
Friday, March 1, 2019

Welcome March

Pineapple is the International Symbol of Welcome, so Welcome March.
started the next 2
I am almost finished quilting the center of my medallion quilt~
 I hope to finish it this weekend.
 It is really easy to get a bit lost and have to go back and fill in.
 I'm quilting the leaves in all different ways just for fun.
Annie took a little dip in my scrap bin
And now she is ready to have a visit with Molly.  Janet, of Rogue Quilter, sent me the adorable pineapple pincushion. 
Molly looks like she is being productive
While Annie (my mini-me doll) is gossiping and waiting for 5 o'clock to roll around, lol
I feel so much better with them dressed and doing things than laying around uncared for or in storage.

Here is a talk that Gwen gave at the opening of her solid color exhibit at the Dennos Museum in MI.  Have a cup of coffee and enjoy.
Here is another lecturer, this time by Gerald Roy.  It is on Color at the opening of the exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Art.
This book was recommended to me and I can't tell you how much I am enjoying it.  It centers around the Los Angeles Central Library Fire of 1986 but is full of so much history and storytelling about Libraries you almost forget the fire.
Happy March Everyone!

p.s. It is funny, I wanted to run a poll to see whether blogging is even relevant anymore, but they discontinued that gadget.  Readership is getting lower and lower so I really wonder.


  1. Yikes, those pineapple blocks are wonderful!!!
    Your hand quilting looks so good. That must be exciting to be so near a finish on the center.
    Oh, I recognize Molly's pincushion. What a cute set-up for the dolls, Got a chuckle out of your mini-me. :)
    Blogging is certainly relevant to me, but I do think numbers are down.

  2. You're doing a wonderful job quilting your Medallion quilt. I love hand quilting but do very little of it myself. I've wondered the same thing about readership on my blog--is it really worth writing one any more. Well, I write mine mostly for myself--a diary--but love to share it with anyone who's interested. I think you should keep blogging--I enjoy every word you write!

  3. Your pineapple blocks are gorgeous, as is your quilting! My daughters' American Girl dolls are in my attic, I should dig them out and leave them around, then when my granddaughter is old enough she can pick them up to play with!

  4. Love the pineapple blocks! Someday I'd love to have(make) time to try some. Molly and Annie have such cute accessories! I've always loved the American Girl dolls, especially the earliest ones. Hmm, wonder if my daughter would let me have one of hers. I look forward to reading favorite quilting related blogs every day. It's like a visit with a friend, and for those of us who live in the boonies and don't get out to quilt shops, guild meetings, or big shows, it provides an important connection with the quilting world. Instagram just can't fill the void, the pictures are pretty but pretty pictures only go so far. Just my two-cents.

  5. Your quilting is wonderful, so much patience, and your pineapple blocks are amazing - both hand quilting and a pineapple quilt are on my bucket list. I've signed up to receive emails for a lot of the blogs I follow (easier and faster to read) but I know I don't comment as often because I'm reading the emails not going to the actual blogs. Although I will confess I'm not much of a commenter, more of a lurker.

  6. Another wonderfu post Barb! Your handquilting is fabulous! You get so much done and it's so gorgeous! I also love the pineapple blocks - I bet they are heavy :0) It's always fun to see what Annie and Molly are up to. As for blogging - I hope there are a few that continue in it (I mean to) you get to know people a lot better through blogging than Instagram and the friendships and community are really lovely I think.

  7. I still enjoy the interaction I get with blogs.
    Welcome March! Love your pineapple blocks!!

    1. PS, The handquilting on your medallion is fabulous!

  8. Well, for what it's worth, I still like to read blogs instead of the 2 sentence posts on FB. (The only social media I participate in, and sometimes I wonder why I even do that.) Anyway, I like to see what you're up to, and I really like your quilting style. So as long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading.

  9. The information, encouragement, and friendships of a blog are invaluable. They are the first things I read every morning.

