
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Intentions for 2021

Greetings!  I hope you are all safe and well taking care of eachother.

Here are six quilting project that I have chosen to complete in 2021.

Whig Rose - I have finished quilting the center and 1 border so this is a definite.
Jill's Quilt - Half of this top is appliqued.  I intend to finish this top and if I have time, start big stitch quilting.
Love Birds - I will machine quilt this one.
Teatime at Downton Abbey - I will machine quilt this one.
Animal Crackers - I need to finish the machine applique and machine quilt it.
Chernobyl - I intend to make a total of 16 blocks add machine applique' borders and machine quilt it.  
Wish me luck and we'll see how I did come December. 

In Current News:
I did a little demo for my Ninigret Guild on liberated house construction and made these two blocks.
We are having a mystery medallion sew along.  Here is mine so far.
Yay for solids!
I have decided to join my friend, Cecile', with her 2021 Quilt Along.  The theme this year is "curves".  how fun.
By the way, I created this runner many years ago, long before the Temecula Quilt Co. rolled it out as their "down home darling".  It isn't the first time they have stolen my work.  I wish they would stop it.

I have been loving learning to crochet.  I am using Youtube videos to make hats.  Here is my favorite hat so far.  The Waffle Hat.
After Hanna saw mine, she ordered a hot pink one.  I bought a faux fur pom pom for her.  She lives in DC and is safe with her fiance in their apartment which is 6 blocks from the capital.  
I purchased a Clover Pom Pom maker for my girly hats.  They are so fun!
I order a set of 4 smaller pom pom makers.  I plan to make snowballs.  Here is my giant one.
Well friends, what can I say?  2021 is off to a rough start.  Here is a Blog Post that I really appreciated about what happened Tuesday.

As far as what is happening in the Country all I can say is please help others understand the lie that they have been fed for so many years.  The man in the White House is sick and deranged and is a Clear and Present Danger.  Help others to see it and believe it.   nuf said.



  1. yes he is a clear and present danger and wished all understood that. I love your Whig Rose.

  2. I love all the projects are planning to finish this year. I've got my own list going.
    I have deep respect for the office of the President but I have no respect for the man in the office at this time. It's terrible how one man can bring such destruction to our country. Hugs

  3. Just the post I needed to see this morning. I am making or trying to make, the Steampunk blocks for the curves quilt along. And I have that pattern of yours to make my own appliqué quilt (the Jill quilt). 2021 seems like a good year for that. I will need to get my list of quilt intentions done soon or I will only have 11 months to finish!

  4. So many projects with quilting this year !! Oh I'm pretty sure you are going to finish them !!
    Thank you for participating in the QAL !! :))
    If I understood correctly your message... this is not correct from Temecula.... :(
    Keep safe and quilt a lot !!

  5. It's encouraging to see your continued determination to keep focused and creating beautiful things. I seem stalled but at least I made some bread yesterday :-) I love the fabrics you chose for your houses.
    Someone shared a cartoon with me of two cats 'talking'. "You need to stop watching the news! You're getting all puffy!" HA! That's me...very puffy! Praying for more rationale minds and peace. A cancer has been revealed in the US and usually kind people aren't recognizing it for what it is.

  6. Wonderful projects, each of them. But I am so in love with your Chernobyl quilt and eager to watch its progress.

  7. great list of projects...all beautiful...i see more clearly how the kaffe applique quilt was made in sections...and the name 'chernobyl' is absolutely perfect for the jen kingwell...i never got the name 'steampunk' for that...

  8. Ambitious projects for 2021 but I have faith in you and your finishing skills. Glad to hear Hannah is safe!

  9. I think you’ve chosen some great ufos to work on. I just adore your Whig rose quilt. It is looking fabulous with your wonderful handquilting. Your mystery medallion is looking marvellous so far. So many inspiring projects!!

  10. Looks like a doable list for this year! Darn Temecula!
    Pom pom hats are so popular right now! Love both of the ones you made.
    I adore the liberated houses- never 2 the same!!

  11. A great list of projects - I shall watch with keen interest! Love your pom poms and hats. Hoping all goes well there for the next two weeks and you get a “new” start to the year thereafter.

  12. goodluck with all your projects......lots of lovely ones on the go........

  13. That's QUITE the project list, Barb!! Best of luck working your way through it in 2021.

  14. I love your project list and I bet you will turn all of those pieces into amazing quilts. Your last paragraph, very well put, and I totally agree. What a time.

  15. Thanks Barb...for everything. For fighting on but recognizing the damage and the hate and hurt. Have a BETTER 2021!

  16. Why is it called Chernobyl?

    Well, there’s no good politics anymore and the worst is yet to come, mark my words. It’s going to get very bad...

  17. Beautiful ufo projects. I especially like the Chernobyl blocks. And your hats look as fun and cozy as a quilt!
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  18. Compared to me you are very ambitious! Wow is about all I can say!

  19. Beautiful list of projects Barb. Crochet is fun. I started again this year. Funny how 2020 saw so many of us learning to quilt, sew, embroider, knit and crochet. I’m thinking in stressful times hands must be kept busy. I’m sure the world over will have much creating done until that man no longer has possession of the suitcase. Glad your daughter is safe. Fingers crossed that they will contain that man for 10 more days.

  20. Barb, you do wonderful applique! I'm thrilled you're now part of our WVQ guild. Since you seem to love applique so much, you really should join The Applique Society. I think you'd enjoy it.

    I hope you get to finish all these projects-you'll have to show us what you get done ;)

  21. Wonderful quilt. Love this very much! I found another fabric store which is Broadway Fabrics.

  22. Good luck with all your 2021 projects - and any squirrels that may pop up along the way! Love the pompom hats; it's been cold here (cold for us!), and I've been thinking about making a new hat, so that may be my first squirrel of 2021. You might get a kick out of following Pottspurls on Insta; she's a local fiber artist who yarnbombs all over the city, often with pompoms! I was feeling so optimistic on Wednesday morning I was starting to think about a quilt to celebrate all the strong women who've had a positive impact on politics in the past year. So much for optimism.

  23. Very ambitious but I have every faith they will all be completed in 2021. I have sent daily e-mails to both of Maine's senators stating our need for immediate impeachment proceedings. I know how Angus King feels, but Susan Collins has waffled so much in the past 4 years, I really don't know how she will vote in this issue. I remain steadfast and hopeful!!

  24. I can't wait to see your progress on all these great UFOs! I'm so impressed with your hats--and pompoms. Love that you are really into making them :) Cute little improv house blocks, too! Counting down with only 8 more days to go. . . it can't come soon enough.

  25. That’s my friend Babs super creative and ambitious. So talented. Xxx


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