
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dog Day Afternoon

Sorry, quilters, this one is all about my puppy; coco.

On the spur of the moment, we decided to visit the family farm in Illinois for the 3-day weekend of the Fourth of July.  Quite a radical decision, since it's 850 miles away and takes 14 hours by car.

Three us drove and Two of us flew.

My FIL was an "Ad Man" in Chicago and purchased Illinois farm land about 35 years ago.  It really has become his legacy. We are so grateful to have Pioneer Farm in our lives.   Here are the living areas, which were built over many years.

Pioneer Farm -Main House

Loft House

Annex (garage with apartment)

It is a dog's heaven~  no leash, a pool, and lots of room to roam.

Here is coco's visit:

She learned to swim in the deep end

She learned to float

She learned to wait for us on walks

She inspected the tractor

She wandered through my MIL's prairie

She inspected the corn fields

She did an in-depth inspection of the flooded areas of the soy beans

She helped do the dishes

She enjoyed a bone in the front yard

She contemplated life on the front porch

 Then she slept all the way home

I wonder if she thinks it was all a dream.

Good girl coco!


  1. FABULOUS post! Good girl, Coco INDEED! What a beautiful family legacy! I've been working on my Dad's place in Alabama this takes a lot of work to keep these beautiful places going! Thanks for sharing Coco's journey (and yours!).

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  2. There's a lovely song by Reinhard Mey "Es gibt Tage, da wünscht ich, ich wär mein Hund" - There are days, I wish I was my dog" .. am wishing I was your dog right now, I would have happily happily gone along with you to Pioneer Farm .. guess I'll have to dream about it instead.

  3. Ooooo - can you say quilting retreat!!! What a beautiful place!

  4. I loved reading about Coco's adventures on the farm. I bet she thought she was in doggy heaven!! Now you know what she would want for her birthdays, Christmas, Easter......LOL


  5. Lucky pooch. Lucky family. What a gorgeous place.

  6. your post made me smile, love it

    wish I was her...

  7. What a fun place for a dog (and people)...looks like a great place to rest and ponder life's mysteries.

  8. What a wonderful farm and a perfect place for Coco!!

  9. Glad that Coco had such a wonderful vacation!

  10. What a lovely post! I hope you had as good a weekend as Coco!

  11. Looks like the perfect long weekend getaway!

  12. Coco's Excellent Adventure! What a beautiful farm and they keep it up so beautifully, too. A good trip for all.

  13. Sorry?! Come on! What a wonderful day you all must have had. Such a beautiful place to get away. Lucky Coco :)

  14. oh how cute is that! finally you wore her out!!!!
    What a great place, yes your all lucky to have that place in the family....great post,

  15. What a great place, your own family compound! I have always wanted one to "fit" our family. Coco looks like she partied a little too much!

  16. Looks to me like she had a great time! What a beautiful place.

  17. Coco used muscles long forgotten on that trip! That is a beautiful farm for man and beast...and quilters...

  18. coco is a lucky dog! Pioneer Farm looks like a wonderful place to spend some time. How often do you go?

  19. The best vacations are the ones the entire family can enjoy! Canine and human. I always enjoy seeing your pictures of Coco and hearing what she's up to, as well as what you are doing.

  20. What a fantastic place for dogs and their humans to enjoy.

  21. All looks wonderful! Your Coco is adorable!

  22. Your Coco looks so blissful...nothing like a weekend in the country to tire a girl out...fresh air and room to roam!

  23. Oh it's a dogs life, lol. I bet she doesn't want to come home but what a fabulous place.

  24. No wonder you love your family farm! How beautiful is that! And looks like coco loved it!

  25. No she didn't think it a dream she just expected it as part of a dog's life. Wonderful pets that give as much as they get

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