
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Simply Splendid!

Happy Wednesday!  Popping into to share photos from our trip to Vermont.
Hotel Glamping is the BEST if you're driving and have the space.
I like to bring my own bar and order pizza in.  To lay around and read magazines, sew and not go out after a long drive is heaven.
We visited Ben & Jerry's for a factory tour and a scoop.  Very Fun.
Hey Ladies - the B&J classic cows.
Here are some of my favorites from the Quilt Festival.
One of TOP FAVORITES at the show.  I thought it should have gotten a lot more of the judges love.  If you know her, please tell her for me.
Best in Show - incredible artistry
What a beautiful basket quilt - congratulations Laura!
Congratulaitons Karen!
Congrats to my buddy Wendy!  I told some women about your potholder process.  It had a great location at the show.
Gladi did a wonderful Post on Vermont here.  Here is her quilt.
what a delight
I shared a couple on IG click on the sidebar link to see them.

Cynthia also has awesome photos on her Post on Vermont here.

Kathy, of Kathy's Quilts sent me these fun socks.  How stinking cute are they?  Quilters are the kindest and most thoughtful people.  I love the card too. 
She's been working on machine quilting her Red and White Broken dishes from the FunwithBarbswap2016.  She got the socks from Quilter's Ninepatch.

Do you have a favorite?  It think it is hard to pick with so many good ones.

Have a Happy Week.


  1. What a fun road trip with your daughter!!
    It is so exciting to see fantastic quilts made by friends in person that we've only seen online. They are all really spectacular!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing photos of so many of the glorious quilts at this show. So hard to choose a favorite!

  3. It's good that your daughter can share your enthusiasm for the quilt show and the quilts. Good bonding time.

  4. Love this post Barb! Thanks for sharing the quilt show with us. I have so many orphan blocks, need to try that pot holder idea.

  5. What a fun trip! I love your quilts on the bed and even a little one for the bar :0) Ben and Jerry's looks like fun too. Gorgeous quilts at the show! The handquilting on Shade Graden looks quite spectacular - especially the border! Also really love We are Stardust. There is so much to look at and enjoy on Wendy's quilt. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  6. LOVE GLAMPING and your style fits mine perfectly!!! What fun you guys had. Thanks for sharing the quilt show.

  7. Lol, I was going to say precisely the same thing Valerie did! Note to self: take quilts for beds on fall trip with my sister! (We already take magazines and visit antique malls).

  8. I love taking quilts to use in motels. Makes everything feel so much nicer! And I adore Elvis in the Garden. What a fantastic quilt!

  9. Beautiful quilts!
    Enjoy your socks!

  10. Wow! That's a very tough question: they are all wonderful and for different reasons. Love Wendy's Stardust quilt. Awesome quilt. Love the Pot Luck one too. Thanks for sharing these with us. I appreciate. ;^)

  11. What a wonderful quilt show! Very nice to add links to some of the quilters too. Thanks!

  12. Wow thanks for the glimpse into a fantastic show! I loved it last year and hope to go back again!

  13. Barb, thanks for sharing the pictures. All wonderful quilts. That Stars in a Time Warp is gorgeous, especially for those of us who did those stars. My top didn't look like that, that's for sure!
    And of course seeing Wendy's quilt win some accolades is a delight.
    Looks like you and your daughter had a great time!! Carrying your own bar implements is genius!!!
    Curious as to what cocktails you whipped up? Margaritas??

  14. It is hard to pick a favourite from all the quilts you shared! I guess the Razzle Dazzle calls to me because of its bright colours, and Circle of Friends for its quirkiness!

  15. Hotel Glamping at it's best! And that selfie with the B&J cows! Woody Jackson designed their carton cows, and used to do the craft fair circuit in the 80's. I love his stuff, and still have a very faded bandanna. Wendy's potholder quilt is impressive. That technique is going in the queue...

  16. Barb-1 of my favs was the blocks all in a multitude of stripes; thought it so clever. There were so many beauties to devour with the eye! Susan

  17. A lot of great quilts there Barb, I’m Sure it was hard to choose a favourite.
    Lovely for you spend time with Hannah and eat some Ben and Jerrys together and I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your party room this year.

  18. All the quilts are spectacular and it's difficult to have a favourite... Congratulations to all the quilters for their incredible work !
    Thank you for the links ! I'm going to see others pictures :)

  19. Another wonderful VQF visit! Thanks for the great photos- that ice cream looks awfully appealing. And of course the quilts- just wonderful. The Elvis one- what fun.

  20. I love how you "glam" up your hotel room. It looks so comfy-cozy! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful quilts. Nice to see Karen D.'s and Wendy's :) We went to B&J's a couple of years ago. Such a fun place to visit. Cute socks, too!

  21. Such beautiful quilts in this posts and I love the pictures from your hotel room. Looks so cosy and inviting and I definitely like the combination of quilts and cocktails! Those are always a main part of my memories when I go to the Houston quilt events in the fall: the people, the quilts and..... the margarita's! :-)

  22. I am so frustrated with Blogger that I boycotted for a few days - wah! L adore Beth Reisman's quilts. One of my favorites is "Elvis in Bloom. She is so clever and I love her whimsical ways. I wish I could have seen Laura and Karen's quilts in person. I saw Gladi's fabulous quilt at the museum and I am so thankful that she won "Best Bed Quilt"!

  23. I want to travel with you! You have fun everywhere you go, don't you? Thanks for sharing the quilts and the VQF as it's on my bucket list for sure. One day...
    Thanks also for the blogger fix, I think I managed to follow your instructions and get it working. Whew!

  24. I have to say Blossoms from the East is pretty spectacular with all that hand quilting! thanks so much for the mini show. Love your hotel "camping out" it certainly makes the room more like home :0). Happy Sewing!

  25. what a fun post and I can't pick a favorite ; I enjoyed them all!

    I just can't figure out how you only got ONE scoop at Ben & Jerry's lol ;)

  26. Thanks for sharing - it seems I'm always an armchair traveler, so this was wonderful!

  27. Amazing quilts--so inspiring! You definitely know how to have fun on a road trip and make a hotel stay less deary!

  28. thank you for sharing a beautiful pile of quilts!

  29. You certainly know how to go Glamping! What an awesome road trip and beautiful quilts from the show. They all get the creative juices flowing.

  30. I think Irene V should have won a prize too but I'm pleased that Gladi did. It's nice to know I helped.

  31. Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this, It's very interesting Blog...
    I believe there are many who feel the same satisfaction as I read this article!
    I hope you will continue to have such articles to share with everyone!

  32. I caught my eye with ice cream the most :)


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