
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Round And Round

What a fun workshop!  Here is my finished Top:  "Fun House" 
As you can tell, I'm delighted with it.  I didn't even see a peek of it all day so it was a wonderful surprise.

Beth, of Eva Pagie Designs led this fast paced workshop.  In each round we were given a theme and a time constraint.

First Round:  Flying Geese (I added to the seashell block)
Second Round:  Strip Piecing (I added for patches to the floral block)
Third Round: Half Square Triangles, Plain or Free Choice (I added corner circles.  Can you tell it stressed me out?  ha ha
typical photo of me with my mouth open.  I love karen's expression.
Great borders to finish this beachy quilt.
I love how the corners turned out this one, perfect finish.
Time ran out on this one too - but I will be super cute.
Here are some of the other quilt tops.
How great is Terry's?  Love the HST border
 Great use of that print on the border!
 Great contrast on this one.  The simplicity really works.
Wee!   fun border
Here on Buck Hill Road, we have a new baby.  My IG friends came up with the perfect name:  Bami.  A baby deere.  So perfect.
 For my PBR, lol
The Orioles are returning often for the oranges I'm putting out yay!
As soon as it stops raining I'll finish getting these plants into pots.
I wish all my US friends a Happy Memorial Day this weekend.


  1. What a fun and unusual class!!! You look adorable, as usual!!

  2. Whew. Your class looks awesome, but time restraints and themes? It would have been total panic for me. You all did great.

  3. Looks like you all had fun at the workshop. Thats the general idea isn't it?? We've got one of those baby's also. Takes my DH about 4 hours to get all the lawns mowed.:)

  4. The class would have stressed me out, but I am so impressed with what people thought of to go with the themes.
    We have a Bambi on the family farm. DH complains so much less about mowing lawns now. :)
    You are ahead of me. I haven't even purchased bedding plants yet. I figured with another week of rain in the forecast, I've got more time to decide what I want to plant this year.

  5. That workshop looks like a lot of fun! Your husband will really enjoy using his new toy! Those birds are really pretty,a real treat to see them.x

  6. Looks like it was lots of fun albeit stressful at times. Love the baby Deere! Can't mow (or drive in Maine) without a PBR! The birds this year are so plentiful. I saw a Scarlet Tanager yesterday! Haven't seen one in years. Have a great Memorial Day!

  7. It looks like everyone had a blast and ended up with a fun quilt! Have a great holiday weekend and enjoy watching those orioles!

  8. Looks like a fun time was had by all at the workshop! No orioles here, so I will have to enjoy yours!

  9. Sometimes time constraints are actually liberating - somehow takes the pressure off making it perfect. Looks fun - and I love seeing your bird and flower pics!

  10. Oh, you did great, Barb! I would have been totally stressed out, lol! The Baltimore Orioles are beautiful. So glad they're enjoying the orange treats :)

  11. I love the idea of the round robin. I know you made your center block but did you take your own fabrics for others to use to finish the top?


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