
Monday, September 28, 2020


 Thank you so much for your kind wishes for a fast recovery from Lyme's Disease.   It is getting better just in the last few days.

I finished this table runner to use on my Zoom table in my sewing room.

When not zooming, it is a great little table for laying out blocks or cutting.

This was a sew along with my Ninigret Quilt Guild.  Thank you Tina and Sharon!  We used Kari's sew along instructions you can find them here.

I low volume prints with lots of sewing themes.

the pattern had 10 different layouts of the block, but I mixed it up and many many versions.

My friends Joe,  Pauline and I tried to figure out how many combinations you can make with these subcut parts to make a 6" block.

In the end we decided A LOT!!

I really wanted to get back to my sewing machine, so I set up my area so I wouldn't have to get up (counter to how I usually sew).

Using my little table, gave me the idea to custom make this size.
I marked it on a 45 degree angle and made uneven parallel quilting lines.  Isn't this the cutest sheep fabric?
I had this pretty variegated thread that  thought added a little fun.

This is how I attach a single fold binding.  I have a tutorial on a tab on the top of my page.  
Here is what you DON'T want to do.  I forgot to plot out my corners and ended up with a connection seam right at a mitered corner - oooops.  I muscled through it.
I use just a tiny bit of school glue to hold it down.
This time I machine stitched it down.  I stitched from the front right next to the binding, and is was very close at some points.   I used a 1 1/2"  strip, but would 1 3/4" next time.
I wound the batting and backing trimmings into a rag ball and made a little mug rug with some leftovers.  The selvage of the lamby fabric had little bunnies on it - too cute.
Thanks I'm grateful for this week:

My new Singer 301!  I have named her Betty.  Everyone on IG said this is a fabulous machine.  I still haven't really tried her out yet.

I met Betsy in town for the sale.  Thank you Betsy!  It was great to see you, if only briefly.  I hope you had a great time in NH.

Grateful for this wonderful surprise care package from Rondi.  It was full of so many fun goodies.   Thank you for your thoughtfulness, generosity and kindness.
For my son, Andrew, who graduated from nursing school with honors.  He also "unofficially" passed his NCLEX nurse licensing test in the least amount of questions:  60.

The world will be better with a nurse like him!

Have a great week.  

I'll be here doing my "Homework"


  1. That runner is darling! Ah, you got the sewing machine from Betsy? That makes it extra special!! Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Oh congratulations to Andrew!!! And, I wholeheartedly agree that we can all use nurses like him. I can tell by his smile (and knowing his Mom) that he will be superb!! As for that quilted table covering - wow! Love it! But, couldn't you have made a few more projects with the leftovers? - wink!! I have a thing about fabric balls. Can't imagine why!

  3. Somehow I missed the post about Lyme disease. Good grief, Barb! Well, I’m glad you’re getting better. Your table topper - what a cool idea, and I love the fabrics. I do bindings on doll quilts with your method, but I hand stitch them down. I haven’t yet mastered doing it by machine. Your new vintage machine is a beauty!

  4. congrats to your son - we need as many nurses as we can get and we are so thankful to all of them - we have three in my family. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better - love that fabric

  5. I love this runner, especially the vintage dress pattern fabrics, so perfect for your sewing room. You will love your new 301, they are about my favorite vintage machine, along with my 201 and featherweight of course. So good to hear that you're starting to feel better.

  6. That sheep fabric is absolutely adorable! Can you say who designed it? Thank you.

  7. I think I have a fat quarter of that sheep cute. Great table topper! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I’ve just recently had a bad bout of poison ivy...finally clearing up but miserable for the last couple of weeks. Congratulations to your son. A wonderful accomplishment!

  8. Congratulations to your son. Well done! I absolutely adore that new table topper. The themed lie volume prints look wonderful all patched together. Good job!

  9. The table topper is so neat--love the fabrics in that one.
    Happy for your son--no mean feat these days...
    Good to hear you are beginning to feel better--Lyme disease really lays you low..
    Hugs, stay safe....Julierose

  10. Congratulations to your son! Male nurses are very much desired these days and my DS who is a nurse has a talent for getting needles into veins which is also very much desired! I recently read in one of Jo Morton's books that she uses single fold binding on all her quilts, including large ones. I have been using single fold on small quilts such as table runners and lap quilts for a long time. I really like your table runner made to cover the whole top of the table and love the line stitching.

