
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ninigret Quilt Show

Hi Quilters and Friends! 
Today I'm sharing photos from last weekend's Ninigret Quilt Show.
Here is my favorite quilt in the show. 
 I love the texture and variety of these flowers.
What a bold mix of fabrics and textures.  
So I'd like to take this opportunity to say that guild shows are my favorite shows.  The quilts are made with love.  You can see that.  Are they all perfect?  Absolutely not but they are REAL.

A Fun With Barb Swap Quilt made by Barbara.
 I really like that dusty lavender setting fabric.  It works so well with the repro churn dash blocks.
Tina's Modern Swap Quilt with partial seams.  I'm always amazed by Tina's creative settings.
Great historic quilt, I wish I knew more about it.
 It won viewers choice too.  We have a viewers choice award each of the 3 days and there 3 different winners.  I love that.
This quilt was made from a kit and is it stunning!  As you can see it won many well deserved awards.
I know this is hard to read so I'll just tell you, her husband gave her the kit for Christmas.  It took over 225 hours.  Great name for it.
Beautiful Applique' quilt and sweet story.
Another great quilt by Susan.  Ya'll know I love Frida!
Another incredible quilt by Tina.  This is her temperature quilt.  Her machine quilting is wonderful.  She won a well earned NQA Outstanding Achievement in Quilting award.  Congratulations Tina!
Here are a couple of wonderful President Quilts and a great Hexie Halloween Quilt.
What a nice surprise!  Alice Payne was awarded one of the Vendors Choice Ribbons.  Thank you CT Quiltworks!
My Gifts from the Sea Quilt was awarded a ribbon for use of Embellishments 😊
 As you might have seen on Instagram, I won the Best of Show award for my Jubilee Quilt.  The lighting wasn't great at the time I took the photo so I has a lot of shadows.
I always wondered how it would be to win this award, but I never imagined actually winning it.
 I also received a Vendors Ribbon from Barbara of Six Gables Designs.  Thank you Barbara!
There were many many more beautiful quilts in the show, but I was busy working a lot of the time I was there so I missed taking many of them.  I am also trying to "live in the moment" more.

I'll be presenting a lecture at First Dutchess Quilters Tomorrow night.  Click here for details.
 It will be nice to have a completely free week next week.  In the meantime, I'm with coco.....


  1. all such beautiful quilts - I have been to several guild quilt shows and yes they are great - the other shows are great too but the quilts seem much more "professional" and they are great of course but different!

  2. Best in Show! Hooray for you and your beautiful Jubilee quilt! And I'm so glad Alice Payne was recognized, too. It looks like you had a very successful show with a great variety of styles of quilts. Congratulations to you and the quilters of Ninigret!

  3. Hooray for all the ribbons you won Barb !! It's of course, well deserved !!
    Thank you for sharing the other quilts ... they are all wonderful !
    Have fun for your lecture and before that, give a big hug to Coco !!

  4. Congratulations, Barb! I love the breadth of your vision--working in everything from traditional to improv. Such creativity.

  5. You go girl! Congratulations! I do love quilt guild shows too...very fun!

  6. Oh what wonderful quilts! I wholeheartedly agree that guild shows are the best. Congratulations on your well deserved wins!! Have a great free week with Miss Coco!

  7. Great job on the ribbons! The recognition is well deserved! Lots of other amazing quilts as well!!

  8. Your Jubilee quilt is stunning, Barb. Congratulations on a well deserved ribbon!
    I love reading posts showing quilts from the varius shows around the country. I agree the guild shows are best in many ways. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Congratulations for winning ribbons. Your work is so beautiful. Hugs

  10. awesome show! well deserved ribbons all around...

  11. Congratulations on the well-deserved ribbons!! Beautiful quilts in this show--I love that roses one too..her choice
    of supporting fabrics is super...thanks for the tour hugs, Julierose

  12. WOW! What and achievement, so many ribbons, and each of them very well deserved. Thanks for sharing the photos and I'm with Coco, she knows how to make good choices! Give her a belly rub for me please.

