
Monday, October 24, 2011

Sweet Little Baskets

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my Remembering Abe quilt.  I so appreciate it when you take the time to leave me a comment!

Here is a quilt I made in 2005, Sweet Little Baskets.

Jan of Be*mused showed a photo of my friend, Sheila's, quilt on her blog and hinted that I had made one too.

A few of use traded 3" baskets for awhile and each made a quilt.  Sheila made a large one.  Mine is quite small, only a throw.  As you can see, I made it larger with gigantic borders.

Here are some baskets blocks closer up.

I organized my baskets in a similar color groups.  It was fun!

This will give you an idea of scale and size, thanks coco.

On the back I used this large scale print of roosters.   It was around this time that I started using "statement" backings.

Simple cross hatch machine quilting and a nice label.

I had forgotten to share this on my Abe post.  I used Superior Kimono Silk #100 thread to machine quilt Abe.  It was wonderful to quilt with and the drape is lovely.

I treated myself to the color card available at Superior Threads.  

Here are a few things that really changed the quality of my machine quilting (and it's still not where I want it to be yet)....

I have shortened my stitch length (on the vicking it's  2 1/2.

I have slowed down - so hard!

I'm using silk in the top and the bobbin.

I'm using a good quality, new sharp needle, 70/10

I'm using a self threading needle to bury the starting and stopping stitches.

I watch Mad Men, Oh, Donald Draper you are a bad boy.

And lastly, I've put a book under my feet and raised my sewing chair so I have a better downward view.

I'm hoping to figure out a better solution, but this working for now.

Do you have any great machine quilting tips?  I'd love to hear them.

Have a fun week!


  1. Well, I have zero machine quilting tips since I have done so little of it. But, I do love your little baskets, and the surprise on the back!

  2. I have a fondness for basket quilts and yours is so beautiful! The backing is so much fun! Thanks for all the sewing tips, I'm sorry I don't have any to share, except remember to have breaks! Mad men is my favourite show!

  3. Love your little baskets quilt. Those baskets have been on my to do list for a while.
    I don't really have any new tips for machine quilting. Something I struggle with is keeping relaxed while doing free motion quilting. My shoulders always end up next to my ears. I've tried drinking wine/beer, but that only does so much and isn't really a solution for quilting in the morning. At least not for me ;c )

  4. Your baskets quilt is just beautiful!! :)

  5. Thanks for sharing your little baskets -- they're adorable! I think it would be really fun to have little baskets like that as a long term project!

  6. love, Love, LOVE your little baskets.
    I've been macine quilting with silk thread too, looks good so fine (IMHO)
    Still hand quilting w cotton.

  7. I love your basket quilt...just awesome!!

  8. Love, Love, Love those baskets! You did a great job quilting!

  9. I adore your little baskets. They are on my to do list. Thanks for the machine quilting tips. I'm going to give the Superior Thread a try.

  10. I haven't machine quilted in years, so no tips from me. I had never heard of using silk thread--will have to give it a try. Your baskets are lovely--and such a fun back!

  11. I love your little baskets quilt. Very nice. I know with machine quilting you need to do it often to keep your hand eye coordination going and NOW this is very important...remember to breath. Hugs.

  12. hi Barb, Your basket quilt is gorgeous. I love the extra wide border around it. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I love, love your statement backings!! They are always the perfect splash of whimsey, and you take traditional patterns -- like baskets or stars -- and make them interesting and new again!! Abe is awesome, and the baskets are beautiful! Always something good here to chew on! (no offence, Coco! LOL)
    Mary Lou

  14. The baskets quilt is lovely....and the backing is fabulous! I would want some of that on the front of a quilt!

    I'm going to try some silk thread on my next quilt.....thanks! And I think my only added tip would be to sew barefoot....I think you get a better control of the foot pedal without shoes on! But there can't be any pins or needles on the floor! lol

  15. I have always loved basket quilts, and tiny baskets all the better! Great quilt, great back!
    I don't know what it is lately but I am liking very little blocks. Nice to see Coco keeping you company in the sewing room, hopefully had a better day at doggie day care?

  16. Baskets are one of my favorites and the backing you used is perfect! I have only used silk a few times to mahcine quilt and love it also.
    I always try to be aware of my shoulders and not let them "creep" up, it works when I remember!!!
    LOVE Mad Men, one of my favorite shows. I can't wait until the new season starts .

  17. Absolutely beautiful!!!

  18. I don't have any machine quilting tips but I'm very happy to read yours for trying later. I love those little baskets - such great variety and I like how you grouped them. That book looks much too interesting to be a footstool!

  19. Your little baskets are wonderful! I LOVE the backing too.
    Coco looks a little bored with her modeling carreer? ;)

    My only machine quilting tip is to sew barefoot. For me it helps to regulate my speed.

  20. Doorstop wedges ($2 at Lowe's). They tilt my machine up just enough that I don't strain trying to see the sewing plate. I use two (one under each end of the back of my machine. You can change your tilt a 'little' or a 'lot' depending on how far you put the wedge(s) under your machine -- and since they're doorstops ... they won't slide -- and your machine won't slide off of it/them.

  21. I love the suggestion from Ida. I think you have the quilting covered, I love the kimono silk too but if you want to save dollars, you can use aurifil or mettler 60 for the bobbin.
    Baskets are such a favourite of mine too, yours are so lovely in the small size.

  22. What was 'statement' were you making with the rooster fabric on the back of the baskets? Don't put all your eggs in one basket???
    Charming quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  23. A delightful post as always. Your ears must have been burning this week as I used you as an example of always having terrific labels on your quilts. My idea for sewing is the same as Ida's. I have just started using the doorstops and what a difference! I now must try silk threads though I am much happier hand quilting!lol
    Have a great day.


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