
Friday, April 22, 2011

Hip 2 B Square

Happy (or somber) Good Friday!

I'm working on a college quilt for Hanna that I can't share yet.  Instead, I decided to show you the college quilt that I made for my son, Andrew.

I think you'll notice right off, that this is not my usual style of quilt making, but I do love to make modern quilts too.

It is a free pieced square in a square.  The fabrics were guitars, music, wild prints and black and whites.
Here is the back.  Looks like a face book fabric.
I quilted simple wavy lines
I have a nephew, Nick, who is 6 weeks older than Andrew.  The boys get together a couple times, as they live in Seattle.  I inked this from a photo of boys taken at the family farm.  They looked so funny wearing the wife-beater t-shirts and shades....
Here is another quilt that I made Andrew when we repainted his room.  As you can see it is also free pieced and made of black, white and gray fabrics.
 The back.  I love this weird "eye ball" fabric.
This one I quilted with a different pattern in each area.  It was a large quilt and took a lot of TV time to finish!
The label
And here is a quilt I made him on his "golden Birthday"  He turned 7 on April 7th and it was also Easter Sunday (hence the 7 gold Easter eggs)  It was an occasion that  I thought deserved a special quilt! 
Happy Easter Weekend Everyone!  It was fun to share these older quits with you today.


  1. Wow that graduation quilt is so great! I love the simple patterns that really showcase the fabrics. I have not yet made a black and white quilt but your's is very inspiring! How sweet a little bunny quilt for your little bunny!

  2. He does realize how lucky he is right?
    What fun quilts!!

  3. I love them all. I especially like the wavy line quilting on the graduation quilt. It's amazing how sometimes simple is the best. You're son is very lucky, and no doubt warm. :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful quilts, I love them all.
    My husband also has a his birthday on April 7.
    Both my boys where born on a Sunday and my daughter had her 19th birthday on the 19.9.1999, I love numbers...

  5. fun quilts - I would never have guessed you made them! your son is a cutie!

  6. Barb!
    These quilts are so fun and cheerful! He is going to treasure them forever!

  7. What a great post! I loved seeing all of them. I made a liberated log cabin for my daughter, of her childhood clothes, when she went to college. It was so fun! Never have seen the fabric strip of the founding fathers(?)you used in the backing of the black and white. I'll bet these quilts are treasured!

  8. what treasures, I really love the bunny quilt with the 7 eggs, how fun! ah yes that was the perfect pattern for the college dorm quilt!

    Happy Easter!

  9. What fun quilts - I especially like the greens and blues with the black/white/grey. Can't go wrong with wavy line quilting. With his charming smile, ARV looks like he appreciates what his mom makes him!

  10. What an awesome college quilt!! I know he loves it!

  11. The quilts are wonderful and I'm not surprised you have a talent for different styles. The black and white one is fabulous, it's hard to do and you nailed it.

  12. Perfect "guy" quilts. I bet he uses them all the time. Love the label on the b&w quilt :0)


  13. My 17 year old son has been after me to make a black/white and red quilt. I quilted one for a client awhile back and he loved that one so she was kind enough to purchase another pattern for I need to find the time! I had hoped to surprise him at Christmas. We'll see. Your quilts brought this to mind....a quick reminder anyway. Enjoy your Easter Weekend.

  14. Great looking modern quilts! I love the faces fabric for the backing. Happy Easter!

  15. The quilts are so great. And the back faces are aWarhol style, very modern but so well chosen. Your son must be very happy .

  16. OH WOW....I LOVE dun good MOM!!!!

  17. What a fun blog post to read! I might need to borrow your idea for dealing with the guitar fabrics I'm collecting for a quilt for my son...what a great quilt!

  18. Happy Easter!
    You are a cool mom!
    Love, love, love these

  19. What great boy quilts! I'll bet he'll cherish these forever.

  20. What fun quilts you made for him! I love the black and white one!

  21. Love, love the quilt show with your son's quilts. They are really special, and his grin at the end tells the whole story! As usual, love your backs too!

  22. Great quilts for your son! I'm like you - really a more traditional quilter, but I do enjoy making some modern quilts too. And our boys definitely need somethign a little more modern, don't they?

  23. What a fun post!! LOVE the tumbler quilt - unexpected gifts are the BEST!! Especially from beloved friends. LOVE your son's grad have such a great eye for color and texture and your backings are always the best! So glad to see that Easter bonnets are alive and well SOMEWHERE! Oops! I think I just commented on 2 post in one comment box. Forgive!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)


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