
Monday, September 6, 2010

Whoopie for September!

Hooray!  It's September, the most wonderful time of the year!

My husband was returning from a trip to LA, it was the last official weekend of the summer and I decided to make some whoopie pies.  I'm wearing an apron my dear friend, Pat, sent me for the my Birthday.  It's a hoot!

So in addition to the traditional chocolate whoopies, (see recipe here at Be*Mused) I decided to try red velvet pies too.  You can find the recipe for them by clicking here.

They turned out a little thicker and smaller than the chocolate, but they were delicious!

and speaking of orange, look at this dollie - hot pink with orange dots!!  - thanks Jilly!

Dog days of summer - coco and the garden

The bird house on the left is from my husband, I'm hoping a little winter bird will move it to stay to warm.


I'm working on my Abe Lincoln quilt and it has taken a sudden and dramatic turn.  The result will be so many left over blocks, that I'll have enough for another small quilt. 


  1. Barb .. I'm envious of your polka dot doily .. but I have to say I'm blaming you for my latest venture. The great Got Dots Quilt-Along! Yep - your quilts last week reminded me of something else, that sent my brain spinning and now I'm going dotty. I'm still putting together details but if you'd like to see two of my blocks so far I've started a Flickr group ::

  2. omg those sound so yummy!
    your yard looks wonderful...I love those birdhouses there are a few I would love to buy.
    so interesting your going to change Abe I love it the way you were going with it...hmmmm wonder what the DH thinks about this since its already "his" quilt

  3. LOVE the apron! And the flagstone gardens in your yard are so pretty (I LOVE rockwork - especially in the garden).

    Your hints about your Lincoln quilt are intriguing...hmmm...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  4. The Red Velvet whoopies look yummy. I have a Red Velvet bar cake from the grocery store in the fridge right now.

  5. You make cooking look so fun with your apron and adorable doily!!

    Your garden is so pretty.
    I'm looking forward to your seeing your Lincoln quilt. Have you thought about using your leftover blocks on the back?

  6. Those whoopie pies look so delicious!! I love the apron, so adorable!

  7. You look like a domestic goddess in your beautiful apron...LOVE IT LOL.

    Your garden is lovely and I think it's great that you have a pool for Coco's stuff :0)

    Looking forward to see what you did to the Abe quilt.


  8. Love your stone fence in the garden. Those whoopie pies look like a good breakfast to me! Yum.

  9. The apron, whoopies and doilies are very 1950's!! :-D LOVE it! That Hexies table mat also looks yummy. Can't wait to see what your Abe is turning out to be!
    Mary Lou

  10. Red Velvet Woopie Pies are a new one on me...have you tired Pumpkin ones yet? Really good! (love the rock wall in your yard!)

  11. woohoo you look very cute in your apron, love the polka dot.
    Your garden looks so inviting love it.


  12. Homemade whoopie pies! Yummm....
    Your apron is so cute..and that polka dot doily is darling!
    Your gardens are so pretty with the rock walls. The birdhouse is such a nice addition.
    Coco has her own pool? I think she has a better life than me! LOL

  13. Your whoopie pies look deadly--I had to avert my eyes--I gained ten lbs. just reading your blog! ;)

  14. How saucy you look in your apron, Barb! Boy, I can taste those whoopie pies just looking at them. Still working on those 5 lbs., however.

  15. Ok, your whoopie pies are the third set I've seen in as many days -- it's a cosmic sign -- I need to make some! Can't wait to see your Abe quilt!

  16. Happy Birthday! I love your apron!!!! I've enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning. What gorgeous quilts and photos, as always...

  17. beautiful yard/garden and i'm jealous of your milder weather.
    it's looking much more like fall here where i am.

    whoopie pies~!!~haven't had one in forever but they sure look yummy~!



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