
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Grateful During Dark Days

 I hope you all enjoyed a safe and healthy Thanksgiving 2020.  I wanted to document ours because we were blessed to be together for a whole week.

My someday to be, son-in-law, David, made his family's dinner rolls from scratch.
Rich's Apple Pie.
One of three cranberry sauces.
These little cornucopias and singing ALL verses of We Gather Together have been a tradition at our table for over 30 years.
We had a 16lb Turkey this year.   (I over cooked it a bit, but gravy saves it, right?)
Coco enjoyed her annual Formal Thanksgiving Dinner.  Hanna's narration so cute.
My favorite part of the week was playing board games with my family!
The Game of Life - Andrew Won (again).
Masterpiece - such a fun old game!  We enjoyed playing and eating a 70s cheeseball :)
It is auction game of paintings from the Art Institute of Chicago which is where my love for fine art was born.
We started Careers also, another oldie but had to abandon it for dinner.

I am grateful for all the friends and family in my life.   For those who live near or far and hope and pray next year we will have even more to be Thankful for.

p.s. for Advent, I am posting a quilt a day on Instagram.  You can find me at Barb Vedder or Fun With Barb.


  1. What a blessed time with your family. The food looked out of this world! I cremated a,turkey once, but it still tasted good. I bet the (leftovers) soup, if you made some, was fabulous. I remember playing the game of Life, but not the others. How fun!

  2. That's the best way to spend the holidays in my book. Family, good food, and game boards. Cheers! ;^)

  3. What a wonderful family Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing. Hugs

  4. .... and I loooove your quilts on IG !!
    Thank you for sharing these happy days with all your family !!

  5. And a good time had by all, just as it should be! We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving with some of the family too.

  6. Looks like some wonderful family time, Barb. Glad you were able to gather.

  7. Wait...did Hannah marry David already? How did we miss that???

  8. How fun to eat drink and play together! A happy family is such a wonderful blessing! Love those mini cornucopia, and maybe start the song tradition! We are a musical family. Take care!

  9. Glad you were able to get together. It was just my husband and I here without the usual activity of kids and grandkids. Board games are great - so much interaction. I loved your floral and pilgrim centerpiece.

  10. You were lucky to have family safely with you for the holiday and are wise to be grateful! Games are big in our family too and I really missed that, but am hoping next year will make up for it :) I'm enjoying your daily instagram quilt posts!

  11. It looks like you had a good week! I love board games and have many fond memories of playing them all summer long as a kid. It is such a great way to interact with anyone but especially family. I also spotted that martini, just saying!

  12. It is a blessing to share such special family times. You always look like everyone is having a great time. Nothing better for making memories than playing all those board games. I have been enjoying seeing all of your quilts. It's a special holiday quilt show!

  13. We had a blast playing board games too! So glad you were all able to be together. We are blessed!

  14. Hello Barb,

    Happy family times..Hope you will enjoy happy family Christmas times .
    I like to look at your quilts


  15. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday with your family! I usually make Thanksgiving dinner but this year I ordered it from a restaurant/caterer in Lake Placid. Must admit it was really good! We usually play games, too! So much fun to hear the laughter!

  16. This post really makes me smile. I'm so happy for you that you could have your dear ones close by for a week of fun and food. Lucky Coco too! Playing games is so fun and you have some classics that I've never heard of. I'm loving your daily quilts on IG.

  17. Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving festivities! What happiness to be able to have family together - even for a whole week! ;-)

  18. How lovely for you to be able to bring family together! I'm envious. Your meal of homemade looks delicious! It was just the two of us here, though hubs went all-out and made a traditional turkey dinner with a 12-pound turkey. We've had turkey tetrazzini and turkey salad since then, and the remaining turkey has been frozen. Your board games look fun, and very different than others I'm accustomed to. So great that you enjoyed a cheese ball! That's still a family favorite served with Chicken in a Biscuit crackers. :-) I'm happy for you to have had a good celebration.


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