
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Quilty as Charged Pt 2

Hello from almost spring Connecticut!  
I have daffodils in my yard but I'm finishing talking about my Christmas Quilt.

My favorite way to machine quilt a liberated quilt is what I have termed: 
Relaxed Crosshatch
 Here are the steps I use:
  1. Spray baste the layers together when working on a small quilt.  
  2. Using a Hera Marker I mark a good 45 degree line across the quilt.
  3. Mark another line at 6"
  4. Mark another line in between - at 3"
  5. Eyeball the line between the 3" lines.  This way I have a little variance but it's not totally wonky - which I have also done.
  6. I really like the look.  What do you think?
Rounded Corners (nice oxymoron)

I picked up this little corner tool and I have to admit I hardly ever use it. lol
 It offers 3 different sizes, but of course none of them suited me, ha ha.
 I used this giant button wall decor instead.  You can use anything round that suits your size needs.
 I used straight binding and just carefully pinned it around the corner right on the line I wanted.
 Easy Peasy.
 In case anyone is wondering, I still make a rag ball of every most quilts I finish with the batting and backing trimmed from the edges.
 Spring bird sightings.  This poor house sparrow is visiting my bird bath which is frozen because I unplugged it - waaaa
A bluebird!  These birds are so shy it is hard to get a photo.
I like this little guys style - he just moved into the window feeder and filled up.  :)
I'm off to The Quilt and Sewing Fest of New Jersey tomorrow.  If you see me, say hello!



  1. Lovely quilt--I like your cross hatching a lot...those rag balls are a great way to use those leftovers, too...hugs, (yet another gray day here)Julierose

  2. Your quilting is just right! Funny how those special tools sometimes just don't fill the bill. I bought a corner rounder and just didn't like the "swoop" of it, so used some household object, too. Enjoy the show in New Jersey. Great bird pics- and a blue bird!

  3. I love cross hatching and yours looks excellent. I like to use the hera marker for it as well and might try your method of eyeballing some of it. It would make the quilting go a little faster as I really don't like doing the marking. Adorable birds! I wish I could set up a window bird feeder, but our windows slide and it just wouldn't work. Happy spring!

  4. What a gorgeous little quilt and the rounded corners are perfectly wonderful! I’m going to have to search through your blog and read more about these rag balls...

  5. How have I not known about those rag balls? I have been following you for years!! I love them--do you have a mountain of them now? Do you display them in bowls, a few at a time?
    The quilting looks really good, to me. Would never had known you didn't mark every line.
    I used to use a dinner plate to round corners on quilts, but this makes me realize I haven't rounded corners in decades!! Why is that, I wonder? I really like the effect.
    Love the bird photos. I can just picture the two of us on opposite sides of the country, standing near our windows, cameras ready, trying to capture photos of the birds in our yards. :)
    Enjoy the Quilt Fest!

  6. Your Christmas quilt is charming and I love the rounded corners. I found a wonky house block you gave me. I should try putting it together with a few leftover blocks.

  7. I love the rounded corner tip! I have never done a rounded corner!!!

  8. I love marking quilts with the hera tool! I have also used it to mark gentle curves.

  9. I love rounded corners too, and I usually use straight grain binding also. I use a small plate to make mine.
    What do you do with the rag balls?

  10. I love the rag ball idea! I do save larger trimmings for mug rugs. :) Thanks for the bird pics, I LOVE birds!

  11. I love your rag balls too, though not as much as the quilt and the quilting! Your method is a good one and I remember you doing something like that with Baptist Fan quilting. You have a good eye for eyeballing. I like to make rag balls from the leftover seams and plackets of plaid shirts I’ve deconstructed. They’re funny and cute. I don’t need them but I can’t seem to let them go!

  12. I am trying to remember if I have ever made a quilt with rounded corners. I can't think of one. I have admired many quilts made that way. I have made Double Wedding Ring quilts that are rounded corners but not the same as actually cutting the corners. Must remember to do that to a quilt.

  13. I love your idea of a relaxed crosshatch. Mine tend to be that way when I'm not trying. hahaha. I'm like many others and I don't remember making rounded corners. I should give it a try. You didn't have any trouble with the straight of the grain binding verses bias? Your quilt will be a special treat during the holidays. I'd love to see a bluebird, although I love my little goldfinches.

  14. Will have to remember the relaxed crosshatching. It look great on your sweet little quilt. Oh the rag balls, had not heard or thought of doing that but looks awesome. Do you use then for something or just for looks?

  15. I love rounded corners too, and I usually use straight grain binding also. I use a small plate to make mine.
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  16. I like the relaxed cross hatch also. i have a hera marker that I never use....time to Get it out.

  17. I must have missed something... What's a rag ball??
    Love your quilting process! And the quilt is adorable!

  18. That's a great method for cross-hatch quilting. I need to give it a try! Your quilt looks so nice with rounded corners :) I've made a few rag balls but nothing like all the ones you've made! Where do you keep them? Love your bird pics--the bluebird is so BLUE!

  19. Your quilt is beautiful and the quilting too ! Love the rouded corners...very original :)
    I have bought a Era Marker too ! I'm going to try it !
    The birds are pretty...the sign of Spring Barb !


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