
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Celebration of Quilts!

Oh My!  Song of the Sparrow won the favor of the judges at the recent Brownstone Quilt Show this past weekend.
My quilt was awarded with 1st in Applique Wall Quilts, Best Hand Quilting and Best in Show.  I am so honored and still amazed.

The show was excellent and the quality of the quilts was the highest it has ever been.

I was very preoccupied chatting with friends and guild members so I didn't get all the photos that I would have liked but here are some of my favorite quilts:

Pauline's City Scape One Block Wonder - and what a wonder it is!  She was awarded 1st place duet wall quilt, Judged Choice and Viewer's Choice (awarded after photo).
Nancy's (co-chair) BOM Star Quilt.  Machine quilted with my fan stencil.
Pauline's Star (BOM co-chair)  Such an incredible setting!
Another Star BOM Beauty by Peggy.
Norma's Baby Quilt with embroidery animals.
Incredible recreation of a 1916 Quilt that was a feature quilt and book cover of the Red and White Infinity Variety Show in NYC.
Fun hexie quilt by Margaret.  The title is "never again".
Lovely 4 Block Applique' by Maureen.
I was absolutely smitten with this pattern.  So charming! and so well done.
Love those Hand Quilted Baptist Fans!
 Each Pair carried a "ticket to ride".  Adorable!
Nine-patch color wave quilt by Jacqueline 
Finished Lollipop workshop piece made by Flo.  Love the colors!  Flo won the raffle quilt on Saturday - yay
 Margarets Harry Potter Quilt.  As a inept paper piecer I am impressed!
Action shot of my God Jul quilt going up.  Thanks you Sir!
My Toile' the Night Before Christmas.
 You can see more on the Brownstone Facebook Page Here.

My Silly Vanna White Impression - Have to get it while the gettings good, right?  ha ha
 Nutmeg is totally unimpressed and just wants a belly rub :)
coco says "lady: hurry up and put my fleece on the sofa, it's cold here CT."
Congratulations to all members of the Brownstone Quilt Guild on a Fabulous Celebration of Quilts, and especially my friends, Pauline and Nancy for Co-Chairing this wonderful event.



  1. congratulations on your quilt! all of the quilts you show are so nice

  2. Congratulations! Well done. And “Ticket for Two” is adorable!

  3. No surprise here! It is nice to be recognized for a job well done. I love this quilt and hope to see it in person soon! Looks like the show was a great success! Thanks for sharing all the super quilts. And, although I have never watched "Wheel of Fortune", I think your Vanna impression is fabulous!

  4. It's beautiful! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations, Barb. That's an award well-earned and deserved. Your quilt is fabulous.
    And I'd give you an oscar for your Vanna White imitation!!
    Love seeing all the other quilts from the show. Sure looks a group of talented quilters!!

  6. Fabulous show! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on taking Best of Show!!!

  7. Congratulations! Great the judges agreed on the award! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  8. Congratulations, well deserved. Loved the ticket to ride!

    1. Thank you so much! yes, such a charming pattern and well executed. thanks for visiting

  9. Of course you won Best of Show, etc.!! Having followed your blog for years, I have witnessed your work on Song of the Sparrow and just wish I could see it in person along with other quilts that you have. I'm so happy for you. You certainly have worked hard for these honors. Thanks for showing some of the other lovely quilts in the show!!

  10. Congrats again! Looks like some pretty amazing quilts!!

  11. So happy for you! Well deserved

  12. Congratulations, very much a perfect judges' choice. Always fun to see quilts from another regional quilt show.

  13. Beautiful Quilts Barb. Congratulations on your ribbons -- VERY well deserved!

  14. So happy for you! Congratulations!! ;^)

  15. You're right, there are a lot of beautiful quilts at the show. Congratulations on your ribbons! Well deserved!

  16. Congratulations again, Barb! Yes, it was a wonderful show with many beautiful quilts, a great variety of designs and colors! Brownstone Quilters outdid themselves this year! Thanks for the lovely post.

  17. WooHoo, Barb! Congrats on your well--deserved ribbons. And thanks for sharing many of the show quilts with us.

  18. It's well deserved of course and I'm not surprised !!
    Congratulations Barb !!
    And thank you for sharing these beautiful quilts ! Great job ladies !

  19. Wonderful quilt show! So pretty. Congrats on Songbird. It was worth your ever so careful repair. Thanks for posting the beautiful quilt photos!

  20. Your quilts are always a delight to see hung in a show. Thanks for sharing so any incredible quilts from the show. It's humbling to see what people can do with needle and thread.

  21. Three well-deserved top awards- wow and congratulations!! Cute Vanna shot. And always fun to share a tour of a quilt show- lovely work.

  22. Congratulations, Barb! And thanks for the photos of other quilts in the show.

  23. Wow, what an array of fabulous quilts! Congratulations on your well deserved ribbons, Barb - your Songbird quilt is spectacular!

  24. What a fun mix of quilts at that show! Congrats on your well deserved ribbons--how fun!

  25. Congratulations on your quilt awards! Your blog is one of my very favorites and I so appreciate your sharing your expertise with all of us who admire your work.

    1. Thank you Laurie! I appreciate your kind comments!

  26. Congratulations on the ribbons! So exciting to get one ribbon, but to get three... you must have been beside yourself!
    Such a lovely selection of quilts from the show... thanks for showing us!

  27. Congratulations Barb!! Your Song of the Sparrow is spectacular! Well deserved ribbons :0) Maureen's quilt is marvellous as well with such beautiful applique and handquilting. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures.

  28. Congratulations on all your well deserved ribbons!!! I love that quilt so much, the bird border is the most unique I have ever seen.
    All the quilts you showed were great. Looks like a very good show!

  29. Congrats on the ribbons - well deserved, for sure! I would love a blog post or two with on your hand quilting process!

  30. Congratulations on your quilt - it is beautifully done and it was certainly in good company - a lot of talented quilters in your area! Thank you for sharing.

  31. What a wonderful show, thank you for sharing. And Congrats on the win! YEA! Love your sense of humor as well.

  32. Congratulations on another ribbon! It is a really wonderful quilt! cheers!

  33. Congratulations on your ribbons, so well deserved, and love the "Vanna" photo! You should frame that!! What fabulous quilts, all of them. So fun to see such a variety of settings for the Star BOMs! Looks like your guild members produce some pretty amazing quilts.

  34. I'm so sorry I missed the show--and your quilts. As always, congrats on your well-deserved ribbons! Absolutely love your Song of the Sparrow :) Thanks for sharing pics of so many wonderful quilts!!

  35. How exciting for you, Congratulations on your ribbons! ~ such a beautiful quilt.

  36. Well done you especially in a show with so many stunning quilts.

  37. Hi Barb, I love your quilts- so bright and happy. I am wondering what God Jul means. Thanks!


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