
Monday, April 24, 2023

Genesee Valley Quilt Club! Part 1

Thank you Genesee Valley Quilt Club!
Cheers Christine!  My quilt friend, hostess and an amazing quilter.

I had the distinct pleasure of visiting The Genesee Valley Quilt Club in Rochester, NY.   What an active, enthusiastic and friendly group.
They had a great promotional display for visiting teachers.
One lovely member brought me daffodils from her garden!  
How clever is this water bottle turned travel vase??  Brilliant!
What a treat to have them in my hotel room.   I brought this quilt that I made for  Hanna.
We had a group potluck dinner with many board and club members. Thank you, Peggy!
After my prestation with the club I visited Christine in her home and I was treated to a backstage tour of her quilt workrooms.  Here is a miniature of a full size quilt design created in her signature material; silk.
She is an incredible quilt maker and I hope you will have an opportunity to see her quilts in person.  

In her lower level she had this sweet display of dolls.  I love dolls so I asked her about them.

Each doll was made by her sister and are just beautiful.  Each doll has her own  unique personality and cross-stitched apron.   I was smitten by them!  I picked the "Q"doll to share.  I wish I could have admired each and every doll......but there were quilts to see.
Isn't this one magnificent?  okay, they all magnificent.  Christine has won numerous awards from every Major quilt show across the US.
You can also see some underneath.  I will admit I did not do a good job taking photos because we were chatting about them.  Christine is so generous in sharing her quilting making knowledge and techniques.
The labels are all mini-quilts themselves.  She also uses many interesting edge techniques.

I intriqued to hear about this earlier cotton quilt.

A very traditional basket quilt.  Christine explained that since the hand  quilting wasn't really showing up, she decided to do stuff work.
This the view on the back.   Her hand quilting is the best  I've ever seen, and I've seen some beautiful hand quilting.
Do I sound like a super fan groupie?  I am.

In her dining area she has a potholder quilt (yoohoo Wendy Reed).
She won the blocks on a quilting cruise.  How fun!
Oh my gosh, we had such a great three days together. 
Thank you Christine for everything!

She is so humble and her passion for  silk is undeniable.

back soon with some workshop photos.


  1. What a wonderful hostess! Thanks for sharing Christine's beautiful work with us. Sounds as though the trip was a success.

  2. How fun for you! Traveling to teach can produce a little uncertainty, but add-in staying with a stranger, and there can be even more trepidation. I'm happy for you to have been paired with a gracious - and talented! - hostess. What a happy experience! I'm glad you had a good time.

  3. Wonderful post. I'm so glad you were welcomed so warmly and had such a good time. Your host is an amazing quilter. I would love to make that beach quilt - truly one of a kind.

  4. I just knew you would have a great time with Christine!! She’s the best. Your photos brought back fond memories of my own stay with her. The club in Rochester is very welcoming and I’m sure they thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and workshop!

  5. Lucky you to be able to see Christine's fabulous quilts. Wow! What incredible workmanship and skill. I'm sure everyone enjoyed your workshop as well. A perfect weekend for everyone.

  6. Wow! Christine’s quilts and dolls are wonderful! Sounds like a great weekend with lots of inspiration for you and the members of the guild. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  7. Looks like a wonderful experience with the guild--and even more so with Christine in her home with her amazing quilts, and delightful doll collection! You were lucky to have that opportunity, and they were lucky to have you!

  8. Ohhhh wow !! I am a fan groupie too !
    Christine is a VERY talented quilter ! Her quilts are fabulous and the quilting is..... fabulous too !
    Thank you for sharing Barb and thank you for the link !

  9. Wow that is exquisite applique work and quilting too. So beautiful!

  10. Barb. Great presentation tonight. Always great to see your quilts. Miss seeing you in person. Flo

  11. What a great trip, Barb! I saw one of Christine's silk quilts at a NJ show years ago. I was totally mesmerized. And I do love that basket quilt. Her quilting is extraordinary. How cute are those dolls??? Wonderful post!

  12. What a treat for you. How fun and interesting is it to see how other quilters live and work in their space? We have rails to trails here in Kentucky too. I'm not sure if they date back to the 1800's though? Maybe? I'm going to try and remember the water bottle trick next time I take flowers to a friend.


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