
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big Apple Cupcakers!

Before I start this fun post, let me just acknowledge the disaster in Haiti. I hope all those who have or are suffering will get the help they need. My thoughts are with the families of those lost and missing.

First, here is the progress on my Cheddar Cheese & Crackers from Lori's blog. It's been fun! I can't wait to finish it now.

Last Saturday the Cupcake club met at FIT for a guild meeting hosted by the Empire Quilters. In New York City.

I brought Red Velvet cupcakes for us, would it be a meeting without something sweet to eat?

Jill and Susan looked so cute in their matching purple. I didn't get the memo...

Sharon Schamber was the guest speaker. She has won Best in Show twice at the ASQ show and twice at the Houston Festival.

Here is some of her work that she brought to share with us. I came with a dead battery - thank Susan for sending me these photos!!

How lucky was I? I won a raffle prize. It was karma, I was going to buy my usual 6 for $5.00. The woman selling them accidentally had made a strip with 7, so for an extra buck I bought that one too figuring it was a sign, and it was. I got lots of good stuff and this cute bag.

These were the blocks for block of the month. I didn't make one, but I think they're great.

After the meeting we strolled over to the City Quilter. On the way, Jill took a photo of this beautiful window in the garment district.

At the shop I bought this exclusive NYC subway fabric and a few other things. Love the nome fabric.

After a complicated subway ride, we had a light dinner at La Bonne Soupe. We had the fancy french sandwich, Croque Monsier. It was perfect.

It was a busy, fun filled day - I hope you're finding fun things to do with your quilt friends!


  1. Your day looks like so much fun! How jealous am I. I was in NYC on Friday and CT for the weekend. I didn't get to City Quilter this time. The Empire Quilters group has a lot of talent. Thanks for sharing such a fun time.

  2. Your cheddar is coming along beautifully - I love the addition of more colors in the blocks to stand up to the cheddar; I think this looks great.

  3. sorry I missed it.. hoping to make it in feb! it was your lucky day!!

  4. Your quilt is lovely, and the cakes looked wonderful.

  5. WOW again thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures. Such inspiration!!


  6. Your little cheddar quilt is darling! I love the fabrics you've used.

    Now about those it really fair that you got to see Sharon's work AND had cupcakes? I think not! ;) LOL
    Just kidding. Thanks for sharing.

  7. The cupcakers take Manhattan - I love it! What a fun day. Great cheddar - is that a solid Kona? What's it called? You've inspired tonight's dinner - Croque Monsieur - s'il vous plais.

  8. Your cheddar cheese and crackers is moving along wonderfully. I've finished the first step, skipped 2 for now, and am working on step three. Wonderful other quilts and food as well.

  9. What a fabulous day! Thank you so much for sharing the photos of Sharon Schamber's quilts - she is so inspirational! Also feeling envious of the lovely fabric you bought at The City Quilter - when I was there a few years ago I bought gorgeous stuff too!

  10. What a great array of quilt photos. The quilting on the red & white churn dash is wonderful.

    I love red velvet cake. I have never had them made into cupcakes. I have a small slice left in the fridge right now from a bakery red velvet cake.

  11. I'm sorry I missed the meeting. It looks like it was a very interesting one. The pineapple BOM blocks look great. I'm glad you included a photo of them, I was wondering if anyone would make one! Do you know who won them so I can mail her my block?
    I'll post Whooville on the 26th. It's stunning. I'm enjoying your blog.

  12. Great photos, especially the one of you and Jill.


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