
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Sad, Glad Grad was Had

Hanna's Graduation quilt "Tropical Breeze" revealed:

The quilting was fun to do and I love the look.

Here is the back.  It's a new Kaffe fabric.  Her childhood friend, Katie, has the same fabric on the back of her college quilt.  How lucky that I was fabric shopping with Mary Pat in March so we could make this happen!

I tucked a $20.00 behind the label for a "pizza emergency" (beer).

The Sparrow.

As soon as I can figure out how, I'm going to add a Tab with a free pattern if you want to make your own version of this quilt.

It's been an incredible month for my Hanna.  Here is a quick review:

Memorial Day Run - her first 10K race.

She attended senior prom:


She turned 18:

She and I went to Ohio for her College Orientation.

She attended her last day of High School:

She Graduated!!  here with  her proud dad.

A group of her high school friends:

I guess this was in lieu of a wave?  Her brother was taking the photo.

It's been a tradition at her high school for over 100 years for the girls to wear white formal dresses and carry a dozen roses, while the boys were white jackets and black pants with a rose boutonniere.

It's usually held on the sports field, but alas, we had a flash flood and it was sort of thrown together on the hill in front of the school.  This photo was taken standing on tippy toes and holding the camera as high as I could (Hanna last girl on the right).  I mostly saw the back of the heads in front of me.

While it lacked the pomp and circumstance it usually offers, it happened without rain and summer has finally arrived!!

Have a great week!


  1. What a totally amazing quilt...Congrats to the grad!!

  2. CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the pure happiness and joy in the photos! Em at

  3. Love the tropical feel of the quilt . Your daughter has had quite a year and looks a lot like you. Fun times ahead for her!

  4. The quilt is just awesome. Love the quilting and the backing.
    Hannah has sure had a LOT of milestones. I am not sure, but I think that I would be tired out. Congrats to her and you.

  5. Your quilt turned out great and yes I love the quilting too! Great texture!!! Great idea for the hidden money.
    Your daughter is gorgeous and that blue dress is a stunning color on her! I remember those bittersweet day they are here the next day they are gone.

  6. Beautiful quilt! Beautiful daughter! (She looks so much like you.) I'm so glad graduation wasn't rained out (we have a friend in Hanna's class.)
    Enjoy this summer before she is off to college.

  7. Hip! hip! hooray! Hanna!!

    Great quilt Barb!!

  8. Your daughter is gorgeous!! And, now she has a gorgeous quilt to take to college with her. I love the quilting - so much texture and movement. The name suits it perfectly :0)

  9. Your quilt and your daughter are both beautiful. Congratulations to both of you for so many great accomplishments!

  10. Yeah for Hanna!!!!!! Oh she looks gorgeous in that white dress! She has got a beautiful smile!!!!!
    So many accomplishments.. You did a great job on that quilt. Love the quilting!

  11. Stunning quilt! Love the overall quilting pattern. Hand or machine? Congratulations to Hannah - she will breeze through life with a smile like that.

  12. The quilting is fantastic and once again your lovely Sparrow.
    You daughter has a wonderful smile and I wish her all the best.
    Thanks for sharing the day.


  13. A beautiful quilt for a beautiful girl. Wishing her much fun and success. You all must be so proud.

  14. What a beautiful girl! And Quilt! I LOVE that back. And the little pocket for some pizza money -- that's just too cool. It will be fun to hear college updates in the fall -- I hope she loves it! Congratulations to you and your little Sweetie!

  15. Love that gorgeous little bird on the Label.
    Love those vibrant colours. The Quilt is so happy for a happy girl.

  16. Congratulations to daughter and MOM. What a lovely quilt!

  17. What wonderful memories! Love the quilt you made for your daughter! The wave quilting is perfect for this quilt.

  18. A beautiful quilt.....and congrats to Hanna on all of the big events of this last month!

  19. This has indeed been an eventful month for Hanna, and her parents. Congrat's to all.

    Beautiful quilt, and thanks for showing the sparrow. I was wondering where that might be.
    Your quilting is beautiful. Job well done, Barb!

  20. Me again, I copied your quilting design today for a charity quilt, love it thanks.


  21. beautiful pictures, wow what a month for her.
    I love the quilt you made for her, its the quilting that I am in awe over. The texture it gave the quilt is what intrigues me. beautiful.
    hope your having time to relax now that the festivities are over! enjoy your summer with her
    your life is about to change too!

  22. A stunning quilt for a stunning young woman! Exciting times!

  23. And now the journey begins. What a beautiful young lady. So many exciting things in her life this year and so many more to come :0)


  24. Now that quilt is adorable, and the quilting is way fun! But what is really cute is the $20 tucked in the label! I would never have thought to do that!

  25. what a sweet post. your Hanna is beautiful and looks like a very happy young lady~!

    seeing her celebrate the various occasions and milestones brought back a lot of memories of my own daughter when she was graduating and getting ready to go off to college. how time flies~!

    a great quilt and i love the pocket idea.


  26. I love Hannah's quilt! The quilting gives it amazing texture.
    It's such an exciting time in her life. Congrats to her! :)

  27. It is a beautiful quilt - I was admiring the quilting as soon as I glanced at the picture. Definitely something I will have to do. Congratulations to beautiful Hanna for all of her wonderful accomplishments and celebrations. I really like the idea of wearing formal dresses to graduation. Lots of people wore shorts and jeans at my daughter's.

    and REALLY love the photos of this sweet young lady and hearing of the tradition at her high school!~first class I tell ya! way to go!!!!

  29. Senior year in high school is such a great time. Congratulations to all of you! The quilt turned out great and I love the quilting. It looks like something you could do to some good music; just sway back and forth.

  30. Congratulations to Hanna for achieving all those milestones! You must be very proud of her. All the best for her studies at college.

    Congratulations to you too, Barb! What a magnificent quilt! Your quilting is amazing and I love the backing fabric.

  31. How lovely.... your little girl is a woman now :0). Congratulations to you both. Aren't you amazed how fast 18 years go?

    Happy Sewing


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