
Friday, July 8, 2011

Catching Up

Happy Friday!

Just catching up on some of the things I've been up to while away for the Fourth of July.

Before I left, I won a great antique button give away from Sandra of Cumberland Island.  She put the buttons in a stationery box.  How cute is this?  And it's one of my favorite subjects; birds :)

I love that it looks like a book!

It's magnetized, so it makes an excellent sewing project box.  I love using stationery boxes this way.

I brought this little hand piecing project with me.  I started it about 10 years ago.  It was before I did paper piecing, which would be way, way easier.

It will be for my little antique dolly bed.  I'm about half way there.

So it's back to marking and cutting new pieces.  I'll be taking this on our cruise in about a week.

Yea, I finished the little baby quilt for my friend.   I like the way it turned out.  I like to do minimal quilting so it feels soft.

I just have my name on the label and my friend will fill in the baby info.

We had a great trip to our family farm in Illinois.  Coco in particular had a great time being a country dog.  I'll be back with photos next time.

Hope you are having a great summer and finding time for a little stitching!


  1. What a neat little box - and filled with buttons, too. Nice win!
    Yes, love the simplicity of the baby quilt. Lots of red,white and blue in blogland this week. Not just patriotic, but also a striking color combo.
    I absolutely love your tumbling blocks - so tiny! Great project to bring on vacation. Have fun!

  2. Wow I love your tumbling blocks and the baby quilt. I like to use those metal templates for marking and cutting pieces. That's what I use for my lemoyne stars.

  3. Your little tumbling block quilt is going to be so itty bitty cute.

    I think the bird box could be better used for hiding your money in that you want to spend on quilting projects. Just mix it in with your books and no one will be the wiser.

  4. Very nice baby quilt! Love the doll bed one as well.

  5. super little box (and full of buttons~!~)and a fabulous way to use it~!!~

    that small quilt that you are working on is going to to be wonderful.

    have a great trip~!!~


  6. Lucky you! I signed up for that giveaway also, but didn't win anything. The little box is darling. And I do love your hand piecing project - the doll quilt. It will be lovely!

  7. adorable baby quilt, just the way I like them too.
    that box is wonderful , great take a long box too!
    oh the doll quilt is going to be amazing...
    I need to make a quilt all by hand one of these days
    have a great cruise, where are you going?

  8. Great post - love the antique buttons (lucky you!) and your doll quilt in progress - awesome!

  9. The box is beautiful and I love your Doll bed, the next time I come to the US I will look for one.

    Glad you had a great time at the Farm, good to get away and enjoy time with Family.
    The baby quilt is wonderful, have to start thinking about making one for our new little addition.
    Enjoy your cruise... where are you cruising ?


  10. Oh the baby quilt is wonderful! I love simple geometric quilting like that! And the box is way too cute! Next time you come to IL you will have to let me know. We need to meet up. (I think you used to live in the general area where I live).

  11. That box with the birds is great! Perfect for sewing necessities.
    Have fun finishing the dolly quilt...and cruising! :) Will you have time to sew on your cruise??
    Love the baby quilt!

  12. While blogging away you can think --- Why am I wasting time her--- However I have just surfed in from another blog and had a lovely summery time looking at your delightful work and congratulations to your daughter , what a lovel smile.

  13. A really fun post to read! The dear stationary box filled with buttons & how you immediately saw sewing notion storage...a sweet baby quilt & like the 4 patch red, white & blue backing. Enjoyed seeing your dolly quilt in process and it reminded me of the running joke in our family - about 32 years ago I started hand piecing a tumbling blocks quilt for our then 2 year old son...still not done & the DH reminds me occasionally I should finish that up before starting another project - guys, they just don't get it!

    Have a great vacation!

  14. What a great win!! I'd be happy just with the great box :0)

    Wow those tumbling blocks must be tiny. It will look great on your doll bed.

    Where are you going on your cruise? You lucky lady :0)


  15. That baby quilt is just adorable. I LOVE your quilting choices too. And I should have known you were a Viking girl -- us Viking girls have to stick together LOL!

  16. That book box is just fabulous! I would have been happy to get it even without the buttons. So perfect for you with the bird theme.
    I LOVE your tumbling blocks!

    The baby quilt turned out really cute! I'm sure it will be well loved. :)

  17. I love the box znd the buttons, what a lovely gift. The doll quilt is going to be worth all the hand stitching, it's wonderful. I love baby quilts to be soft too, it's lovely. Have a wonderful time away.

  18. The buttons are great but I really like your antique doll bed! Your tumbling block quilt will look wonderful on it.

  19. The box the buttons were in is great. How big (or rather, how small) are your tumbling blocks? They must be tiny diamonds you're working with.

  20. Ahhhh..... I just saw this! you are so sweet to show your present. :) It DOES look like you!~doens't it?!?! If I do say so myself.
    I LOVE the doll bed and your quilt for it! oh how gorgeous! Is that a Judy Rothermel template? I have some of hers and they are great (metal with sand type grip backing). Love your blog so much and have enjoyed catching up (for real!~) tonite.
    Your trip looks just dreamy and I'm SO happy you got to go. What wonderful memories!


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