  10. yes the number of bloggers is down--but if 'bloggers' keep dropping out cause the numbers are down some--
    then--guess what--the numbers go even lower--
    I love the blogging world and plan to keep on doing it--regardless of the numbers--
    I blog for 'me'--and hope at the same time that someone else is getting some enjoyment out of the blog!
    beautiful quilt and really neat hand quilting there you have done--
    luv, di

  11. Oh those pineapple blocks are delightful and all that fun echo quilting!

  12. Thanks for posting the two videos. I enjoyed both of them.

  13. Your pineapple blocks are awesome. Molly and Annie look like they're having a good time together. Annie's attitude made me laugh. Like many otherside noticed the decline in the numbers on my blog, but that's okay. But I've noticed that I've become a bit bored with Instagram most of the photos tend to look alike. I guess I still enjoy a good back story along with the photos. Also your echo quilting is beautiful.

  14. Well, I'm still here. In Blogland. I don't know what I'll do if Blogland was to disappear. I'm not a fan of FB and I don't have an IG account. I love to read the story behind the quilts and bloggers are all about the stories. And good pictures.
    I love your girls. Did you make their clothes? They look great. I too can't wait for 5 pm, especially on Friday. :^D
    Your pineapple blocks are awesome. I love that you did not just slap a huge triangle on the last row. Those little slivers of color look so much better. How narrow are the strips? One inch? They look so small from here. Awesome job! ;^)

  15. I noticed the same thing, readership is down. I still like to read blogs, it a way to find out much more about a quilter and his/her quilts, totally different from FB (which I hated from the start and never really post except to say I have a new post on the blog, sometimes I am not on FB for days, just forget about it) and IG (which I have loved from the start, I do post there). I still write blogposts, but they do take time, so that has left me wondering too........ I love your work, it is beautiful. Your applique, your hand quilting , the pineapple blocks and also with these, you see so much more of it here on the blog than on IG....

  16. Your hand quilting is awesome and your quilt will be for sure another masterpiece !
    I have learn something this morning : I didn't know that Pineapple blocks were the international symbol of welcome ! They are just fa-bu-lous !!!
    I wish you a wonderful WE !

  17. I love pineapple quilts! They seem intimidating - have never tried one. Hope I'm close to a class you teach. I love blogs - it's more of a conversation/visit than other types of social media.

  18. Hi Barb, I think it’s hilarious that Molly and Annie seem to get more quilting done than I do lately! Maybe it’s the wine? Looks like Annie finished hers lol! I love your medallion quilt and the quilting is perfect- it looks like so much fun too. I hope you keep blogging because I read blogs every day and always enjoy yours.

  19. Like others I like blogs and spend a good bit of time reading them for inspiration, ideas, and tips. Perhaps FB has caused everyone to think and communicate in short bursts rather than complete thoughts. Just sayin'
    Hope you keep blogging.

  20. Love the pineapple blocks and watching you hand quilt your beautiful appliqué quilt has inspired me to get a quilt ready for that. I'll watch the videos today while in my studio. Blogging is still very relevant to me--how else would I have gotten to "know" you and your great work? It is also how I reach out and "teach" what I know to other quilters who want to learn.

    1. Just watched both videos while cutting out a king-size quilt--what a treat! Thank you so much for sharing them.

  21. I love your Medallion Quilt! And your gorgeous pineapples remind me of old television test patterns. I have no television in my home now, and I shut down my Pinterest and Facebook accounts years ago, because of limited internet. I favor a few personal blogs. Thank you for being one of them.
    -Jean ❤

  22. I l.o.v.e. reading your blog! Reading blogs is still fun to me, better than Instagram or FB. Thanks for continuing as long as you have; please keep on!

    Quilting the leaves in variations is a great touch!

  23. Your blog is delightful. Thank you for the time and effort you devote to it. The Pineapple blocks are jaw-dropping. I keep looking at them trying to figure out how they were constructed with strips and no paper piecing.

    1. thanks Pam I really appreciate the kind comments. I sew, press and trim to the right sized strip.

  24. I love your blog. I don't always comment but know I read it all of the time plus I go to your tutorials. Life has given lemons in the last 6 months so I am making lots of lemonade. Love your pineapple blocks. Is there such a thing as pineappleade?

