
Friday, October 14, 2011

No Trick - Just Treats


Rich picked two random numbers and the winner are:

Melinda won the Swatch Buddies kit

Rachaeldaisey won the Coffin Needle Book

Please email me your home address and I'll get your prized to you right away!  Thanks to everyone for entering.  The coffin pattern is on a tab at the top of the blog.

Thought I'd share some of my Halloween decorations this year.

These are glittery wall sticky bats that I got at Pier I Imports this year.

Love these folk arty looking skeletons (Homegoods a few years ago).

This is a Martha Stewart mantel skirt, that I hung in my entry way to the Living Room.  I bought it at Party City a couple of years ago.

Here is a little quilt wallhanging that I made in 1993.

My Living Room mantel.  I used a minimal approach this year, and didn't unpack 2 of my tubs.

Unrelated to Halloween, my pineapple quilt looks like it was made to match my chintzy chair.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to sew.  I'll be back next week with my Abe quilt - finished~


  1. What fun, fun Halloween decorations! ENJOY your weekend!

  2. Your decorations are super fun! The crows on the mantel are great. I especially love the pineapple quilt.

  3. I like the pineapple quilt too! Even the dog toy looks to be in Halloween colors. (I think that's a dog toy to the left of the chair!) Have a great weekend!

  4. Things are sure festive at your it!!

  5. Looks like you're all decked out! And two tubs not unpacked -- Wow! I LOVE it!!!

  6. I love the pineapple quilt - it is just perfect for that chair. Have you shown a full picture of that one before? My little 3 yr old insists that it is "Kall-ween" already. It looks like it just might be at your house :0)

  7. I love your new header picture. Beautiful!

  8. I LOVE the bats! Your quilt is adorable as well!

  9. Your home looks so festive!
    Rachael you lucky lucky girl, you are on a winning streak! Love that coffin needle book, might need to make one.

  10. You're inspiring me to get out my few Halloween decorations. Thanks! And your pineapple quilt looks stunning with your beautiful chair.

  11. How exciting to see my name as a winner!! I love that little coffin, thank you!!!! I love all your decorations in fact!! The sparkly bats look wonderful flying up the walls! I think pineapple quilts are just amazing, yours is such a striking color combo!

  12. Really cool decorating. I love how you used the spiderweb piece. Such a fun holiday!

  13. love seeing how you decorate.
    oh my the quilt was made for that chair! love that pillow with the pompom fringe very cute!
    Abe quilt is amazing can't wait for you to share more pictures.

  14. Wow! You do celebrate Halloween! Great decorations. So glad I stopped by to see them.
    best, nadia

  15. wheee, I LOVE it! I am woefully behind in getting Halloween up this year. Maybe this is just what I need to get going!

  16. Your halloween decorations are really GREAT! I better get mine out soon or it will be too late...

  17. I just found your blog and I think we may have been separated at birth! Then I see that you have a coffin needle case! Swoon...

  18. Congrats to the winners!
    What fun halloween decorations - you have 2 tubs you DIDN'T unpack!?!?!
    Your header quilt looks autumnal, too.
    So love that pineapple quilt and it does go perfectly on that chintz chair. Did you make the pillows, too?

  19. Congratulations on the winners. The decorations are really fun, especially the cobweb. For the first time ever, I saw Halloween pumpkins at the supermarket today, maybe Aussies are geting to adopt the celebration.

  20. The house looks great! I wish I could be there to see it in person. Love and miss you xoxo


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