
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Christmas in August

Toile' The Night Before Christmas!  66" x 66"
 At the last Clamshell Quilt Show I won a prize certificate for free long arm quilting by Debbie L.  I picked a swirly pattern.
I finished this top January 2016!!!!  yikes.  
I was playing with these in August of 2014.  They are blocks that I swapped with 3 friends from Illinois; Sheila, Kathy and Mary Pat.  You know I love a good swap!  We swapped cheddar nine patches, each combination making a pair.  We used my swap instructions you can find here.
I used two Circus themed fabrics for the backing.  It was quite a complicated piecing feat.
It is a funny "fake" Ringling Bros. print, avoiding trademark issues I assume.
I met up with Christine Wickert while at the Vermont Quilt Festival.  She is a such a nice woman and I admire her work so much!   Many of her quilts have won multiple Best In Show.  Click here to see a video of Christine. 

She had asked me to bring my quilting stencils so we had a little "boot sale".   Here is a quilt that she hand quilted for a special girl named Alice.
Summer Fun for Dogs:
I made some Pup-sickles for Coco and a visiting puppy Hoot.  I used low sodium beef stock and a few dental chews and cookies.
Coco loves them
and Hoot loved it too!
Up-cycling and paper crafts came together in a little Birthday package I made for a friend.  I'm trying to reduce my one-time use purchases so I used bits and pieces found in my craft stuff.
I always snap up old patterns from the free table at guild meetings.

I saw this construction punny "horse" on a walk with coco.  I love when people go the extra step to make something fun.
Hope you're enjoying these last days of summer!


  1. Sweet quilt and your backs are always different and interesting!

  2. You must be super happy to finally be able to use this GORGEOUS quilt. I love this one. I would never had thought of putting orange and black 9 patches with a red toile, but here it is and it is gorgeous! I love the idea of using garment patterns as wrap paper. Very clever. I love it. It has been either been very, very hot or raining most of summer around here, so please don't say these are the last days. I'm not done enjoy the little bit we had. ;^)

  3. Isn't that a darling quilt and you always come up with such fun ad unique names!!
    I love upcycling, but really like the pattern recycling!! So cute and creative.
    Great idea for the pups!!

  4. Love the quilt and the name!! Chris' quilt came out beautifully. I must admit I haven't used my Barb stencil yet. Sheesh! I need to get busy - oh wait, I am busy!! Two pupscicles - two happy pups!

  5. Cute name for a beautiful quilt! I love the Toile'...and, of course the adorable pups. Great idea for a treat for them. I should make something like that for my Luke :-)

  6. When I went to shelburne museum back around thAt time period 2012 or so- can never remember -
    The hand carved carousel animals were all Around in the round barn . As you know, Electra Havemeyer Webb collected everything , to the greatest degree. One of her loves was circus and there's a building dedicated to that. I purchased some of the fabric there that was reproduced from posters and items in her collection. I believe that is what you there...
    There use to be small town circus other than Barnum bailey and it was a wonderful thing. Imagine the delight of children (and adults!) seeing animals they'd only read about (no tv), and the music and smells and sights .
    Then along came the "do gooder police"...
    So, I suppose she realized it wAs a vanishing thing and an art form And collected mich. one of which, was an entire hand carved circus with an audience. Again, an entire bldg houses the one collection theme. Then, you're off to quilts or westhervanes or Monet or whatever you fancy in other buildings. An amazing woman! Anyway- that's what you hve there I do believe.

    Pretty quilt. I do love toile.

    1. And I do love and use your stencil!- when I'm not painting and renovating "this old
      House"zzzzz ugh

      It's the greatest!


    For above post

  8. How nice to win a quilting job! Very pretty - the backing is wild!

  9. Everything finally came together to get your Christmas quilt finished. Great name and backing fabrics. Your stencil is a good one. I'm so glad you made it available to all of us.

  10. What a fun quilt, love those backing fabrics! I'll be trying your pup-pops for our pup soon. He'll love them!

  11. I love the pupsickles, my boys would love them in this Texas heat, 102, heat index 114.Thank you for the recipe. I really like your Christmas quilt. Is that the toile from JoAnns? Thank you for a great post.

  12. Love the last photo of your beautiful quilt hanging over the handrail.

  13. A beautiful quilt and lovely pictures. I love the idea of pup-sickles. Never thought of it, it usually is not extremely hot here but this summer (even though it was just a few days) we had record breaking temperatures over 100F for the first time ever. Should that happen again, I can give this a try for our Whopper!

  14. Another quilt done and it looks great! I love the backing fabrics--so fun! It certainly looks like Coco and Hoot are enjoying their treats! What a cute idea to use old patterns to wrap gifts :)

  15. Your nine patch tutorial is the best I have seen. Students love that technique and it is great for swaps.

  16. As a French, the "Toile de Jouy" is one of my favorite fabric !
    Congratulations for this beautiful finish Barb !! I guess we can add "Toile" with any repro fabric !
    You had a fabulous idea with this quilt !! Ans swaps are the best time for quilters ;)

  17. The toile sashing takes that simple 9-patch up a few notches. It is so pretty.
    Your summer dog treats are very clever. If I had a dog I would definitely give that a try. Maybe I need to tell my BIL about your clever, cool treat for canines.
    Wonderful use of an old pattern for gift wrap.

  18. And I love the horsey saw horse! what a cute idea!

  19. What a sweet quilt! The quilting is a wonderful design and I love the toile. I think toile enhances every quilt it's put into.

  20. The dogs must have loved their homemade treats! Your nine patch tutorial is one of the best. I love using old patterns for tissue paper, such a fun surprise! You Christmas quilt is not that old and it is wonderful!

  21. Just a great toile setting, really makes the nine patches "you" - cute idea for the pupsicles. I've done that before, but just with water. Great idea to use stock.

  22. Your double nine patch is fabulous. I of course LOVE the use of the toile. I'd never have thought of that.
    And the circus backing?? AWESOME... great job at piecing. I have never seen that fabric but could see why you'd grab it for SOME future use.
    And I love your use of the old clothing patterns (I might admit to having some still!). What a great idea for wrapping paper!!
    I have to say that I love your porch also. Looks so inviting with the comfy furniture and beautiful trees to gaze at!
    I've yet to use the stencil that you sent me but I sure like what Christine did with her quilting those adorable hearts!

  23. I was looking online just a few days ago at some of the circus fabric that you used. I did not inspiration of how to use it except maybe for backing. It is a really interesting fabric.

  24. I agree on the horse. I love when someone has done something crafty in a store window or created a bit of their own yard art.

    I like doing unconventional wrapping too, often wrapping in fabric I'm ready to rehome. I really like what you did here. Thanks for the inspiration.


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