
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Better Stencils and Gardens

Here is something I hope you really like -

I saw stencils being displayed this way in a little quilt shop recently and all I could think was eureka! I've had a storage problem with my stencils for going on 20 years now. All it took for better stencil living was a package (about $2.00) of standard shower hooks and a hanger. There. Done.

I sorted them by category; blocks, feathers, borders, small, etc. When I need a certain type of stencil I can just go to the closet and take that hook off the hanger. I can also easily look through them all - Brilliant!

Michelle, of the Betwixt the Between blog is having a give away with 4 great prizes. Click here to visit her wonderful blog and put your name in. Check out the great angel applique' project she has going.

Here are my backyard gardens, taken from the Juliette balcony outside my sewing room.

This is year two on the "white garden". I planned and installed this garden (with Andrew's help) last year after the patio went in. This year I added just a dash of blue, which I love in the garden.

The herb garden. Moon flower vines will climb the structure.

This is the hydrangea garden, not in bloom yet. This is also the site for my lily of the valley and spirea.

In the center here are some of my many, many hostas and other shade loving plans. On the fence is a climbing hydrangea, which smells heavenly.

more shady plants.

This year I treated myself to these flower boxes and hung them on the inside of the railing so that I can enjoy them while in the sewing room. Actually, it doesn't look too bad from the yard either.

I'll take some front photos soon. In the meantime, I finished the quilting on the pineapple quilt, so now I'm on to the sleeve and label. Yesterday I took a deep breath said a little prayer to the quilt gods and shipped my two quilts to Columbus for the show. I'll be seeing Mary in just about a week!


  1. What a great idea for the stencils!! I'm getting shower hooks asap!!
    Your garden is beautiful, thanks for tour.

  2. I've stored my stencils this way for a while now. But I just used safety pins instead of the shower rings. Can't wait to see your quilts in Columbus! We'll be going on Thursday! A suggestion for lunch - don't eat at the show - go across the street to the Short North Market - lots of great food! (It's behind the Hampton Inn off of High Street).

  3. What a great idea! I'll be picking up some of those clips later today.
    I'm jealous of your beautiful yard. We have given up our battle with overrun euonymous and hired a landscaper to pull it all out and lay the groundwork for something like yours. Can't wait!

  4. WOW wonderful idea for the stencils, I just added the shower hangers to my shopping list for tomorrow!!

    You have such a beautiful garden. I had never heard of a climbing Hydrangea until my son planted one. I'm never there to see it in bloom, he has instructions to send me pictures LOL.


  5. Gee Barb, your yard looks like the botanical gardens! Did y'all build the gorgeous rock retaining wall yourselves? On the day I post photos of our place, I'm gonna email you NOT to look. Not kidding. You can bring Coco, and teach us how to landscape our yard any old time. I'll pay you in cooking and fabric. What do you say? Michele

    Oh, thank you so much for mentioning my blog on yours. I really appreciate it.

  6. Thanks for the tip on the stencils, very clever idea for organizing them.

    I enjoyed the trip through your garden.

  7. I like the shower hook idea. Such a simple solution. I have also had a problem with storing stencils for a long time.

  8. Barb your gardens are beautiful. I'm imagining myself sitting in one of those chaises with a nice chardonnay. Ahhh

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Shower curtain hooks and a hanger! You may have changed my life! I must go buy some! Thanks!

  11. Love the tour of your garden it looks so pretty


  12. Thanks for the terrific tip. I have a ring that has a hook attached but it's a pian to get to the right stencil. You garden is looking great.

  13. oh your gardens look wonderful, wish I had this backyard I would be sitting out there every morning with my cup of coffee and some applique or hand quilting
    peaceful setting thats for sure
    great tip on the stencils, I have mine in a flat plastic container this would be much easier and quicker to find the one to use,
    glad to read you finished the hand quilting, what a relief I bet

  14. Great idea! I don't stencil these days, but imagine this can be used for other things also... So glad I found your lovely blog! :)

  15. Very pretty yard, nice that you can enjoy it from your sewing room.

  16. I love the idea of curtain rings for the stencils1 Mine are hanging on pegboard and hard to get to the one I want.
    I love your gardens!

  17. I love the shower curtain ring idea! Thank you for sharing - now I'll have to pull my stencils out of the drawers and organize them! See ya in Columbus!

  18. Great idea for stencil storage! Your gardens are beautiful and inspiring...I've been working in my yard a lot lately and dream of it all looking like yours!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  19. Thanks for the fantastic idea with the stencils!
    Your garden looks beautiful, isn't
    spring the best time of the year. I have never heard of a climbing hydrangea before, I will have to visit our local nursery and find out more.

  20. Beautiful gardens! Wouldn't it be a joy to spend all our time piecing in the garden! I sew on my screened porch in the summer, but the breeze can be a nuisance.

  21. What a clever way to store stencils! I can also think of other things which would like to be stored this way - where I can actually find them!


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