
Friday, May 27, 2011

Garden State Show Part 2

I'm having a little trouble with Blogger which accounts for the delay.

Here are some other quilts from my guild's recent show-

This quilt has everything I love in a quilt!  great colors, lots of movement and that lightening streak.  Very fun Deb!

I love this pattern and since my husband and my son love sailing, I'd really like to make it one day -

Here is another one, this one is really small - no offense ladies, but the ribbon has impeded my view ;)

I found this quilt mesmerizing!  I love the contrast of the colors.

An other great color and form study.

what a wonderful hex quilt - love it Barbie! and the quilting is fabulous.

And what a delight this piece is.  It reminded me of a doll house.  Very cute with the details.

Well, th th th that's all folks.
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks, Barb. Can't wait to see your Storm at Sea.

  2. I really love the first one & baskets on lime. Thanks for sharing. And ohhhhhhhhh ! I can post my comment on your blog ...

  3. Oooo you saved the best for last. I can't say which I like more though I find the hexagon quilt very interesting :0)


  4. Synapse caught my eye! Combination of traditional block with the 'twigs' and an interesting layout did it for me! Beautiful quilts! I am warming up to pinks! Go figure... You see one beautiful quilt and I am changed forever.
    Have a great weekend! You have inspired me more than you know!

  5. These are great quilts. I want to make the hexagon!

  6. Great quilts! I love the first one, so cool. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gorgeous quilts!!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Can't pick a favorite... love them all! Thanks for showing these.

  9. the first one is really fun both with it's color combinations and piecing~!!~

    the quilting really does make the hexagon quilt doesn't it?! lots of motion with the spiral type pattern.

    the baskets is traditional jumping forward into contemporary and well done. great invigorating color combo there too.

    all are wonderful and i'm in awe of all of the quilting talent out there. thank you for sharing Barb.


  10. The pink and yellow combination in the first quilt makes for a good quilt. Usually I think of red with black and white fabrics. The pink and yellow is different and works well.

  11. fun quilts you shared again today..there were a lot of interesting quilts at the show. I loved the use of color and yet the traditional style of so many of the quilts.
    thanks for sharing more of them

  12. Thanks for the show Barb. I found the red quilt was fascinating and I too love the Storm at Sea design, and keep saying that "one day ....."

  13. Beautiful quilts! I really like that first quilt -- a fun and different color combo!

  14. Thanks for the great show this morning! Beautiful quilts, and very inspiring.

  15. I never get tired of looking at the creativity of my fellow quilters.
    Lovely, thanks so much.

    Happy Sewing

  16. wheee, I love Deb's quilt - that is fab!

  17. I love the use of color in these quilts! Lots of inspiration here. :)

  18. WOW!~really enjoyed looking at all of these quilts! Thank goodness for YOU, you keep me inspired and updated on ALL that is new and happening out there. Love the Lincoln quilt!~ I've enjoyed catching up. I've been looking at that Skinny Girl yumminess... hmmmm.. will have to try now! :)
    You are so much FUN!~

  19. You've shared so many lovelies, but the blue/green basket quilt and the hexagon quilt are my favorites. I appreciate the photos of the quilt labels so we get a bit more info re: what and how.


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