
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Winner! Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway.  I hope if you came for the giveaway you come back for inspiration.

Here are the names -

My son Andrew, thanks for all your computer help, picked form the prize basket --

And the winner is.....Donna of Cats Meow Two !!

Please send me your mailing address and congratulations!

Kate of Empty Fields sent me this lovely note and wonderful fabric!  Thanks, Kate.  Visit her blog, she has lovely things!

And finally, I'm back to Abe Challenge Quilt.

I hate this part!!  I used to skip it, then I became a big girl, and my quilts are better for it :)


  1. What a hoot, girls! It's so cool to see my name printed up! LOL Congrats to the winner -- and many thanks to you both for a beautiful blog and generous give-away. "FUN with..." is exactly what it is!
    Mary Lou

  2. congratulation Donna of Cats Meow~!!~

    this was a really fun giveaway to be involved in ~ thank you~!!~


  3. Congrats to Donna :0) Thanks for having such a lovely giveaway Barb!!

    Trimming & Squaring...very boring but it shows you care LOL.


  4. Congratulations on being a big girl...I'm still working on that. :o)

    (I'm an immature girl who trims though...LOL.)

    Congrats to Donna!

    Probably inappropriate, but I want to comment on your previous post here (somehow I missed it). I LOVE the orange and red basket quilt, especially the fact that you included the partial baskets. You and Bonnie Hunter are tempting me to go orange (she had a "Dreamsicle" post a while back with orange pieced orphan blocks on white).


    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. Congratulations to Donna on her win.
    I hate doing the fiddly bits too, but everything ends up so nice in the end. :)

  6. Congrats to your winner! Yippee!!!
    Trimming are ya?! Hee!!

  7. Congrats to the lucky winner!! Thanks for the chance for your generous giveaway.

  8. A winner and its not me. Someone is getting a good giveaway win.

  9. Lucky Donna!
    It always amazes me that no matter how carefully I cut and sew and press those little stickers that so many still need trimming.
    Trimming beats binding!

  10. Congrats to the winner. I hate trimming too, but like you, I have found that my quilts turn out much better when I trim. Have a good day. Winona

  11. Congrats to the winner. She's very lucky.

  12. congrats to the winner and oh boy yes trimming makes a difference! I am looking forward to seeing this quilt finsihed!
    I love Kates blog , the fabrics are wonderful I am sure you will add bits and pieces to many of your quilts

  13. congratulations to the winner and thank you for hosting the giveaway.

    Yes I do trim too...


  14. Big congratulations to Donna (I'm jealous!! ha ha) Thanks Barb for a fun opportunity!

    Gee those fabrics look rather noice in your photo...the flower on the card is a flannel flower - an Aussie native that refuses to grow nicely in captivity but go for a walk in the bush and you are greated in Spring by these fab fuzzy flowers that actually DO feel like flannel. What a joy they are. Cheers for now.

  15. I don't like trimming either but it sure is worth it in the long run.


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