
Monday, August 30, 2010

Give away - Red & Orange again??

Happy Monday -

Thank you for all your comments on my Orange Series and for entering the giveaway.

I've added a few more goodies to the fall basket, including chocolate.  Good luck to everyone.

I'll close the giveaway tomorrow and announce. the winner on Wednesday.

A couple of years ago I had two challenges, one with my small group, which was "Baskets" and one with the Garden State Quilters, which was pulling 2 crayons from a big box.  Can you believe I pulled out a red and orange crayon?  What were the chances.

Here is the little quilt that I made with red, orange and baskets.

It doesn't have berries, but I did try prarie points for the first time.  Here is a close up of the quilting.  On the partial baskets, I decided to quilt the the missing parts.  You can see that here.

For the backing I used this fun Asian fabric -

 Okay, now you really have seen all my orange quilts - whew!

See you on prize day, Wednesday.


  1. This post inspired me. Would it be fun for a challenge where the color or colors were required to be saturated? I like the quilt. Little baskets are always a win.

  2. That is really cute, I love how you did the partial baskets. It certainly is bright!! LOL.


  3. orange and fall colors are my favorites. These quilts look great!

  4. So hot it's cool!!! The quilting lines on the back make the Asian ladies look positively Picasso-ian. :-D (I don't think that's a word, but I think it makes sense in a weird way! LOL) I love the red and orange. There's a pieced basket quilt in an old Better Homes book, "Quilting Pieces of the Past," that is done in a cheddary yellow and red. Scrumptious! I want to make one!
    Mary Lou

  5. Wow! That is one bright quilt. I think I'd like to do something like that to hang in my office. It would probably stop people in their tracks.

  6. Fun basket quilt you made!!! And...chocolate is an EXCELLENT addition to the giveaway!!! :)

  7. Wow I love that orange quilt it is just so bright it would make a room happy.

  8. Boy Barb, I love all your orange quilts, particularly the first three. I would love to know how large they are, as it's so difficult to tell scale. Are they small wall quilts, or large four-block bed size. Whatever the size, they are gorgeous. Do you ever hang them in a group? Michele

  9. I'd say you have mastered the art of using orange. You inspired me to buy some orange fabric which I purchased on Saturday.

  10. Wow, it looks like you killed two birds with one stone with the orange and red basket quilt. You know, I'd never think to put those two colors together, maybe because orange isn't my favorite, but I can see it growing on me. It makes for a fun quilt.

  11. You certainly know how to work with orange. The quilts are a real statement and Japanese fabric on the back is wonderful, I love it.

  12. I really love this basket quilt !

  13. I was just away for a week and missed four of your posts! So many wonderful, wonderful quilts! Your backings are inspired. I often look for the most uninteresting fabrics so I can use them up but you have definitely given me a different point of view to consider.
    Off to add my name to your drawing!

  14. Love that basket quilt! What a fun idea to have a crayon challenge. Although, I'm betting you could get some seriously ugly matches LOL!

  15. I love that challenge! Mind if I pass it on to my guild? Your basket quilt is wonderful...and the backing you used is a hoot!

  16. I just love baskets in quilts and am enjoying how effectively you use orange. Great inspiration.

  17. Yes, this was very inspiring! Thanks!

  18. love the crayon challenge idea . . . and it makes me wonder if it's possible to get two colors that just will not work together . . .

    these baskets are outstanding and that backing is perfect. the partial blocks thing is something that i just recently tried but have admired for a long time. i would have never thought of doing it with this block though. really like the way you used the quilting to complete them.


  19. What a great basket quilt! Again such successful, bold use of orange. I love the partial baskets!

  20. Wow, I've been collecting cheddars but the vibrant orange you've used is great. I love it, I have 2 flagman orange jackets!

  21. I sew loved seeing your red/purple/orange quilts. These are colours that are not in my comfort zone, but it is always interesting to see others work with them.

    We can tell you had a blast working with them and that crayon challenge was a breeze for you.

  22. I enjoyed the orange and red quilts more than I expected. Nice back on the"baskets" quilt. You did a great job with the prairie points.Aren't they fun?!

  23. Aha, my first quilting teacher always recommending using a surprise fabric on the back. Wonderful basket quilt and the backing is too!

  24. That is one cool quilt - well, actually I guess those are warm colors, so that is one hot quilt! I like it!

  25. This is a great I to late?

  26. This is a great quilt as well - I don't have any quilts in that colorway. I have a couple of unfinished orange quilts though, but they don't have red. I will certainly have to add this color combination to my repertoire.

  27. I remember you telling me about the crayon challenge, but I never saw the resulting quilt. What fun! It is terrific. The backing fabric is an awesome surprise. Where do you come up with these amazing fabrics?

  28. I love this cheerful quilt! It's so fun that you completed the baskets with the quilting. I don't think you could have found a better backing fabric? :)

  29. I love your orange quilts--and fantastic backs.

  30. Fabulous quilt - gorgeous backing! Love those baskets!


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