  13. Congratulations on all of your ribbons! How wonderful to have your work so well appreciated. I enjoyed seeing your other photos too - lots of inspiration :0)

  14. Wonderful show. So many beautiful designs and the creativity was delightful to see. Congratulations on your well-deserved ribbons. You do such great work.

  15. I agree those are the best quilt shows! Congrats on your ribbons! Well deserved!

  16. I love love love your posts and visiting quilt shows vicariously through you. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your ribbons!!! Well deserved!

    I spent a long time this morning looking up Frida... what an amazing woman! What she endured! I want to learn research her life and work more now.

    Yes... one thing I've learned after loosing my husband 7 years ago and the journey with my new life in the smoky mtns and this old house is to take one day at a time and soak it all in....

  17. Many congratulations on all you ribbons! Your Jubilee quilt is just amazing! And the beach scene is wonderful too!!

  18. Thanks for sharing these wonderful quilts. Congratulations on your ribbons, well deserved for sure. Enjoy your ‘free’ week.

  19. Gorgeous quilts, every one of them. Congratulations on your well-deserved ribbons too.

  20. Congratulations on all your ribbons .... they are truly well deserved!

  21. Congratulations! Congratulations! Oh My! So many ribbons! I'm so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the other quilts too. I've enjoyed this post a lot. ;^)

  22. Congratulations!!! Wonderful post with terrific quilts.

  23. Congratulations! It is so deserved, your quilt is a beauty and such wonderful workmanship.
    Love seeing all the other quilts too, thank you for sharing.

  24. Yay! Congratulations on ALL your awards--specially Best of Show! Well deserved, Barb! Enjoyed seeing some of your favorite quilts, too. The Class of the 20th Century caught my eye. Hope you are enjoying your free week with Coco :)

  25. So much fun to view your favorites from this quilt show. Yours are my favorites, of course! Kudos on the blue ribbons - they are well deserved. And it was so much fun seeing my block live in Tina's quilt! Maybe mine should go on the list for finishing next year...

  26. I agree, local shows have the best quilts! Congratulations on all of your ribbons, well deserved! It reminds me I need to get on my churn dash blocks. They are in the UFO pile!

  27. Congratulations on your well-deserved ribbons! Very beautiful quilts. :)

  28. Lots of ribbons Barb - well deserved ! I'm with you - I love small guild shows. I did always sort of wish my guild in MA had judging and ribbons.... for the feedback, the fun, the recognition. Thanks for sharing the photos - so much beauty. I know what you mean - balancing taking photos with the blog in mind... versus just being in the moment.

  29. Thanks for sharing the quilt show pics! I don't get to go to very many shows and the pics always turn out so dingy. Love the floral quilt with the different textured flowers. Wowsers! Would have loved to see that one in person. So sweet to see your Alice Payne quilt again.That's one of my all time faves of your quilts!

  30. Congratulations. The quilting on your Jubilee is wonderful. I've been studying it. Thank you for sharing. I love that first quilt you showed too.

  31. WELL DARN I use to belong to FIRST DUTCHESS QUILTERS but now I am a southern :0). CONGRATULATIONS on your outstanding entries and thank you for sharing the quilt show with us. So many talented quilters!!! Happy Sewing

  32. Wow -- what a great collection of quilts. And Congratulations on your ribbons -- very well deserved! I love that first quilt too -- such pretty colors and textures. Apparently I haven't been to a quilt show in a long time -- I didn't realize they were making the distinction between types of machine quilting -- it took me a minute to think of what track mounted meant LOL.

  33. What a fun mixture of wonderful quilts! Congrats on your ribbons--well deserved, for sure!

  34. Congratulations on your prize winning quilt! And thanks for quilt show -- local shows are so inspiring.


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