    1. Thanks Janet
      Sorry to hear but thanks for reading and the kind comments.

  25. Argh! It scares me every time my favorite bloggers want to do "The Poll." I love and play in Instagram, but reading your blog is like getting a letter from a friend. Thanks for the book suggestion. My besty from college is a town librarian in upstate New York. Sounds like a fun read for us both. And thanks for the movies. I'll grab a cuppa tomorrow for the viewing. One final note: Annie might be having too much fun at the fabric spa - was this photo taken before or after 5 o'clock? ;-)

  26. I'm a tried and true blog reader. I read through Feedly though and am not sure if I show up as a reader on the various blogs I follow. So much more information can be shared through blogging over Instagram.

    1. I am using the numbers from Blogspot the, the platform that supports this blog. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. and for supporting blogging.

  27. So much fun in one post! Your hand quilting and pineapple blocks are both gorgeous. As for the girls, are you sure they waited until 5 o'clock for the fun to begin? Looks like they are having a great time. LOL
    Thanks for the book recommendation, I hadn't heard of that one. I will add it to my growing list.
    As for blogging, it is a ton of work, and of all the ones I read, yours is at the top of my list of favorites. But I know it can be hard to stay motivated.

  28. Oh my gosh your hand quilting....there are no words for how beautiful it is. I love pineapple blocks and want to make one too, the pincushion is so cute. Thank you for the videos and I always love a good book recommendation!

  29. As always I enjoy looking at your quilts, they are always so beautiful.

    Thank you for the book recommendation. I will passing it along to my daughter for her book club.It will be of special interest to her as she works for a library foundation where she lives.

    Looking forward to watching both of the videos. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Shirl! I have been savoring the book so much. I hope your daughter likes it. Enjoy the videos!

  30. I read blogs and nothing else.....not Facebook, not Instagram, not Twitter or whatever other new thing is going on. Your pineapple blocks look wonderful!!

  31. Wow! Love those Pineapple blocks! You are not paper piecing them are you. You’ve got skills! Lovely quilting on your Medallion quilt. Thanks for sharing the videos and book recommendation. Molly and Annie are a hoot! I still read lots of blogs, I don’t comment a lot, because I usually read them when I am on the treadmill.

  32. Wow, those pineapple blocks are fantastic! You are definitely on a roll. Beautiful quilting as always! Annie and Molly have been busy! So cute! Blogging is my way of connecting with other quilters and your blog is a favorite :) Thanks for sharing all your creativity with us!

  33. Hi Barb! I always read your blog, but rarely comment, can you tell that people are reading you if they don't comment? I don't have a blog myself, but really enjoy other people's? Your blog is always entertaining, and your quilts are lovely, and original! zMany of my favourite bloggers seem to be posting less and less, maybe lots of people look without commenting. I will make sure and comment more often now, so you know people are here, and we appreciate you!! best wishes, from Loraine in Northumberland, England.xx

  34. If you are contemplating not blogging anymore, may I please make my most passionate plea for you to forge ahead? I personally love reading your blog, tutorials, and seeing your photos. Especially the ones you have posted today! Your pineapple blocks are stellar! Thanks for the video links........I have enjoyed watching them!

  35. Please don't give up your blog! I will continue to blog even if I am the only reader. I just love reading yours and so many others.

  36. I love reading through the current blog posts every day. It is a huge commitment of time and energy though to keep writing posts year after year and it seems like we lose more blogs all the time. I personally read most blogs straight from the Bloglovin' reader on my phone and I wonder, is your readership truly down or are the reader apps stealing all our stats? We are such a smart phone connected people these days. Whatever is easiest! Love, love, love your hand quilting and antique/folk art vibe. So hoping you keep blogging!

  37. I love your blog and even when I’m totally behind on reading blogs, I tend to seek out yours and a few others. Instagram is great and all but I still enjoy reading many Quilt blogs! I read them now straight from my Reading list on blogger (I no longer use Bloglovin). Love the dolls - so cute. Adding your book recommendation to my list!

