
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Word Nerd Alert


Tomorrow ESPN will be televising 4 hours of the semi-final rounds of the 2010 Scripps National Spelling Bee. This is one of my favorite sporting events of the year. I will be armed with pad, pencil and my hotel bell - to ding them out before the official judge. I can't wait! The final will be televised on ABC (shameless plug for the company my husband works for) in prime time.

A big thank you to everyone who commented on my finished Strawberry Fields (Wine) doll quilt. You too can make one of these little beauties, all the info is available at Lori's blog. Jump over and join the fun! After all, I think June is Strawberry Month.

I little update on our bag project that we started here. Susan has finished hers and it is wonderful. Great job Susan!

Nice inside pockets

Side view

Here is Pauline's strata in batiks - beautiful.

And mine

We're hoping to catch up to Susan soon!

Let us know if your going to the 2010 National Quilting Association Show in June. We'd love to meet for a drink. Weather you are a reader, a blogger or a lurker, it makes no difference. If you like quilts, we like you - email me at to let us know.


  1. Wow, I love those bags, such a clever idea. I am looking forward to the spelling bee too ;)

  2. All the bags are terrific!!

    I went to the Scripts spelling bee once!! As a chaperone for my daughter's friend. It was even better in real life. My daughter and her friend were teaching the "nerds" to play poker!!! hahaha

  3. Can't. Wait!!! We love watching the spelling bee! The bags are AMAZING! Really wonderful!

  4. My son was a runner-up (3rd?) in the Scripps Cleveland Spelling Bee. Even that was a two day affair! A real nail-biter... can't imagine the tension at the Nationals. He competed in the state finals of the National Geographic Geography Bee the next year. Yup, one of *those kids* I still love watching those competitions. Thanks for the heads up!
    Those bags are great!

  5. Perfect bag it looks great and very roomy.


  6. Do you mean simi spelling bee or semi spelling bee, lol. I love the bags, they look very sturdy!

  7. Great bag!! They do look very labor intensive :0)

    I wish I was going to the show!!


  8. Have a great night with the Spelling Bee!

  9. All I have to say is stromuhr. Are they kidding? I wish I could go to the show. I have never met any blog people. LOL.

  10. LOVE that bag. Did you take a class to make it?? It's awesome. Looks like it will hold alot of stuff.
    Have fun at your Spelling Bee. lolol

  11. The strata look great - yours is very sophisticated in neutrals! Is it hard to sew?


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