
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Down To Business!

Thank you all so much for your input on my queries!  I've decided to "skip" the quilting stitching going forward, but I will not be taking any out (go figure).

I called the sewing machine service shop and the poor man has pneumonia, so really, how can I be mad? Seriously.  I am still waiting to hear if I can just pick the darned thing up and move on with out my "back button".

In the meantime, the old one came down from the attic and got to work.  It was a bit "clunky" at first, but she's doing fine now.

I've decided to use a super fine invisible thread and a tiny zig zag stitch.  Here I practiced on some scraps.  For my older friends; I know right, me practice?  I'm older and wiser now.

Here is a piece (I only have half elephants left) where I did not use a stabilizer.  It warped and was difficult to work with under the needle.  It may be because I used Steam A Seam Lite.

Here is a piece where I used a medium stabilizer, much better

The back before -

And after I removed the webbing.  I little difficult, but not impossible.

I purchased a small sample of this Sulky product and I really like it.  You iron it on, so it really stays put - and no pins.

I seriously don't know who they are giving this information to.  I read it, but I didn't get it.

Finally, this is the perfect time of year to make roasted vegetables!  My friend Mary B taught me this.

I chop up assorted veggies.  Today I did zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, baby bella mushrooms and egg plant.  I spray the pan with pam, then I drizzle lightly with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and fresh pepper.  Into the oven at 400 degrees for about 40 mins - but check and toss every 10 mins or so.

I got to reading blogs and mine got a little dark, but I like it that way.

Ways to use your roasted vegetables:
Toss with hot pasta and add cheese.
Top a ready made pizza crust and add goat cheese and bake
Fold into an omelet
Make a veg sandwich with lite cream cheese
eat as a nice side dish

I'll be back soon to tell you about my Labor Day weekend in Boston -


  1. I'm contemplating doing some machine applique on a UFO so thanks for showing what you did. My problem is the quilt is already pieced (about 50" sq) so it's not like I can go round and round in the machine with it. I should post it to get ideas (will probably be told to just quilt and bind as is and be done with it!)
    Your veggies look so good! A couple years ago I saw Ina Garten (on her Barefoot Contessa show) put roasted veggies in the food processor with chicken broth. Heat it up and you have soup!

  2. The half an elephant is funny, it's as though he's shy and is hiding behind the rest of the fabric. Thanks for all the tips about stabilizing. Your roast vegies look yummy! I do the same thing and always cook extra. The next day I make a fritata by putting them in a casserole dish and pouring a egg/milk mixture over, top with cheese and bake. Sprigs of herbs like rosemary and thyme are great to put in with the roasting veg too.

  3. hhmmm...I've not seen this product...that's a really cute elephant butt though and lovely 'fancy dancer'!!!!.....and I guess you know I'm allll hungry and such now!!! I LOVE roasted veggies and do my about the 'color' you have cooked yours.

  4. The half elephant made me laugh, glad you have another machine to use.

    I am ging to try the vegies, they look yummy.

  5. What is wrong with your machine? What brand? I ask because my Bernina started with "back" button issues and it ballooned to the machine ONLY sewing backwards. If that is similar to you, you were smart to take it in. Mine resulted in a "rebuild" and it had to be sent out for it's major surgery. Took about two months. I finally got it back and it does hum along very well now.

  6. I was just reading Rachael's comment and laughing out loud! The half elephant does look like he is hiding!
    Those roasted vegetables look delicious.. I would eat them in a whole wheat tortilla or over the rice anytime!
    You are so good at trying new products and blogging about them. I am glad you have a machine to work with on such a rainy day!

  7. what you are working on is just fabulous.....

    and the food....ummm ummmm good.

  8. I'll keep watching to see how you incorporate an elephant derriere into some future project. :) It's so pretty!
    Those veggies look delicious. Wish my husband would open his mind a bit and eat them. As delicious as they are, I don't fix them often as I end up eating them alone. But you've given some great suggestions for using them. Maybe I can sneak some into his diet.

  9. Really? You don't read, absorb, and love every minute of that stabilizer babble? I thought everyone gobbled it up LOL! (At least you read it -- good for you. I don't think I've ever done even that.)

    I hope your machine will be back soon -- that has to be frustrating!

  10. Those vegies look so nice, I think I might have to do some with our dinner tonight.

  11. Love the elephant. I wonder how you'll use him in a quilt at some point? The veggies look lovely, and cooked just how I like them.

  12. It's so confusing when you're trying to find a good product, as they all have such amazing claims, but not all come up to the mark! Glad to get a recommendation from a satisfied customer!

  13. I'm glad you found something to sew on. You have been very patient waiting for you machine. Those veggies look delicious!!

  14. We looove roast vegies here too!

    I'm glad you had a spare sewing machine. :)
    I hope your other machine is back home soon.

  15. I love roasted veggies, I do them on the grill too... I can eat them cold! My DH thinks I'm nuts, but I can't get enough of them. Can't wait to see what you are doing with these fabrics and elephant! :)


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