  38. Hello! I love reading your blog & following your work. The medallion quilt is wonderful. I haven't hand quilted in awhile, but am saving a few tops that need it . Your pineapple blocks are amazing. I will have to try your method. I have a pineapple on my design wall with black background & solids. I paper pieced though. You have me thinking about an applique border with a leafy Vine!
    Molly & Annie are adorable! I still have my daughter's Samantha, Molly, her mini me with long dark auburn hair. Once in awhile they come out to play! We used to snuggle up together to pour over the latest American Girl catalog.... Sweet memories.

    1. Thank you Holly for your nice comments and for reading - I wish I could see your pineapple project, sounds great!

  39. Oh, and thanks for the Gwen link. I enjoyed it. She is one of my heros!

  40. I still enjoy reading and writing blogs. I've noticed the increase in blogs promoting fabrics or companies, and the interesting (to me) "I sew what I enjoy and blog what I learn along the journey" kind of blogs are decreasing. Thanks for the links over tea this morning!

  41. I love reading blogs. And I like blogs more than facebook or intagram

  42. I'm afraid I'm not reading blogs as much, not because I don't want to, but because I'm doing a lot of sewing!! I'm not posting as much either. I think I will pick up on my reading and posting soon, though. I'm glad Molly has a sewing machine! One of my dolls (a cloth doll that I made from a panel) has a sewing machine too. My sister gave it to me and it fit perfectly on the doll's desk/chair. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, but that's not really a problem because she doesn't know how to sew.

  43. We're here Barb! Is it readership that's low or comments? I still read each of your posts and follow you on Pinterest! I don't do Instagram..too fast and impersonal. From other bloggers who jumped the #train, I am seeing them slowly coming back to blogging. Hang in there ..I think as people are gravitating back to simpLe, slower lifestyles, blogs are going to see a resurgence, taking and wanting time to reconnect. BTW,Where can I find that gorgeous pineapple block pattern? !!❤

  44. I'd say it only seems fewer readers, since there's been changes made that bloggers don't get notified comments are waiting, and a biggie for me - so many blogs now only allow comments from google account, which I won't do at work (read blogs on breaks and lunch). I have no clue why some got the change, others didn't. The chances I remember what or where I wanted to comment by the time I get home are pretty much non-existent. Blogging is absolutely still relevant! I say that even though I'm not very good at posting regularly.

    1. On the blogger platform it records how many people have opening the posts, so I know the number and what source. It is down for sure, which is okay, I like to record my progress and have a record. The number one reason to blog. Thanks for the comment!

  45. I still faithfully read your posts, even if I seldom comment! I work at a college and over the summer, I started a blog, just to document the quilts I make. In this past school year, I think I blogged twice. So I really, really appreciate the fact that you do so on a regular basis. Many kudos and thanks to you!


    1. Hi Sandy
      Thanks you so much for the nice comments and encouragement. I also blog to document my project progress.

  46. Your blog is a favorite and has been for years! I am afraid I've become complacent on commenting...especially since I quit blogging and lost my husband and moved and downsized and still downsizing and trying to do so much - rest assured,
    I read each and every post and always look
    Forward to seeing your beautiful
    Work! I also agree with others, that when you live remotely it's especially nice to have someone like you to turn to for inspiration, shows, information, and wonderful videos by the way!
    Blogland was really something when Julie and Julia came out "era"...
    I had mine and it seems to have exploded . I do think it's still there. All things change. Most come
    Back around again.
    I don't do Facebook at all! Never have gotten into it. Very little Instagram and nothing else really. I don't even have sAtellite tv
    Or high speed internet .
    I know, I'm a dinosaur.
    I just live simply.
    ThNks for
    Staying with it Barb!- please keep going and sharing.

  47. Funny to me how this topic seems to pop up every so often. BLOGGING IS NOT DEAD - it is the only place where we can share stories about our makings. IG is great for stand alone photos or a bit of text if you enjoy hunting and pecking on a flat phone screen. FB is a "no way" for me. I agree with Quilter Kathy's comment about blogs that are monetizing and promoting their sponsors. I prefer blogs of the "I make what I want and share it with you because I want to." And I do read your posts and only comment sometimes - particularly if I'm reading blogs on my tablet. I much prefer a real keyboard for comments like this one. Hunting and pecking on a flat screen is just too messy and mistake prone. KEEP ON POSTING!!


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