
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Red & Green Forever

Who can resist a red and green quilt?  Seriously they are the best.
 My favorite feature on this quilt is the simplicity and the different greens.  I feel they add so much!
 The quilting is swoon worthy.
 I met this quilt white visiting our farm last summer.  The owner is our partner farmer.  Lucky him!  He has quite collection.
I also used 2 different greens on my holly quilt.  My pattern was published in Quilt Mania Moderne Nov. 2017
Here is my ceramic tree at night.  I have it on a timer so it will be lit when I go bed for a while.
I set up another little ceramic tree in my sewing room.  I grouped a few of my favorite things around it.  You are never too old to play, right?
This year my "major award" leg lamp is on my dresser. I think it is fun to move things around year to year.
Since I didn't use all the fresh rosemary on Thanksgiving I dried it and added it to my spice jar.  The key is not to leave it in the fridge, put it out at room temp while it is still fresh and green.

 All I can say is "YASS"  90 calories and 5 grams of protein. 
 Have you tried this yet?  I know I could mix it myself, but would I?  If only it was Miracle Whip and Ketchup.   Ooops, I'm letting my Midwest upbringing show  :)
Mr. Fun will not be having fun tomorrow.  He's getting a new hip for Christmas.  Wish us all luck.  Let me know if you have any hints or suggestions.
I end this post with a little dolly quilt.  This is a personal favorite of mine.  They are 2" finished four patches.
I made it in 2001 for Hanna.
Have a great week - Advent Starts on Saturday! 


  1. Oh my gosh, you're a Miracle Whip girl? There are so few in my circle here. All they want is mayonnaise. Love your new decorations. Tell Mr. Fun that he needs to move and follow his rehab plan. He'll be like new in no time. (My yoga instructor has had both replaced. The positions she achieves are astounding!)

  2. This old quilt is terrific and yes ! your partner farmer is soooo lucky !
    Love to see again your Christmas quilt ! Beautiful...and your decoration too !
    Fingers crossed for your husband... not fun for the end of the year !

  3. I was raised on Miracle Whip but not with a ketchup combo though I love ketchup on fried potatoes. I use mayo now instead of Miracle Whip.
    The red and green antique quilt is wonderful! The maker must have used whatever green she could come up with to make a complete quilt.
    I did not know that Quiltmania puts out a modern version of the magazine.
    It would not be Christmas without watching "A Christmas Story". The major award is one of the highlights of the movie. I also like it when they eat their Christmas dinner at the Chinese restaurant.

  4. The red/green quilt is wonderful. That tulip applique is so simple and pleasing, and all those greens just make it extra special. I like your little arrangement- the ceramic trees bring back memories. All the best for the post-op recovery. No tips, but certainly well wishes. MayChup?? New to me.

  5. That quilt is so lovely!! Red and Green are such a classic combo!
    OMG! Your hubby and his hip! Oh my! I'm amazed at how technology can get improvement so quickly after surgery. Good luck Barb!!

  6. I still love Miracle Whip, and prefer Heinz Chili Sauce to ketchup any day of the week. Our best to Mr. Fun, though I expect he won't be having much fun for a couple months while everything heals, from what I've heard from others who have gone through the procedure. Love all the red and green quilts and your fun decor!

  7. Your posts never cease to amuse me Barb! The farmer's quilt is beyond beautiful! Your decor is always of interest to me......could you please share some insight on how you group things? I make my own "Mayochup" all the time, and will HAVE to try this....thanks for sharing. I do think it is a Midwest thing! LOL As for your hubby's hip replacement, tell him to do exactly what the physical therapists tell him to do. I think that is the key to any replacement. There will be limits, exercises, and practices he will have to adhere to in order to recover properly. My mother has had both of her hips done, she followed all orders, and it helped change her life. Best wishes and Godspeed.

  8. Hello from the Upper Midwest where our pantry is always stocked with Miracle Whip (Light!) and Catsup:-) What over the top quilting on that vintage red and green applique quilt...nine patches, four patches....such classics and always loved. (We are a house with multiple replacements and our favorite phrase is “Ice is your friend” - plus be absolutely committed to any physical therapy plan - with today’s medical technology, your husband will be in good hands! Wishing a successful outcome and days ahead of new comfort.

  9. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for DH. It hurts like hell but make him do ALL his PT. Love your Christmasy post the quilting on the 9 patch quilt is so amazing! Will we get to see more from your neighbors collection??

  10. Wow! That quilt. I do like a clean nine-patch! I wonder if someday people will be oohing and aahing over the quilts we make now. Yours, natch.
    XOXO to you and Rich on the eve of his surgical event.

  11. All the best to Mr. Fun (and you)- he'll do fine. Last October a 90 year old member of my quilt guild (4' 11" 90 pound spitfire!) had a hip replacement and then danced into our meeting in December. It's all in the attitude!
    Love your partner-farmer's applique quilt - what a treasure and enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations!

  12. I'll be thinking about you both tomorrow. It's a heck of a Christmas gift, but one that will be good to have done. The green and red applique is stunning. I love the simplicity of the design and the exquisite quilting. Sometimes I know I can get carried away with designs, but my first love seems to always go back to these classic patterns.

  13. Wow--that red/green quilt is incredible. The dense quilting blows me away!
    The ceramic trees make me smile. I made one decades ago, but apparently I don't have it anymore. Don't recall where it went.
    Right or wrong, Utah claims credit for "fry sauce". Grew up having it with my French Fries.
    Oh, my goodness, Mr. Fun sure knows how to celebrate! A good friend of our hobbled around with a troublesome hip for a long time, trying to deny that it needed replacing. When he finally had it done he wished he had done it much sooner. He was thrilled with the results.
    Sweet, sweet little quilty. Perfect backing fabric! :)

  14. That applique border is perfection! So much quilty goodness going on with that quilt! And I love your large holiday quilt. Always been one of my favorites of your quilts.:)

  15. Hope all goes well with the new hip and speedy recover for him. Loved your post.

  16. Oh my what a wonderful post! So many goodies. That antique quilt is fantastic and so is your Holly! I first tasted a mayo/ketchup dip at a party probably 50 years ago and would you believe I still make it to go with fresh cut-up veggies? Must check out those YASS bars. Love your sweet little 4-patch :) Hope all goes well with Mr. Fun today. Will be thinking of you all!

  17. Good luck with the hip replacement. I hope it heals fast!
    I love the red and green quilt and the how sweet is the one for Hanna! I love 4 patches too and could sit and make them endlessly!

  18. What a treat to see those gorgeous green and red quilts again :0) The quilting in the antique is to die for and I love the flower border. The bold holly leaves in your quilt are wonderful - I like their bold statement. I hope all goes well with the hip replacement today and in the recovery. May it turn out to be a gift he can enjoy for many years to come.

  19. Thanks for sharing your holiday cheer (except for the mayochup - that sounds disgusting!, but then I don't like mayo anyway). I wish Mr. Fun the best of luck. And, I hope you all have a relaxing and very Merry Christmas!

  20. Oooh! Love the antique red and green quilt - simple blocks and lots of quilting - yay! Sending good vibes for Mr. Fun to make a speedy recovery. Gotta say it - I'm a mayo girl myself - it's partly a New Orleans thing and partly from being married to a Helman .


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