
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Man Abe

Finally, I have finished my Abe Lincoln Quilt!

This was a challenge with my friends Jill and Susan.  It was commemorating his 200th Birthday in 2009.  Sorry for the duplicate showing to my guild friends....

A couple of close ups so you can see the quilting.

 Here is the back.

Kind of funny, on the back one side of the script is upside down.  I wanted to use the smooth cut edge to piece and it and didn't even think about the print - then when hurrying to make the sleeve, I attached the toile' upside down to the other printed fabric.

I accepted my personal foibles with a laugh a long time ago and anyway, I am what I am.....but it is pretty funny.

Coco had her first day at camp last week.  She had to have a behavior interview (you can imagine my nerves in the waiting area).  She had a great time with the other dogs.

This is the best shot of her trying to sit by her certificate, lol.

She got so frustrated with the whole thing, she sat and sulked.

And last, but funnest, my friend and reader, MB in Illinois made 2 coffin needle books!!  Aren't they terrific?  She told me she didn't have halloween fabric, so she painted the skeleton and made the spiderweb - super talented!!

Have a Fun Week!

p.s. help! How do I get the "things you might like" thing to work??


  1. What a great medallion quilt - love the way you captured the Abe theme.
    Funny to see the certificate - such a sweet dog!

  2. Your Abe quilt is an inspiration! When quilters in the future see the back they will say "what was she thinking?" Glad you left it as is - I do that kind of thing quite often. Who needs to add a humility block? Not me!
    I'm sure coco wasn't worried. She seems to be saying "what's the big deal?"
    MB did a wonderful job!
    "Things you might like"? Sorry, I've tried and haven't been able to figure it out. Will check back and see if anyone answers in the comments.

  3. It's good to have a finished project. You have some great fabrics in your quilt.

  4. Your Abe quilt is great - I love how you've captured his face. Your "foibles" on the back are funny as well and show off your personality...I think there has to be "smile factor" in a quilt and this has stacks of it!

  5. I love this quilt and think its my favorite that you have finished so far. I have always been an admirer of Abe Lincoln so this quilt has even more meaning to me...
    wow can't believe she painted those skeletons!
    congrats to Coco...I bet next time she will love going there :) funny just like your childrens first day or nursery school or kindergarten!

  6. Abe looks awesome!!! I know you are proud to have it completed. It's always better late than never!

  7. A wonderful piece. You have put printed pictorial style fabrics to the best use! The quilting suits it well.

  8. That Abe quilt leaves me speechless. Great job!!!

  9. Great Abe quilt :-) Love the red white and blue!

  10. What a gorgeous quilt you've made! It's truly stunning! And Coco is a sweetie.....I'm sure she loved her day out! And those skeletons are too the little leg kick! HA!

  11. Love your Abe quilt! So creative...

    (and good on Coco for Mac failed playtime...sigh)

  12. Stunning! Your quilting looks beautiful!
    Coco is adorable next to her certificate!

  13. Wow Barb -- that quilt is fabulous. I made the pictures bigger -- most of it looks hand quilted, but some places look machine quilted -- is it just my poor vision. Beautiful quilting! Poor Sweet little Coco LOL!

  14. I LOVE your Abe quilt - I've always had a soft spot for Abe, as we share a birthday (he was born just a few years before me!). Poor Coco - she looks so sweet and innocent.

  15. The backing on your Abe quilt sounds like a trick i would do:)

    Good girl Coco!!

  16. Wow! Excellent quilt. Nice work

  17. Your Abe Lincoln quilt looks apologies necessary for getting to see it twice! I look forward to seeing it in the show!

  18. What an awesome wall hanging.....

  19. That quilt is stunning!!! Such an amazing pattern and wonderful fabrics!!! Im so glad CoCo was accepted, she'll make lots of friends and have a lovely time. MB is so clever with her painting of the dancing skeletons and cobwebs.

  20. Your quilt looks fabulous and so does the back, you do some great things with backs even when you don't mean to. Great to see how Coco is doing.
    Love the skeletons, they are really awesome, wish I could paint now.

  21. Barb your Lincoln quilt is beautiful! and the back is really fun! LOVE it! What a sweetie Coco is...glad she passed! Not sure my 2 would do as well...LOL!

  22. I really like your Abe quilt! The colors, piecing, quilting and especially his face appliqued on the generals are wonderful.

  23. Your quilt turned out so good. Did you quilt it yourself?
    I also was wondering about the "things you might like".
    I hope Coco makes some good friends!
    Painted them on???!!! Wow I am impressed.

  24. Wow Barb! The Abe quilt is awesome! Happy 202nd to Mr Lincoln.

  25. Your Abe quilt turned out fanastic! I like the quirks on the back. They add a bit of fun.
    Congrats to CoCo. I hope she has fun at her play dates. :)

  26. I love those coffin needlebooks -- what a fun idea!

  27. Abe turned out just great. You know, there are lots of quilts out there, but the way you did the face has always stuck in my mind since you first showed this, in progress.
    Your dog's "sit" made me laugh!

  28. Abe is awesome. A blue ribbon winner for sure.

  29. Beautiful Finish! Lovely quilting, just perfect!

  30. A wonderful quilt!! I really like how you've quilted it. The back makes me smile :0)

  31. Abe is looking good in his quilt. Nice work, Barb.
    RE: adding the "you might also like..." feature to your blog.
    I have that on my blog, and it's worked perfectly for over a year or more.
    Go to to get the one I'm using. There you get "the widget" and the instructions. I can't remember exactly how it works, but it must have been easy or I would have flubbed it. It's free, no ads, no signups. You need to give your e-mail, a link to your blog, the platform (blogger, typepad, etc) and how wide you want (# of thumbnails the feature will show; I have 3).
    Good luck to everyone who wants to add it. I LOVE the feature. It even reminds me to go back and read some of my old posts.


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