
Friday, September 9, 2011


New York City has been very busy getting ready for the 10 year memorial of September 11th.  We lived in Chicago in 2001, but after living here 8 years, we feel the sorrow of the tragedy each year with our fellow Americans.

I thought I'd post this Patriotic Quilt that I finished in 2009.

A Fine Feathered Fourth:  (a pattern, not original, I gave the pattern away - sorry about the credit omission.)

The feathers refer to the quilting.  There are fans, and the rest is pretty much feathers.

I used a lot of Americana prints throughout the quilt.

Here you can see the quilting.  I used gold (non-metalic) thread.

The backing fabric is a collage of vintage Patriotic postcards.

Last weekend I went to Boston for the first time!  What a beautiful city!

I met my great friend, MP, from Chicagoland and we walked the Freedom Trail.  

This is how it looks, a red line on the pavement, sometimes brick, sometimes paint.  But, beware!  if you are gabbing and looking around it's easy to loose!  We lost it about 5 times.

It took us to Paul Revere's House.  Isn't it charming?

Surely this wins for the best Starbucks coffee signage ever!

This is what brought us to town.  MP's eldest son, K, plays football for Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

I was honored to be in the parents section and to attend the tail gate party.

We even got our photo taken with the "Wildcat"!  How fun!  Here we are, MP is behind me and her friend M on the left.

I've known her son since he was 4 years old.  Our daughters have been best friends since they were 3.  We've shared so many parenting years togehter, so it was so fun to share this  empty nest "freedom" together~  thanks again, MP

Hooray, we won!  24-17 and K made a great late game play.  Here is the team singing the NU fight song to the parents.  Choke me up?  You bet.

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend with the simple Freedoms that we all enjoy - and a little sewing too.


  1. It looks like a wonderful experience you had with Mary!!

  2. It looks like you had a great time? My DIL is from Boston!
    Saw your post from Wednesday..and when I saw you brought out the older Viking wondered if the one you are getting serviced is a Viking too? When they had mine for 9 weeks I was told it was taking so long because the guy that was working on it was out due to pnuemonia! Hmmm...?
    Your applique looks wonderful.

  3. OMG! My brother is in your parents' tailgate party photo! lol I'm sure MP didn't expect him to be in Boston, though I had showed her his photo before I left Chicago so she could be on the lookout at the NW home games. Isn't that funny! I'll have to forward him your post.

  4. Great fun photos!

    Really like the variety of reds, blues and light color prints you used in your quilt...and that backing is perfection!

  5. I love red and white and blue quilts. You have wonderful variety of fabrics and I love the backing fabric.
    Boston looks very interesting - so much history there - I'm glad you had such good time.

  6. What an appropriate quilt...I love it and enjoyed your pictures.

  7. Well that quilt is to die for!! Love the border fabrics and the backing!

    It just dawned on me....I've walked the freedom walk too.....I forgot!!

    Looks like a wonderful fun filled trip....extra special with great friends!!!

  8. Geez! I choked up, too! What a great photo of the team singing to the parents.
    Love your patriotic quilt. Gives me an idea for a soldier quilt. It's about time I make another one for Walter Reed Hospital. Those fabrics are wonderful and you did a great job quilting it. I think I know the color thread you are talking about - my favorite!

  9. Sounds like a great time was had. I will have to pull out my patriotic quilt and post it on Sunday, thanks for the idea. Your piece is fabulous, I've never seen this pattern before

  10. It looks like you had a great time at the football.

    My heart is going out to all Americans. I will never forget watching the late evening news here when they crossed live to New York and I saw that second plane hit the tower.

  11. What a great trip and great photos as well. I love your quilt, thanks for showing us the back too. Have a peace filled weekend.

  12. Love your quilt Barb -- the back is fab too. It looks like you had a wonderful time in Boston. And Jan's comment cracked me up!

  13. Lovely quilt!~
    Remembering here.... Can never forget.

  14. WOW! That all looks fabulously fun! I love the patriotic quilt...and you always find the neatest backings for your quilts. Your post represents some of the good things we are so lucky to have in this country...quilting, family and friends, and football! I love the small world moment with a recognized person in your photo...BUSTED!!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  15. What a beautiful quilt! I love the fabrics and your quilting.

    I'd love to go back to visit Massachusetts one day (I lived there when my dad was assigned to Hanscom Airfield back in 1966 to 1968).
    It looks like a wonderful weekend for you spent with a dear friend and how fun to be able to watch the young man that you knew when he was only 4yrs old! playing college football :o)

    So nice to meet you!
    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for your kind comment on Pat's post of the artwork she had ordered for her hubby. Pat and I met through blogging and we have some wonderful connections...Pat actually doesnt live that far away from where my dad lives! Her hubby flew helicopters and mine did too :o) She is a talented and gifted quilter...but, well um...I am a newby quilter. :o)

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Barb, thanks so much for mentioning Swatch Buddies in your blog! Hope you find them fun and very useful! Loved your pics of the show too - didn't have much time to browse there so really enjoyed seeing your quilt pics. Thanks again - Great blog!


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