  11. Congratulations Andrew!!!! I love your new table topper, what a fun place to dream and design more amazing quilts!

  12. Such good news that you are seeing improvement on the health front!
    What a great table topper. Those low volume sewing themed prints are perfect.
    Oh, getting those binding "joins" on the corners is frustrating. Sometimes, even though I think I have planned well, it lands there.
    Love those selvedge bunnies! Some fabric companies are getting so clever with their selvedges.
    A beautiful new machine! Tempting to try and find one for myself, but I don't know where I'd keep another machine.
    Congrats and kudos to your son!

  13. Congratulations to your son for his accomplishments and to you for raising him so well. I know you are proud!!!

    Love the low volume table runner, such fun fabrics and quilting.

  14. Oh my!!. that table runner is ADORABLE!! I love all the fabrics, too! What a cute idea. Is one of those "low volume" fabrics typewriter keys?? And the little mug rug is so cute! LOVE using selvages like that.
    And congrats to Andrew!! He'll be a fabulous nurse and SO techy too!!
    And Betty ?? I told you my 301 will be Betty's friend, Veronica!!

    So glad you are finally feeling better. Lyme disease?? BLAH... You show it who's BOSS!!
    love ya

  15. Love your new table runner. Those fabrics are to die for! Love the pop of orange every now and again. Got to find some fabric like that. Congratulations on this darling of a finish. Love the little rabbits in the mug rug. Too cute! Congratulations to Andrew too. You have your own personal nurse, lucky you. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Take care. ♥ ;^)

  16. What a delightful place to do homework. Your table top quilt is so charming for your workspace. The low volume fabrics won't distract you too much as you plan your next project.😉

  17. Congratulations to your son !! You must be a proud mama !!
    I love your design wall ah ah !! And your table top ! The fabrics are gorgeous and soooo fun !
    I'm glad you are better and better.....

  18. Love the fabric runner fabrics and quilting. So glad you are feeling better. Congratulations to your son.

  19. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery! Thanks for the reminder about your single binding tutorial; I have three table runners in need of binding, so I will be trying your idea. Congrats to Andrew on passing the NCLEX and many wishes for a long, rewarding career!

  20. It was great to see you! Enjoy that machine. Love mine, all 3 of them LOL! Congratulations to Andrew. Hope we can have another sewing day, it was sew much fun.

  21. Love your table topper and the great sew a long from your guild. Glad you are feeling better.

  22. Great project with wonderful fabrics. A Zoom table- one year ago you didn't know you'd need one of those, now did you? Welcome Betty- it will be fun to see what you think of her. Best to Andrew- his nursing career will now include all he needs to know about Lyme disease!

  23. What are the four blocks in the left corner on your design wall? The circles? They are so nice. Well, everything is nice! Congratulations to Andrew. We need nurses.

  24. Your Betty sure looks like the machine I now have that used to belong to my mother Betty! When we get her cleaned up and usable she too will be named Betty!

  25. Great Blog post. Love the table topper. Congratulations to Andrew! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Really enjoy your blog and tutorials, thank you. Love your Steampunk blocks, it was a fun, fun quilt to make. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  27. Congratulations to Andrew - that is terrific! We need good nurses! Nice table topper and I just love your space in general. So glad you are on the road to recovery from Lymes!

  28. Hi, I love the way you quilted the runner with different spaced quilting lines. Congratulations on your sons furture

  29. Congratulations to Andrew! He chose the perfect year to go into nursing. Glad to hear the Lyme Disease is on the way out the door! Be gone! You are the clever one, always! Always a spark of inspiration for the rest of us. You will love Betty, she will make the sweetest sound, music to your ears. Enjoy!

  30. I can't remember if my vintge Singer is a 201 or 301. Anyhow it is black. I have played with it but not done any serious sewing on it.

    Is Lyme Disease a temporary condition or something you have to deal with from now on? I don't know much about it.

  31. I've just had a fun catch-up of your blog Barb -- looks like you've been staying busy and VERY productive. In spite of the Lyme disease -- ouch! I hope you recover from it quickly. Love that cool new table runner -- especially the adorable lambie fabric on the back! XO

  32. Glad you're on the mend, Barb. The table runner is wonderful -- love the sewing-themed prints. Congratulations to Andrew!....and enjoy Betty!

  33. Wow a new nurse in the family :0) Congratulations from a retired ICU nurse. I am always so pleased to see young people take up the profession of caring for the sick. Lovely projects Barb, I always enjoy seeing your fabric you have a favorite online shop?

    Glad to hear the Lyme is easing up, take good care of yourself and Happy Sewing!


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