
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hello from Here

Hi friends! It has been a long while since I have posted.  The news of the world has affected me a bit, but I'm here now to catch up.arb

Barb turns the big 60!
As you may have seen by now - I turned 60 on June 2nd.
We had a wonderful celebration in Vero Beach Florida.  Lots of famil  time in a wonderful VRBO.
My family had a surprise Party for  me.
Don't you love the peanut M&Ms on the charcuterie board? 
We loved  the pool my kids dubbed it "the little ocean" when we stayed home as opposed to going to the beach.  watching the blue land crabs peeking at us from the garden.
 fun to watching the blue land crabs peeking at us from the garden.
A visit to Universal Studios for one very LONG and very HOT day of FUN.
We actually have as much fun in line as on the ride.
The Newer Diagon Alley area of Harry Potter is amazing!
It truly is like entering a different world;  a magical wizarding world.
My wonderful children took me the McKee Botanical Garden
This is an amazing outdoor kitchen in the Spanish style.
A wicker sculpture - amazing!  it took two weeks for a group to construct this of green willow branches.
It was very neat to walk through and admire.
As for  quilting - I finished my workshop pieced portrait of Nutmeg.
the pinning was insane.   It was like hand piecing for the machine.
I always wanted to learn how these quilts were made and now I know, and I may will never do it again. 😅
One of my favorite summer side dishes - Three Bean Salad.

Hope you are having a lovely June!  Thank you to everyone who has wished me a Happy Big Birthday.  I so appreciate you all.


  1. Happy Birthday! 60 is a milestone. Glad your family wanted/enjoyed celebrating with you.

  2. Looks like you and your family had so much fun. Great way to celebrate!

  3. Happy 60th! You share the same date as my sister and her youngest daughter. Great people were born on that day!

  4. Barb, Welcome to the 60s! It looks like you had a marvelous celebration with the family. I hear you on the paper piecing, too.

  5. Barb, Welcome to the 60s! It looks like you had a marvelous celebration with the family. I hear you on the paper piecing, too.

  6. What a wonderful way to celebrate YOU on the 60th anniversary of your birth! Loved all the pictures.

  7. What a nice birthday celebration! Welcome to the 60's! The Nutmeg piece looks great, love the background fabric choices; it may have been easier to hand piece! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy (belated) Birthday--my next biggy will be 80!! Yikes!!
    What a great family time you had--I have a book on doing portraits--I read through it--but not for me for sure!! Way too fiddley--I think your portrait of Nutmeg is lovely--nice job!! Looks like it takes the patience (or pinning !!) of Job haha
    hugs, Julierose

  9. Another birthday wish to you Barb! When 60 we need to celebrate more than one day!

  10. Happy Happy birthday! It looks like you celebrated so well and in style! That wicker sculpture must have been absolutely amazing! I like your Nutmeg portrait but I would definitely say no thanks to that method! I know what you mean about world events. I just posted too and sat here for the longest time, having difficulty starting or ending the post, and didn't end up mentioning current events because...where to even start? It is heartbreaking.

  11. What a wonderful birthday celebration. Happy Birthday!

  12. Oh, I love to see how you celebrated--always such fun stuff with your crew. :)
    Congrats on the milestone birthday, my friend. I need to take a page from your book and celebrate my next birthday (65) in grander style. I don't think I did 60 justice, like you did!!
    The portrait quilt looks like a challenge, and I commend you for taking it on. I think looking at yours is enough for me. LOL I am such a wimp, but I am happy to have brave friends.
    I do love a good bean salad. I'll have to check out your recipe.

  13. I will be celebrating that milestone birthday next year! Great charcuterie board! Looks like a fun celebration for the whole family. Nutmeg is perfect! Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  14. A belated happy 60th birthday to you! Looks like you had a fabulous celebration with your family, which is wonderful. My advice looking back from the age of 73 is to cherish each day! Your 60’s have the potential to be one of the best times of your life because many of us are still pretty healthy during that decade, so enjoy!

  15. Happy belated 60th birthday to you! May it be the best year for exploring, discovering, growing, sewing, showing, loving and of course, drinking. ;^)

  16. Happy belated 60th! Looks like fun celebrations.

  17. Wishing you the best belated happy birthday! Your family obviously loves you very much!

  18. What a wonderful journey you are on, reaching three score at last. Belated very Happy Birthday greetings to you! If you wish you may share my George finish on your blog. I have a better picture than the one on the grass that shows the hand quilting better.

  19. Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had a great time. I love a good bean salad too :o)
    Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  20. Enjoy your new decade! Sending good wishes for happy stitching and many more glasses of champagne!

  21. Happy Birthday, Barb! It looks like you had a wonderful celebration/party with your family! That willow sculpture is amazing. You really captured Nutmeg in your latest piece! I think I'll stay away from that technique, too!

  22. Family time is best time! Welcome to the 60's!


  23. A belated happy birthday, Barb! Sixty is a big number, and it's wonderful that your family gave you so much care and attention. Lucky girl! Universal Studios looked crowded! May I recommending visiting on a rainy day? Ha! :-) You can walk wherever you wish, and get on rides as fast as you can walk! My hubs turned 70 on the 6th, and it was as quiet as yours was active. I'll turn 70 myself, next year, and definitely won't have the sort of experience you did. Appreciate it all, and remember it fondly.

  24. The pictures from your trip to Florida are fabulous. What a great way to celebrate your big birthday!
    I love what you did of Nutmeg but I agree---not for me. Very impressive!!
    So glad you are keeping up with new things. VERY impressive!!


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