
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

stuff and things

 That is our family answer when asked: "what you been up to?" Here goes....

I had a great time teaching a Liberated House Workshop for the Wayside Quilters in Sudbury, MA.

There are no two houses the same and it makes it a lot of fun to see what happens.
I love this quirky one.
It is so rewarding to see students having fun!
I took a workshop hosted by my guild; the Ninigret Quilters make to make this bag.  Our teacher, Charlie was wonderful!
I did most of my homework, while still taking care of Mr. Fun and his new knee.  I used two pretty large scale florals for the outside.
and two others that look like 1970s polyester sheets to me.  ha ha
So, I decided to approach the workshop as a fun day out and did not pressure myself.  I did make the complicated zippered pieces.  I will finish it at some point.  Stay tuned.
I was honored to be awarded 2nd place Hand Applique' at the Connecticut State Fair Banquet for my Chrome Quilt.
Every quilter who attended the banquet  received a nice zippered pouch and gift certificates from two local quilt shops; what a nice surprise! I also received a nice $35. money prize.
I'm back to winter beanie crocheting with this new pattern for  my guild's Holiday Charity silent auction.
Hope you are all staying warm and doing well.

Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blog world.  I know it is not as popular as it used to be, so I appreciate it even more!


  1. I'm still enjoying blog world. As long as people write I will read : )
    Thank you for writing
    Love wonky houses I need to make some

  2. Those wonky houses are so cute!! sounds like it was a great workshop you put on...
    Your ribbon is so deserved for that beautiful applique...
    Hugs, julierose

  3. Our family once stayed at Longfellow's Wayside Inn in one of the original rooms when we traveled to New England. It is in Sudbury, MA. I love all the houses that the quilters made in your class in Sudbury. So fun to see all the variations. Congrats on the well deserved ribbon too!
    I hope your husband's knee continues to heal well and that he is dancing a jig soon!
    Take care!

  4. You are taking such good care of Mr. Fun and his fancy new knee. How fortunate those women were to have you as a teacher and what fun blocks they created. You did a great job on the bag and congrats on your ribbon. So deserved!

  5. I always enjoy seeing what you're working on. There are so many different cute bags being designed. I wish I enjoyed working on them more. Your florals will look super fun finished. It's nice that classes are filling up once again and that you get the opportunity to share your talents with others.

  6. I love seeing the wonky houses. So fun. Congratulations on the winning ribbon, beautiful work. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love to see what's going on in your world! Thanks for continuing to blog.

  8. I agree with liz, I love blog world, and love to read a bit about people's lives as well as look at the wonderful quilts, it feels like a real human connection to people even on the other side of the world. Your quilts are amazing, Barb, you have inspired me so many times! Please keep going! Xxxx

  9. I enjoy your blog so much and hope you'll keep posting. I'll keep reading!


  10. I always enjoy reading your blog and hearing about what you are making and doing so please keep it up when you can! However, periods of slow down and temporary breaks are totally understandable and fit with the rhythms of our lives - for both blog writers and readers. Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving next week!

  11. Guess I'm "old-fashioned" but I admit that I like reading blogs. I switched to Feedly after having trouble getting Bloglovin' to load but it's taken a while for me to add blogs to the Feedly feed. I love the house blocks. Do you have any suggestions for how to quilt an entire quilt made with them? (I have a wonky house flimsy that I'd like to finish.) Congratulations on your winnings!

  12. always nice to see a post from you xo

  13. I am finally catching up. I always enjoy reading about what's going on in your world. You are so busy. Congrats on another well-deserved ribbon! Such fun house blocks and I looking forward to seeing the Gear Bag all finished :)


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