
Friday, January 29, 2010

Knit One, Purl What?

Happy Friday!

Now I have to admit I have a checkered past when it comes to knitting. I have knitted many sweaters, a couple of ponchos and some of those crazy self patterning socks. But I recently gave it all up when a sweater I was working on was not working and I bought one at TJMaxx for $15.00. It fit, and it was done and I was so happy.

Mary is the knitting queen! She knits the most complicated and wonderful garments I have ever seen. It's been very difficult at times to trail behind her at quilt shows while she sports the knitted COAT, or the knitted SKIRT.....She wears the crown very humbly, and doesn't even always admit to making some of these items, which is what I'm there for, if I'm with her. I bought a beautiful knitted jumper from North Style and had great fun telling her and others that I made it -HA, no way.

So....About a year ago I saw a quilting friend, Patty, working on a scarf and I was thought, huh? what's going on? It's called knitting illusion.

Now you see it
now you don't

Here is another view reverse of the first

Well, I love puzzles and games and decided I had to try this. The patterns are free on many Internet sites like this one. They are worked with 2 colors and use alternating stitches to create the hidden patterns.

If you have cats, like me, it's very handy to put your yarn balls in zip-locks, like this

I'm about the start the the peace sign and skeleton for the other end and plan to add fringe. Maybe I'll have it done for next winter.

And finally - Here is Stanley. I made him a couple of years ago and January is his month. His name refers to the children's book about "flat" Stanley. The back represents hope for spring.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. very interesting scarf, I have never seen that before
    Mary is an incredible knitter and garment maker too
    remember that jacket she made?
    oh cute snowman love the backing....I am enjoying picking out backs now

  2. Ha ha - I want to remind you that you don't knit - your words not mine.
    Great scarf btw. Love that bird fabric! I'll do a post this weekend.

  3. Great scarf!! I envy anyone who knits... That bird fabric is so cool too... Stanley has some bird company...

  4. What an unusual scarf! Knitting is so popular here in Oregon right now. I wish I knew how, but heh, I have enough crafts to keep me busy. I'm always jealous when a knitting friend is sporting a great sweater that fits wonderfully that i know she made!!

    Love your snowman quilt!!

  5. An interesting scarf for sure. I don't think I will be making any. Florida weather is not good for all the knitted scarves & sweaters.

    I am not familiar with "flat" Stanley. But your wall hanging is as cute as can be.

  6. The scarf is very clever and I really love Stanley.


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