
Monday, May 23, 2011

Garden State Quilters 2011 Show!

Garden State Quilters put on quite a quilt show this past weekend!

As usual most of my favorite quilts to see and study are not chosen by the judges for ribbons.  But they are real winners in my book!

Here are some of my favorites in no particular order - please, I'm lucky to get them uploaded and centered :)

Hooray!  this is my cupcake friend, Susan's Lincoln Challenge quilt - isn't it awesome?  I love it, Susan and congrats on the ribbon!

Wow - isn't this great?  Love all that color

This is Barbie's version of a Bonnie Hunter quilt - it is beautiful!

I loved this modern, graphic quilt.  I went back several times to look at it.


This is Debbie Krakowski's quilt:  "Counting Crows"  I was so busy admiring it I forgot to photograph the story card - doh!  Love it, Debbie - great colors and technique.

This quilt just glowed with silk.  So lovely!

This is Dawn's amazing quilt.  It has won many ribbons and I've showed it before, but it deserves another look.  

My good friend Lori's - I love this one!  Congrats on the ribbon, Lori and a great show - again!

I was mezmerized by this beauty!  Love it, Alicia!

This quilt was made by a reader that I met at the show - love your Baseball Quilt!

Another quilt by Susan McD - I love the setting.

I had several recent quilts in the show, and my Eagle quilt won a 2nd place ribbon.  You've seen them so I'd rather show you my friends quilts.

I'll be back for part 2 soon.  Have a great Monday.


  1. I thought that baseball quilt was great! It was a great show and have to agree , I was disappointed there were quilts that should have received a ribbon in mho.
    Great show , inspiring can't wait to see the next round of pictures !
    Always thrilled to see Dawns quilts something to inspire to ,her work is amazing.

  2. What great quilts barb! It looks like a fantastic and diverse show with very traditional quilts.

  3. Wonderful quilts! Love seeing such diversity n a show!

  4. It looks like a great show with lots of inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  5. That is so awesome about your quilt...and all of these quilts are fantastic! Thanks for an eye popper Monday!

  6. Wonderful show, thanks for sharing your pictures .XO

  7. Thank you for showing some of the quilts from the show. Dawn's quilt is truly amazing!!

    Congrats on your win too :0)


  8. i can't imagine having to be a judge and deciding who should get ribbons at these shows. there are just so many talented quilters out there that the final decisions must be very difficult to make.

    the counting crows quilt really captures my eye~!!~ fabulous color and pattern within it.

    the jewel in the crown quilt (the one beneath counting crows) is very pretty and i can see what you mean when you mention it's "glow". that center block looks somewhat like a rose to me.

    thank you for sharing all of these masterpieces. it's so fun to get to see the quiltshows through your eyes/lens.


  9. Oh wow - what a great show that must have been. Wish I could have gone, but really enjoy seeing your pics!

  10. Wow it looks like a great show! I really like Blue Bolts and What Was I Thinking. It makes me want to start another quilt...I must resist!

  11. What a talented group of quilters! So many nice ones. I really love the baseball quilt because it is my favorite sport. The Lincoln signature is impressive! Oh,they are all great!

  12. What great quilts!! It looks like it was a wonderful show. Congrats on your ribbon for your Eagle quilt!

  13. Dawn's applique quilt is a beauty. Who wouldn't love to have that gracing their home.

    The Lincoln quilt is so creative. Your group certainly has some out of the box thinkers when it comes to the challenges. I like the quilt a lot.

  14. Lovely quilts Barb- Hard to chose a fav- But Dawn's applique would probably do as its an English influence .

  15. Thanks for sharing such beautiful quilts! Impossible for me to pick a favorite. Look forward to part 2.

  16. Really amazing quilts - you always have the best shows. Love all of these! Going back to see them again now! Really love the bright orange one -- so happy!

  17. Gooorgeous! And congrats on your ribbon. Looking forward to the next installment.

  18. OMG, was THAT ever fun!!!! So many nice quilts and such variety. I loved the Lincoln one with the cursive writing and the silhouettes...SWEET! And I have a fat quarter of every fabric in that "Authentic" line by (greens with the modern squares)...just need some inspiration (and THAT was very inspirational!). Oh and the William Morris one is fine, fine, fine! Oh, and I LOVED "counting crows" - and the Bonnie Hunter quilt. How do judges so their job? I would be a complete mess if I had to judge a show!

    Thanks for the quilt show (and I'd love to see YOURS again...hint-hint!).

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  19. Gosh, you've posted so many beautiful quilts while I've been gone. I especially love your black and white quilt. Anndddd.... I LOVE that you're still making potholders the way we did when we were children!

  20. WOW!
    What an impressive variety of quilts, each a beauty! Can hardly wait for part 2!

  21. I'm finally able to comment...
    Thanks so much for sharing all these photos--next best thing to going to a quilt show!

  22. the last quilt that has the zig zag setting by mcdermott? how in the world was that pieced? fabulous!


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