
Monday, August 7, 2023

The Maine Event!

 After Vermont Quilt Festival was cancelled Wendy convinced me to enter my Chrome Sweet Chrome Quilt at Maine Quilts.  I'm so happy it received a 3rd place ribbon.
I also entered my Chernobyl quilt since Jen Kingwell was going to be the featured teacher/speaker.  I was surprised and thrilled that she posted it on her IG feed.  So I know that she saw it.  Yay.

Wendy's quilt was in the same category and received 2nd and Best Hand Quilting.  I may have done more quilting, but Wendy's is superior in every way.
Here is the first place quilt in our category. 
I finally had the opportunity to visit Busy Thimble Quilt Shop and see Cyndi.  Can you see the wonder and happiness on my face.
I think I purchased about 25 yards of fabric.  It was wonderful!
Her shop is by appointment only.   Here is her website:  The Busy Thimble

There were many beautiful quilts at the show.  Here are a few that I loved.
I really wish there was a little more information about the quilt.
I was lucky to win (bid highest) in the silent auction for  this hand quilted Amish style doll and quilt.  Nutmeg likes her too.
I also won a Christmas Raffle Basket but I didn't get a photo before giving half of it away.

It was too hot to visit the botanical garden so Wendy and I saw the Barbie Movie.  So fun!  Hi Barbie, Hi Barbie, Hi Barbie......
I'll be back soon with the Hortense Beck exhibit.   In the meantime you cans more from Maine Quilts on Gladi's Blog here and Wendy's Blog Here.



  1. Super congrats on your ribobon!!:)) It is such a beautiful piece you've made.
    So many lovely quilts on display...thanks so much for sharing--really enjoyed it...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I'm not surprised that you won a ribbon because you and your quilt deserved it! Congrats to you!

  3. Congratulations on the ribbon!!! It's a beautiful quilt, well deserving of a prize. It's funny but the viewer's choice at our recent quilt guild show was a version of Wendy William's "Round the Garden" quilt too!!! I love all the fun details in that quilt.
    25 yards??? That should keep you sewing for quite a while! Quilt on!
    My daughter and I are going to see the Barbie movie in a couple of weeks. That is a perfect box for a portrait of you.

  4. Congratulations on your ribbon. It's such a great quilt. Wow, 25 yards.
    It must feel wonderful. You'll have to show us all the lovely yardage.
    I love the circular quilting on the Improv Triangles quilt.
    Sweet little Amish quilt and doll.

  5. yes kudos to you for your beautiful quilts...i so wish i could have seen jen kingwell...i am a big fan...i used to belong to the ptqg when i was in maine so i do miss it..

  6. Congratulations again on your well deserved ribbon! Thanks for sharing more quilts from Maine and the referral to my blog. I’m always amazed that, in spite of thinking I’ve seen everything, I miss quilts at shows. I swear I didn’t see the cheddar or the triangle quilt! I hope I get back to Cindi’s amazing shop before she decides to finally close it!

  7. Congratulations on your ribbon. It is so well deserved. I love that quilt. Wendy did a fantastic job too. Love the little doll and her quilt. I wonder what name Nutmeg calls her. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. Looks like an amazing show! Well done to you and Wendy

  9. Congratulations on another ribbon for your beautiful quilt! It looks like a great show; that Jane’s Garden quilt is really interesting. That border! Thanks for sharing these quilts with us.

  10. Oh, Congrats, Barb! Well deserved ribbons for you and Wendy!
    And so cool that Jen Kingwell posted your Chernobyl quilt. on IG.
    Very happy to see that you made it to Cyndi's shop. I totally get the 25 yards. Last time I was there two years ago I did not have a carry-on bag when I flew there, but I had one full of fabric on the way home. It is such a treat to pet and gather fabrics, and to see all of Cyndi's wonderful creations.
    Thanks for peeks at some of the show quilts that caught your eye.
    Love what you snagged in the silent auction.
    And that final shot of you and Wendy is so fun!

  11. Oh congratulations for you and Wendy for the ribbons !
    They are well deserved !
    One question : what does the hand mean on your quilts please ?
    Love love love the picture of you both in the Barbie box !!

  12. Congratulations on your ribbon, your quilt is most deserving. Looks like a wonderful show, several bloggers have posted their favorites, each one a bit different so we armchair visitors have a nice sampling of the amazing variety of beautiful quilts there.

  13. Hooray for your ribbon! Glad you enjoyed the show and the visit with quilting friends.

  14. Beautiful show and much deserved ribbon and shopping at Busy Thimble! Win! Win!

  15. Congratulation on your ribbon! Lovely quilt photos you posted. The show in Maine is always a wonderful one. We visited Maine in June, so missed being there for the show. Good to see some of it through your pics and post.

  16. Love this post. Congratulations on your ribbons, Wendy's too. You are both master quilters. I loved the Barbie movie!

  17. Beautiful quilts all-around! Congratulations on your ribbon--well-deserved, Barb. Cute Amish quilt and dolly--I think Nutmeg is in love :) Cyndi's shop looks like the perfect quilt shop--it's so appealing! What fun to spend time with Wendy at the show and the movies:)

  18. Thanks for helping to educate us on this subject


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