
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sewing at Sea

Hello Friends~
I'm back after a week in the Caribbean.....aaaahhhh that's better.  I had a little stitching time on the way to Ft. Lauderdale.
We cruised on the Nieu Amsterdam of the Holland America Line.   I met several quilters who were at Quilt Camp at Sea.  When it was too windy outside I stitched at the top of the ship with a beautiful view.
On Valentines Day Mr. Fun and I celebrated our 31st Wedding Anniversary.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and best friend.
 The ship had special flowers, treats and music it was a wonderful day.
On Key West we rented bikes and rode all around and took a tour of the Truman's Little White House.  It was fascinating. 
Somewhere Over the Rainbow....
 The ship was redecorated in December - it looked gorgeous.
 Oh, there you are....
I love this presentation at the Asian Lounge; Tamarind.
aaahhhh - Half Moon Cay
 Grand Turk - they are still recovering from the hurricanes of 2017.
Travel Tip:
When you book airline tickets online double check then triple check your dates.    Do you see the problem here???
I didn't see my error until the day before we were leaving the ship and I couldn't do anything about it until morning.  :(

Luckily we got new flights - for a change fee of course.
Unluckily our 2nd flight was CANCELLED due to weather.
Luckily we got tickets on Amtrak Washington DC - New Haven, CT.
Unluckily it takes 5 hours on that train.....
Luckily there was a club car.
What a meal - Wine and a Marshmallow Treat.

Thanks for all who left comments on our Superbowl snack.
We call them Hanky Pankys, but they are also known as:
Sh*t on a Shingle
Polish Mistakes
Barf on Bread
I think it is mainly a American midwest thing but I've had them here on the East Coast too.

Thank you Silver City Quilters for giving me such a warm welcome and for being so engaged in my Lecture and Trunk Show.  I'd love to meet more blog readers, so please share my information with your program organizer or quilt shop.  See Top Tab on this blog.

Swap News:
Mailing instructions have been sent via email.  Thank you for posting on IG, FB and in Bloglandia.  I'm excited to start seeing them here in CT.

Have a great week!


  1. Looks like perfect weather for your cruise- and happy anniversary! Plus a great break from the Great Northeast and its winter woes. Oh, the flight thing. Egad- that was not a happy surprise. But it sure made memories.

  2. Very good blog.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on
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  3. Looks like a wonderful anniversary trip! Huge thank you for sharing your inspiring quilts with Silver City Q.G. - everyone LOVED them!

  4. I’ll never get my hubby on a cruise, I fear! Happy Anniversary! We’re celebrating our 33rd this weekend ❤️
    Too bad about your flight—sorry you couldn’t vacation for another month, lol

  5. A wonderful anniversary treat to go on a cruise.
    What are you doing with the little Lincoln fabric picture I see in the baggie on your legs?

  6. Looks like you had a delightful anniversary. Love the rainbow over the sea.
    Sorry you couldn't celebrate for a full month more. Maybe you were meant to, as hard as it was to arrange to get home. :)
    We celebrate #40 this year and if we are lucky we might go to dinner.

  7. One reason to always use a travel agent. Have been one for over 40 years!

  8. What beautiful waters. Drinks look good too. Love the way you handled the ticket mistake. Welcome back.

  9. Next Year together.... Need I say more.... xxxxx

  10. Happy Anniversary. A wonderful way to celebrate.

  11. A wonderful trip to celebrate your anniversary with your dear husband ! Great memories for you !
    I tracked my blocks on internet and I know that they arrived in the US on Wenesday...but I don't know where they are at this time ah ah !
    Have a lovely Friday and Weekend Barb !

  12. Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a wonderful trip despite the scheduling inconvenience :) February must be a popular month. We celebrate #56 tomorrow. Hard to believe!

  13. Happy to hear you had fun in the Caribbean. (Oh, right - who doesn't!) Nice to celebrate a special anniversary in a special place! Thanks for making me double check out flights for next month - yikes! Glad you were able to get some stitching time in. I am looking forward to seeing what they become.

  14. What a wonderful way to celebrate your special anniversary. Bummer about the ticketing snafu. Can't wait to see what you're working on.

  15. Congrats on your anniversary milestone! Looks like you had a memorable celebration!

  16. Glad you got your tickets sorted out. You always have the best vacations!:)

  17. The cruise looks wonderful; what a great way to celebrate your anniversary!! CONGRATS!!
    I hate to admit that I have made similar errors on booking things online and only realized it AFTER the fact.
    It's so easy to make those mistakes...
    Glad you worked it out though...

  18. Those beautiful pictures of that blue water, I can smell the coconut oil from here!
    My blocks went in the mail today!

  19. Do you have the recipe for Hanky Pankys somewhere? I haven't been able to find it :-)

    1. please email me directly if you are a non-reply blogger because I can't email you if you don't have your email in your google profile.
      I googled Hanky Panky recipe and got lots of results:

    2. Thank you --- I found it :-)

  20. Perfect inspiration :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate.



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