
Sunday, October 24, 2010


Good Sunday Morning!

I took a little break from the "border patrol" work on the raffle quilt to do a little Halloween crafting.

I made a batch of these treat bags.  The are little candy bags.  They were so simple and I had the lunch bags and sticks from the back yard.  You can find the directions HERE ala Martha Stewart.

Then I made some of these tissue covers.  Again, super easy and had the fabric (like, duh) and just picked up a package of mini-kleenex tissues.

And Here is how you do it:
Cut an outside piece 6" x 6 1/2"
and a lining piece 6" x 7 1/2"

Sew the 6" edges, ride sides together on each end.

Then press with the larger square on the bottom.  This creates the little trim.

Then with larger square on the bottom, fold up the two ends and overlap them slightly.  (good lord, when did I get age spots, and how do you get rid of them?)

Sew the ends, it's a bit bulky, but its fine.

Here is where I waved my wand and made a slight improvement on the pattern I was using.  Push your finger into the corner and form a little peak and pinch it and sew a short line of stitches across the top.  You can just eye ball it.  (age spot shot again... can I consider them freckles, maybe?)

Turn your piece right side out and viola' - 

With the new design of  the pocket tissues, it is necessary to cut a small slit in the package to pull out the tissues.

And in just a short time, you'll have a little batch of these of your own.   They make great little hostess gifts, party favors, teacher gifts, etc. 


  1. What a crafty woman you are!!!

  2. Thanks for the good tutorial. I'm planning to make some purses, and these would make great coordinates for them.

    Those ARE freckles. I have them too. I'm sure it's from growing up in a time before we knew the importance of sunscreen.

  3. adorable!!! those treat bags are great.
    love those little tissue covers too! guess I need some halloween fabric!!!!
    I admit I have those freckles too!


  4. Thanks for the great tutorial. I thought the tissue covers would be much more difficult. They looked like they had a bound button hole in the top.
    Ditto on the freckles--me too. I've heard them called many things. My preference is "wisdom dots."

  5. I was admiring the tissue covers. I think they would be great to gift as candy holders as well. I'm definitely going to have to make some.

  6. I've been meaning to hunt down a tutorial for these and now you've provided me with exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! I love your version.
    Ah yes, the *freckles*. Didn't mind them so much on my arms...not so happy about a few I've noticed when I look in the mirror!

  7. What cute halloween bags! I'm so busy getting kids costumes together I don't do much else for Halloween. Thanks for the tutorial - I should make some with Christmas fabrics.
    I'm a bit familiar with those freckles too...sigh. As long as the fingers still work I'm happy.

  8. Your little treat bags are really cute! :)

    Thanks for the tute on the tissue covers. I'd like to make some and have them on hand for gifts.

    What's up with those "freckles"? I have some I can see, but in a pic I have LOTS! I 'spose we can't blame them on a dusty camera lens? ;)

  9. Wow great tutorial Barb!! I'm book marking this so I can make a few of these :0)


  10. Thanks Barb, I am going to make some today for all the ladies on the trip to Houston


  11. Cute, cute tissue holders. I have made just like that in the past, but the new tissue sizes don't fit in them very well. Thanks for the meausurements - now I can make them without having to measure and figure.
    Happy Halloween!

  12. Both cute ideas. Your post title made me think I was going to be seeing a witch you had made.

  13. Very, very clever! Love the little pouches -- fun and practical. And hey -- your machine looks just like mine - Viking lovers unite LOL!

  14. Hi Barb
    Try Bio-Oel it is really good to repair skin


  15. Thanks for the great tutorial. I have some fabric ready to make some as gifts, but I was not really understanding the very brief directions.

  16. CUTE Halloween treats, and I love your tutorial on tissue clever and well done. I am just now getting that they are "brooms"... duh, Teresa! I'm such a Martha "wannabe," but I draw the line at spray painting the Thanksgiving turkey carcass gold and using it to store received Christmas cards...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  17. Your Tissue holders are brilliant. Thanks for showing us all how you make them.

  18. Oh thanks for showing us! Yours are sooo cute!

  19. Beth -
    sorry you found the instructions incomplete. I would answer any questions you have, but have no way of responding to you - email me if you'd like -

  20. adorable. but who's "viola?"

  21. LOLOL...ME TOO TERESA...uh duh...I didn't get they were brooms until you mentioned it in your comment!!!

    Get halloweeny tricks going on over here with you Barb...yes..yes
    I love your tissue tut...I like the 'pleats' in each end...I have one around here somewhere someone made me a long time is just sewn flat and the opening just gapes open all the time...mainly because there really isn't enough room to accomodate the height of the tissue package...LOVE yours...I may just whip some up RIGHT NOW!! really...I'm going to this VERY minute!!!

  22. thank you for this great tutorial! never figured out how to do this adorable little tissue holders.
    greetings from Germany Brigitte

  23. Yesterday I made 11 of these! So easy. Thanks for posting the instructions. I thought of three more people I could make these for so I'm headed back into the sewing room.


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