
Monday, November 14, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show 2011 - Part 1

Greetings!  Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes for a good quilt show.  After 2 years of planning and many hours of work, it was a Wonderful Show!!

I'm excited to share some of the quilts with you.  This was a judged show, but I'd just like to say that I'm grateful for all the wonderful women who entered quits and shared their passion and talent, regardless of judges recognition.  Far too often wonderful quilts are passed over because of Judging bias (just saying).

Best in Show -

Best Use of Color-

Best Machine Workmanship - (this also won viewer's choice!)

And in no particular order some of my favorites-
Donna's - Give Peace Another Chance.

Susan's, Blueberries and Cheddar

Pauline's - Floral Charm - Note:  the squares are Hand Appliqued on the background!

Nancy's  - A Leisurely Trip Around the World. (incredible hand quilting!!)

Renata's - My French Garden

Maureen's Red and Green Album

Our Vintage Revisited Challenge (previously posted here)

The mini auction, which is such a hit with the visitors to the show.  I won three this year, hooray.   Susan and Barbara took this over from me and did a fantastic job!!

That's all for now.  I'll be back with more quilts to share.
In the meantime, I have a lot of blogging reading to catch up on.

Thanks for coming to the show today, I hope you had fun.


  1. Wow there are some wonderful quilts and I am glad it all went well.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for sharing these lovely quilts! Glad it went well.

  3. Wowie Zow! You have some amazing quilt makers there. Thanks for the show!

  4. What a wonderful show! Wow! Such talent.

  5. the show was wonderful, congrats to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen. I was in awe over so many of the quilts, you really have many talented quilters in your guild

  6. Wonderful quilts! Glad to hear you had a great show.

  7. What beautiful quilts, lots of talented ladies! I know a lot of people who love the William Morris applique but have given is very stunning!Love the idea of the mini quilt auction. I might have to steal that one for our next quilt show.

  8. Wow -- some gorgeous quilts! I love that red and green album quilt. Looks like you had fun -- can't wait to see the mini quilts that you won!

  9. Beautiful quilts. The best in show is wonderful. But my favorite is the red & green applique quilt.

  10. Your show had a nice variety of styles. Beautiful work on all of them!

    Congrats on your auction wins. I hope you'll show us what you got? :)

  11. Thanks for the pics from the show. Very beautiful quilts! Outstanding variety. Yes - they are all winners for putting thier quilts up for exhibit.

  12. I've organized quilt shows too and I know how much work it is, but when it all comes together it is wonderful! Beautiful beautiful quilts! Now go rest up --

  13. Great quilts! We had a really good judge at our show this year...she did not have a "bias" like ones we had previously. I like the setup for your mini-quilt auction...

    thanks for sharing the photos!

  14. Congrats on a successful show! And thanks for all the pics. I love that blueberries and cheddar one!

  15. Wow....such beautiful quilts! That's a really talented group! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Really striking quilts! The William Morris quilt is so lovely.
    We just had our biennial quilt the last week in October & I know what you mean about 2 years takes forever to set up and comes down so fast!

  17. What a wonderful group of quilts!!! Just amazing!!! I'm going back for another look!

  18. Thank you for sharing all those amazing quilts! I can't pick a favourite; they are all stunning!
    Congratulations on a successful show.
    I look forward to seeing what you won in the mini auction.

  19. Absolutely inspirational. Love the William Morris and all traditional quilts. Judging is always a hard balance, but they do have definite fads!

  20. Breathtaking quilts, and wonderful wormanship! Congrats on a succesfful show. Look forward to more photos.

  21. Yay! Jill gave me a sneak peak- what a fantastic show!!

    I love the cheddar and blue. I've been itching to do another one in those colors.

  22. WOW! What gorgeous quilts!! I love those quilted feathers - what a beautiful finish they add to the quilt. I like to see your challenge quilts all hung together - what an interesting challenge!

  23. OH I am ALWAYS in the mood for a Quilt Parade!! I was kind of amazed to read THE winner was machine appliqued...???

    Sounds like it was a great success and YES, we all had fun watching from blogland!! Now we just need MORE!!!

  24. Thanks for the online quilt show! Wish I could have seen the quilts in person. Our guild used to have a mini quilt auction at our shows. It was one of my favorite things.

  25. Thanks for sharing your show with us. I'm glad it was such a success. There are some gorgeous quilts and wonderful minis.

  26. Great show! I'm sure everyone participating and attending were so appreciative of all you hard work and planning! Wish I lived closer...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  27. Now I really feel like I missed out on the show. These are some gorgeous quilts! How many quilts were there in all?
    Congratulations on your wins! Love those mini quilts.
    It is always fun to visit here!

  28. Thanks for your kinds words, Barb. I loved being part of the show this year. Only 2 years 'til the next one!


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