
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow Day

We have had a beautiful overnight snow here in Northern NJ. I know my daughter would have loved a snow day, but they are doing a 2 hour delayed opening instead.

The famous Punxsutawney Phil groundhog as predicted 6 more weeks of winter. Well, I guess that means more time to cuddle up by a fire and quilt or read quilting books.

Here is a little doll quilt that I sent my friend, Sheila, for her Birthday. I almost always make a her a little quilt and it has often included half square triangles. This time I incorporated matching blue selvages as a little inside border.

I used this backing again - it was great for the cheddar cheese and crackers and works well here too. Instead of a separate affixed label, this time I inked right on the backing fabric.

Last weekend Jill and Susan went to a little exhibit at the The Drake House Museum in Plainfield, NJ. Susan was nice enough to send me her photos so I thought I'd share them with you. Some lovely antique quilts. I especially like the streak of lightening log cabin.

Thanks Susan!

On Friday I'm off to Chicagoland for a girls weekend. After spending a few days with my best (non quilting) school girl friends, I'll be visiting with my quilt friends. I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to.

In the new world order of air travel, it is less expensive to UPS a box of show and tell then to pack a separate suitcase. It was $42.00 round trip with insurance, versus $60.00 for the second bag. I guess the other upside is, I won't have to carry it and it will be tracked along the way.

I'm really looking forward to meeting Jan, of Be*mused. I've been a fan of her blog for years and it turns out she is a member of my old mid-west weekly sewing group. She is having a wonderful 5 year anniversary give away on her blog.

See you next week
Go Colts! (for mary)


  1. Lucky friend to get the adorable little quilt!!
    So much eye candy today. I love the antique quilts although I heard the "expert" was hilarious!!
    A trip about now is a good way to ward off spring fever!!

  2. Fantastic show and share today. So much to see here!! That little quilt for your friend is just wonderful and the selvage edges too....just amazing!! Remember when we dare not put selvage in our quilts?!! I love it!

  3. Thanks for sharing your birthday doll quilt, and the wonderful pics of the antique ones. I have a thing for six pointed stars, and never thought of setting them on a dark background. Love it.

  4. Lots of beautiful quilts. I love the little doll quilt and the backing fabric you used is really gorgeous! I love it!!
    Thank you for sharing all those antique quilt photos. They are all beautiful......and inspiring!
    Travel safely and have fun!

  5. The fun use of your selvedge edges was a creative little touch. I started saving some of those a few months ago.

  6. Well well, maybe I don't have to ship your belated Christmas gift after all! Who should I pass it on to?

  7. Thanks Barb - go Colts! I love that applique quilt. I've been following Jan's blog with all the awesome pics of the Japan quilt show. Have a great trip and good luck with your new puppy!

  8. Wonderful quilts, love the applique one in the first picture.


  9. Wow! What pretty quilts! Looks like you are headed to my area - I live in the Chicago-land area (Joliet actually!) Dress warm it's pretty cold! Have fun!

  10. I love your little blue quilt and the backing is perfect. Those antique quilts are absolutely stunning. I adore the 1st one with the red and green applique.

  11. I think we will be having more NJ snow this weekend. Thanks for sharing the older quilts with us. I love that backing fabric on your nice quilt gift.

  12. Thanks for sharing those antique quilt photos. I'm with you...that streak of lightning log cabin is wonderful!
    Can't wait to meet you next week! I know the group is excited to welcome you back for a visit.

  13. I love that you added the selvages to the little quilt
    what a great idea, marks the era of selvage quilts
    I was thinking of adding them to my backing of one of my little quilts...not sure I can be as daring as you :)
    LOL, I love it though!!!!!
    have a great weekend and have fun meeting Jan!
    I loved the pictures from Susan I was thrilled she sent them too.

  14. Love the mini quilt for your friend. I think I'll do that for my sister's birthday this year. Thanks for sharing the quilt show, lovely! Have fun making memories with your friends!

  15. wonderful use of the selvedge~!!~
    and a very cute little quilt~!


  16. Amazing antique quilts! For some reason, that snowball jumped out at me.


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