
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Meet me at the Fair

the Durham Fair! My favorite day of Fall.

I had two quilts in the Court of Honor this year:
Snow Flower won Best Machine Pieced and Machine Quilted.
Jubilee Won for Best all Sewn by Hand.   I will get my name on a plaque again, which is so rewarding I can't tell you.
This means the world to me because in the "Big Shows" these quits don't really receive recognition.  They are too simple, but they are the kind of quilts I love to make.
I also received blue ribbons for Rich's Holly Quilt and my Bow Tie Swap quilt. 
I wish I had taken more photos in the Sewing Barn but I was with 2 different groups and it just got away from me. 
Here are the "After The Storm Art Bras" so creative!
More Photos from the Fair~
Hanna came home from DC.  She wouldn't miss the fair!
Who can resist baby pigs?
 Now that is a GREAT PUMPKIN
 I always love the flower displays
 Mr. Fun's absolute favorite thing is the Goats.  He just loves them and they love him too.
 Clever Pumpkin carving.
 Love this bird feeder theme.
Look at the size of that frying pan!  Oh My!  the nicest Polish couple have a potato pancake tent.
 Yum!  applesauce, sour cream and Tzatziki.
New Food Item this was Bacon Mac 'n Cheese in a waffle cone.  yes!
I miss it already.
Here is a super simple decorating hack:  1 string of lights and 2 sunflower garlands from JoAnn's.  Boom.   Done.
Fall Recipe - Pumpkin Chili. Get this Gluten Free Recipe Here.
Note:  I swapped out the ground turkey for a rotisserie chicken and skipped the green pepper.  It is hardy, healthy and delicious.
Happy October Everyone!
I'm off to the American Quilt Study Group Seminar in Bethesda, MD.  I'll share photos next week.


  1. There is nothing 'simple' about either of your quilts! They are fabulous and most deserving of the awards you received! Nothing better than potato pancakes with sour cream and applesauce as far as I'm concerned!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on those well deserved awards! I do love fairs! But in all my days of fairs and food, I have never seen bacon mac & cheese. I am in a food coma just thinking about it.

  3. A fall fair looks like so much fun! Congrats on your ribbons- very deserving.

  4. Hearty congratulations on your ribbons--I really think both quilts are deserving of them for sure! Great job hugs, Julierose

  5. Congratulations! Great news! I am so excited for you. Best news! Can't wait till next weeks post.


  6. those quilts are anything but simple and I think worthy of entering into a bigger show. They are great looking quilts and a lot of work went into them

  7. Congrats on your ribbons. Your quilts are so beautiful. Hugs

  8. This is all so fun! That’s wonderful that Hanna could come to enjoy it with you :0) Congratulations on the ribbons!!Well deserved for your beautiful quilts!! Have a marvellous time at the quilt study seminar! Take lots of pictures - I can’t wait to see it through your eyes.

  9. I think your quilts are anything but simple. Congrats on your many well-deserved awards!
    Several years ago we went to a Fall fair in NH when visiting DD#1--the Sandwich Fair, I believe. It was so much fun!
    I use a similar decorating hack on my piano top--love the glow.
    Pumpkin chili? I'll have to wrap my brain around that for a bit. :)

  10. Co grants on all your ribbons! I love your Jubilee quilt.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Congratulations on winning all the ribbons. well deserved! Next time you have potato pancakes have some with grape die for! I might have to make a batch this weekend.

  13. Congratulations on your ribbons, Barb. Both are very deserving quilts.
    I'm envious of you with your autumn fair. Our state fair was at the end of summer for years and years until, a few years ago, they began to hold it in July. I love a fall fair!

  14. Your quilts are an inspiration to all of us and it's wonderful that they and you get the deserved recognition. The local state fairs are a wonderful venue for most us to participate in. And the fairs offer animals, produce and great food!

  15. Congratulations on your ribbons! Such beautiful quilts. Our son (aged 30) loves goats too, don't know why as a local goat use to escape his paddock, and when we walked by he used to come up from behind and tried to head-butt us!

  16. Congratulations! I love your quilts so well deserved. I love the pictures of the fair too, that looks like a great time and just what we here in Europe imagine such a fair to be.

  17. Well done- all your ribbons and recognition are well deserved! That's the plaque in the photo behind you? Nice. A fall fair is just the ticket- all those beautiful autumn arrangements and the pumpkin carving, too, plus the critters. I knew you would not disappoint in the fair food department either- bacon mac and cheese in a cone??? Oh my goodness. So that's the trending goody this year. And the potato pancake looks awfully good, too. Seems the weather could not have been better. Glad your whole family enjoyed.

  18. I love that "Court of Honor"! and well deserved! Your quilts are so beautiful.
    Fairs are so much fun and I want a bite of those potato pancakes, they are my favorite! I wonder where the crazy foods came from, like the deep fried Snicker bars etc.?

  19. What a fun and rich post! That fair looks awesome! The potato cake and mac & cheese had me drooling...and I’m not a foodie. Congrats on the Court of Honor! I have won the “Best Use of Color” award at the MD State fair the last two years and I’m actually quite proud of this. I think I’d rather be a big fish in a little pond than the reverse.

  20. Great post, Barb! Congratulations on all your ribbons--every single one of them!! There are so many wonderful things to see at the fair. I especially love the animals! Bacon, mac 'n cheese in a waffle cone has to be a first :) Have fun at AQSG! Looking forward to your pics!

  21. I guess "simple" is the kind of quilts I like, too - because I'm always inspired by yours! Congrats on the ribbons! The potato pancakes intrigue me; haven't had any since my mom used to make them when we were kids. I bet the Tzatziki sauce was great with them! Off to JoAnn's for some sunflower garlands...thanks for the tip!

  22. I haven't been to a fair in many years. The fair food looks so tempting. Bacon in most anything nowadays. I love bacon but can no longer eat it.
    Your daughter looks so much like you.

  23. hope you brought warm weather clothing to MD...gonna be in the 80s crisp cool air yet!

  24. Congratulations for all your ribbons ! Your quilts are NOT simple ....tssss...they don't understand anything ! They are beautiful, fun, fabulous and sooo unique !
    The fair is amazing ! What fun...and the food ....oh la la ! :))))

  25. Congrats on your ribbons on your definitely show quality quilts. Fairs are fun. It is so hard to resist the delicious-looking unhealthy food. Wish our local fair made potato pancakes like that.

  26. Congratulations on the win and the visit from your daughter. Enjoy AQSG.

  27. OH my goodness this post was just one delight after another! So fun!
    Congrats on the WIN!
    So true that the kind of quilts I enjoy to make and love to look at are not to be found at the big shows.

  28. Congratulations Barb! It's hard to imagine Jubilee as too simple for anything -- I love that quilt! Looks like you had a great time at the fair!


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