need to sew along with you--and try not to have as much fun with my blocks as you did on that red one--followed by the green. Oh, I've had days like that. I feel your pain. :)

  14. I positively love your fabric combos on these little baskets! I have told myself “no new projects!” til I get some other things finished ... but nothing can change my mind faster than these little baskets!

  15. Baskets and bow ties. It's going to be a great combo. You're proposing a sweet temptation. I'll give it some strong consideration. :0)

  16. This combo is a great idea! Love the blocks you’ve made so far—beautiful !

  17. Hi Barb! I too do not “need” another project, but hey, that never stopped me before, ha! I just finished a baby quilt with HSTs and lots of leftover triangles, so I think I’ll make a dolly size basket quilt for the little one. This could become a new tradition - gift a dolly quilt with each baby quilt. Love your fabrics/blocks, and especially the purple background you’ve shown! Happy Halloween, and thanks for the fun post!

  18. I had made a few cake stand baskets last year ( 4 or 5 ) and meant to get back to them eventually. You are tempting me for sure :)

  19. I so love basket quilts and love what you are doing....thanks for the tutorial.

  20. I love your blocks. Looking forward to seeing how these incorporate with you Bow Tie blocks.
    Great tip on trimming the darker seam allowance on those hst's.
    I will have to implement that on future projects. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  21. Sorry to chuckle at your piecing mishaps, but I think it's ok, 'cause I've been there before LOL. Sooo frustrating! Looks like it's going to be a great quilt!


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