
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Festival Quilt Follow-up

First - Happy (belated) Birthday Mary~ Thursday slipped by and I missed it, sorry blog mate! Less than 2 weeks and we'll be celebrating with Jill and Susan at my house! Can't wait!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments and questions regarding our Victoria & Albert inspired quilts. If you haven't seen them, click here.

To answer some of the questions of how, and how big:

We both used traditional needle turn applique'. We both did "mirror images" of our design motifs. We did them in sections, then appliqued over the seams. We both (I think Mary did) cut away the background behind the applique. I know I did, to ease in the hand quilting.

Mary's Quilt:

Her quilt is 70" x 75". Mary used red & white kona cotton. Mary quilted hers on her long arm quilting machine in a wavy pattern. In a post on Mary's old blog, you can see where she tried out different ideas. The cupcake club helped her decide on the wavy lines, which I still think is a great complimentary design to the bold graphic style of her quilt. Mary won 3rd place at the NJ Show in 2009, which I thought was a total rip-off, especially given the competition in the category. hiss, hiss, & meow.

Barb's Quilt:

My quilt is 88" x 88". I used a variety of reproduction fabrics on a soft pink mottled toile' background. I designed the fan quilting stencil for a custom fit on this quilt. I actually measured the borders after making the stencil so they would fit exactly. I splurged on silk batting for the hand quilting. In the end I didn't think it performed any better than my usual favorite, dream cotton, request batting. It won "best applique'" at the NJ Show 2008.

I hope this answered some of the questions - thanks again for all the interest!

Barb & Mary


  1. Happy Belated Birthday from me too Mary :0)


  2. Thanks so much. Appreciate the information, and love your blog.

  3. As many times as I have looked at the red & white quilt in the header, I didn't think about it having mirror images but it certainly does. I ordered the book a few days ago and am waiting patiently for it to come.

  4. I really love your banner. Thanks for the details. Is the silk warmer than the quilter's dream? I have always wanted to try that. Thinking about trying it on a Baltimore Album I have in progress. Did you also quilt it using silk thread?

  5. both beautiful quilts ! One that is still on my list of quits to make some day.
    love dream cotton request batting for hand quilting.
    do you always cut away behind your applique?


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