
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is She Doing in There

Good Morning -

First I'd like to that everyone who is kind enough to take the time to leave me a comment.  It is very encouraging and I love hearing what you like to see on the blog. 

Non-reply bloggers:  I have been getting comments from nice readers who have a setting as "non-reply" blogger on their profile.  I am sorry that I can not return a short email to you, please know that I really appreciate each and every comment.

You may be wondering what is she working on??  I have not shared much since Abe was completed.   Here is a dolly quilt that designed on Saturday.  I was taking a break from the guild raffle quilt.

I was inspired when I received my 9-patch exchange packet from Julies's Blog.  It is a wonderful collection.  I have to say I particularly love the mixed up ones!

I can't wait to make something with these.

I found a great blog the other day;  Fresh Lemon Quilts.   She is from my favorite town; Chicago.

There is a wonderful post on Broderie of a recent quilt show, you do not want to miss this.

Here is something I've been putting a lot of time and energy into.  It's a sneak peak at the guild raffle quilt.  guild members are making the blocks from kits I put together with Susan and Pauline.

I'm in the middle of working on the borders - yes, plural.  The girls are coming tomorrow to help - thank goodness for friends!

Tip of the week:
I treated myself to a new sock wardrobe at Macy's this weekend.  Some of them came on these little plastic hangers.  They are perfect for fabric strips or bias stems, etc.  They are so light you can pin them up on your design board.

Have a fun sewing week*


  1. What a wonderful raffle quilt design!! I can hardly wait to see what will be done for borders :0)

    Great idea for repurposing those sock hangers!!


  2. great tip for those sock hangers!
    I have bias binding made and gets moved around a lot and sometimes gets ruined this would keep it nice and handy!
    the quilt guild quilt is coming along nicely
    guess I need to buy lots of tickets so I can win it !

  3. Barb, I can just imagine you at the deisgn wall -- tossing up your nine patches and letting them speak to you, then using the sock hangers to audition borders and bindings!!! How very, very cool! (I'm going to learn to design like that!!!! :-D)
    The raffle quilt is going to be spectacular isn't it? And a "Border Patrol" party!? LOL WHat fun!
    Mary Lou

  4. Oh, who doens't love a nine patch!? What a fun little quilt you have.

    The raffle quilt is beautiful! I can only imagine the borders will be as well!!

    I wish I was closer so I could have attended the Quilts in the Barn show!! What outstanding quilts!!

  5. You always have so much to comment on here, Barb! The raffle quilt is going to be a big winner, ticket-wise. Who wouldn't want to win that charmer? I love the original antique version...did you and your crew draft this up yourselves?
    And that sock hanger trick...(hitting forehead with heel of hand)...priceless!

  6. I love those little nine patches! What fun putting those together will be.
    I hadn't ever thought about using the sock hangers! In fact, now that I think about it, I have other smaller skirt hangers that would work well to hang blocks. Thanks for being an inspiration today!

  7. I love the little 9-patch. I received my blocks over the weekend and can't wait to put them together in a quilt.
    The guild quilt is beautiful.

  8. The raffle quilt will be amazing! This is one I would love to win!! I rec'd my nine patch blocks as well and LOVE em!! Everybody did a fantastic job with fabric choice!

    Spied your toenails in previous post...CLEVER!!!

  9. Your little doll quilt is so cute. I love the blocks that are different. They add a bit of charm?

    Your raffle quilt is wonderful1 I can't wait to see the borders. It's so nice you'll have help.

    I'll bet you had fun going through your swap blocks? :)

    It's cool that you found a use for the little sock hangers. I don't think my mind would have looked at those and made the leap to.."I can hang bias strips from these." ? Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. What an inspiring blog! Glad I finally found you. LOVE that raffle quilt and all those little 9-patches and the wool pennies. And that Lincoln quilt--amazing!

  11. I love the colors of your doll quilt! Your "substituted" fabrics are perfect.
    I also like the raffle quilt so far - the flower/fruit blocks are so beautifully done.

  12. Did you all make the patterns for the flowers for your raffle quilt or use someone's pattern? I love them and would like to buy the pattern if there is one! Absolutely beautiful.

  13. Raffle tickets for me too, please!
    I use those little hangers for my binding, too. They fit thru the wire shelving in my fabric closet. Sometimes I cut it ahead, and forget which quilt it's for!
    Your little 9 patch diversion has great color; it's going to be a nice one!

  14. Love those nine patches! Wow, they look familiar...hmmmm...hey, what a wonderful applique/patchwork quilt...that is wonderful!

  15. Lovely post, as usual! I LOVE your raffle quilt! You guys should sell the pattern for further is going to be lovely.

    I am behind on reading's probably in bad form to comment on more that just this one post, but I have been in bad form for several days in a row...bad dog, no biscuit! Your Autumn porch is so pretty and I love the pedicure! If my toes were that pretty and photogenic, they would be featured in every post...I'd take pictures of all my projects on the floor and "accidentally" catch my bare, cute toes in the frame. I also had to laugh about your comment on choosing a good bottle of wine. I am totally swayed by a label!! My last name is Rawson and an Austalian winery, Penfold's I think it is, makes a wine called "Rawson's Retreat." I deem my name on the label as a clear sign that I should buy the bottle! Your wool birds are so cute...I really like the cluck-cluck beads. And I love the colors on your doll quilt - not the typical colors and REALLY fresh and exciting!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  16. Love the guild quilt! Thanks for the tip on the sock holders. I knew there must be some use for them.

  17. Great little mini/doll quilt.
    Love that raffle quilt. Can't wait to see the borders.
    I think I am set on non-reply and I can't get it off. Beth

  18. Oh the raffle quilt looks wonderful so far. I"m in charge of ours, I had better get back to it!!!

  19. The raffle quilt looks wonderful. Did you design it too?

  20. These are wonderful nine patch projects. Thanks for the tip. Those hangers do look too good to throw away, but coming up for a use for them is another story.

  21. What a fun tip -- thanks! I love the combo of patchwork with applique -- beautiful!

  22. Barb, This is Patty aka pattynubs aka pattythequiltlady from Ohio - Hello! I found your blog from a link on The Selvage Blog. I can't wait to spend some time reading your past posts. I love the little 9 patch blocks. They will make a wonderful doll quilt!

  23. oooooooohhh ~ very smart idea~!
    now i'll have to run out and buy some socks . . .


    all of the nine patches are wonderful and seeing them all stacked up inspires me~!

  24. Love those 9-patches! Such a simple block that never disappoints.


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