
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

knock knock

 I'm here....chugging along.   I made a little left over quilt of tiny crosses.

The only doll I had that it seems appropriate for is my Troll.

I attended another workshop with Maria Shell through the Brownstone Quilt Guild.  This time it was for the kitchen sink quilt.

Here is where it started with some Fun With Barb Swap Blocks.

Then I added some more blocks and deleted some.
And now with more black and white.
I've started sewing big areas together.  Always a good challenge to get it all connected.
My sweet and spicy Nutmeg who loves to lay on the warm ironing board.  She is good company on these long stay home days.  Shes not mad, that is her resting bi**h face.
A sneak peak at what else I'm working on.  What could these be??
I have recently joined 2 new guilds that are offering wonderful programs via Zoom.  That brings my total to 5 guild memberships!  I have really enjoyed seeing a variety of inspiring lectures.
I listened to this a podcast by the BBC.  I guess you could say I was trying to escape the world as it is at the moment.
I also watched this 12 episode series on HBO.    I couldn't believe it is already 22 years old.  It is still wonderful!
Incredible to think that in 1969 we put a man on the moon and now in 2020 we question science.   What on earth?.....which is why I visited the Moon.

I received this card from my Ninigret Secret Pal.  As she said "Ideas for you next House Quilt!" 
I love to look through the windows to the real scene outside :)
Have a good week and take care!


  1. yes one wonders why science is being questioned! how is the Lyme disease going you haven't mentioned hope you have recovered. Love all your blocks

  2. Love your little Troll quilt, such a good idea to use up the leftovers! I love kitchen sink quilts, it is hands down my favorite way to work. Wow 2 more guilds? Sounds like fun. Hope you are feeling better (-:

  3. I love that kitchen sink quilt! Can you share guilds that are offering online memberships? I am missing that connection

  4. Love the old-fashioned troll! New ones just don't cut it in my world! Have a small collection in different sizes and hair colors. Cool quilts too. Always enjoy your posts and creativity. Thanks for sharing ;-)

  5. Your troll looks very happy with his colorful new quilt (hehehe). Can't wait to see how the Kitchen Sink quilt turns out.

  6. You always have such fun things to share Barb! Your kitchen sink quilt is wonderful - those blocks go together so well and your setting is so fun. I like your eyeballs :0) I look forward to seeing what happens with them. What a great Halloween card - the view through the little windows is lovely and green - the view through my windows is white...

  7. I'm so envious that you were able to take Maria's "Kitchen Sink" workshop! Your quilt looks good! Are you continuing to work on it? The timing of that workshop didn't work out for me, and now I see she's not offering it. She's offering three other workshops though, and I will consider them. Can't believe you belong to five guilds! I'm in three, though one is local (and very traditional), my own local MQG chapter (I'm the founder), and I joined South Florida MQG. Like you, I joined to be able to engage and hear presenters and take workshops, because my own MQG chapter voted to not bring in speakers or workshop presenters. I'll be taking a November workshop with South Florida that's being given by Malka Dubrowsky to make her "Maze" quilt. Really, the best thing to come from this pandemic is all the online opportunities that we wouldn't otherwise have. I'm not even planning to attend QuiltCon Together because everything I'm interested in is being offered before then!

  8. OMG, of course you have a troll doll! We have only one vintage one left and Gordon chopped his hair off in the 60's and calls him Jimi Hendrix. Very cute! Love that mini!! I will link it in to my mini post at the end of the month. Love what you are doing with all that orange and black. And, I'm sure those are not googly eyes but they would be cute on a Halloween quilt! Hope all goes well today!!

  9. The quilt looks great and the troll doll made me laugh!
    The Kitchen Sink quilt looks amazing. Right now I don't think my brain could figure out how to assemble something like that.
    Hope you are feeling better now, Barb!

  10. Your troll quilt is sooo fun !!
    And I love the modern quilt you are working on.. Is it for Halloween ?
    I think so...

    I wish you a lovely end of week dear Barb !
    Cheers :)

  11. Little Miss Troll is so lucky to have such a fun quilt. Watching your newest quilt come together is always a treat. It's like a little movie as the blocks move and repostion themselves on the design wall. Hope you're continuing to feel better. Wishing you a lovely week too.

  12. LOVE that sweet mini and I really like the direction you took with those swap blocks!!

  13. Your Maria Shell quilt is coming along so well! And I love the newest eye-ball quilt
    Knock knock...
    who's there???


    Hawaii who?

    I'm fine. Hawaii you???


  14. Your Nutmeg is a real beauty. So cozy too. It's always fun to see a glimpse of your process. Thanks for the show recommendations. We just watched the four part Challenger series on Netflix. Really good.

  15. Fun post, Barb! Cute mini with all those little cross blocks. I love how your kitchen sink quilt is coming along. I wouldn't even know where to begin! Five guilds? Wow! So many neat things happening virtually these days. Nutmeg is such a cutie and I'm so glad she keeps you company :)

  16. So much Fun with Barb (as usual)! Love the colors in the Kitchen Sink quilt!

  17. Oh, such fun! My troll (from 6th grade) is in storage somewhere. Hadn't thought about joining other guilds for remote programs. I'll have to check that out.

  18. Hi Barb

    I have also joined several guilds..I am up to 4. I have signed up as a guest to a few lectures as well. One is Maria Shell! I could make many kitchen sink quilts...I am loving how yours is evolving. Lucky troll to have a special quilt made just for it,

  19. Your troll and cute little quilt are a match made in heaven! I have a few of those little trolls lying around -- I can't believe we've kept them this long. I can't imagine having the time for that many guilds -- I can't even handle one! Your kitchen sink quilt look like lots of fun - what a great way to use up some of your blocks!


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