
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brownstone Quilt Show 2011 - Part 2

Here is part 2 of a 3 part report on the recent quilt show.


The Lincoln quilts were a challenge that I did with my 2 friends, Jill and Susan McD.  We celebrated the 200th anniversary of his birth.  It was such fun to have a themed challenge, I'm ready for another!

Jills, "And Malice Towards None" (not judged).

Susan's "Lincoln blogs" (hand quilted, and that is his signature)

and my, "Remembering Abe".

This is Jill's fabulous quilt, "Circa 1880".

I love what she did with the border edge here - very cool

 This is a stunner!  Look at the edge - beautiful!

Susan H's Wickersham quilt called "Stella" (hand quilted)

What lovely story.  Susan Z. made the top and gave her to her best friend, Barbara B for her birthday (a big one).  When Barbara opened it at a guild dinner she cried, we all did!  It is lovely and titled "A Gift of Friendship".

Margaret's (our quilt show chair and hero) beautiful quilt, "Down on the Farm".

My completed "Passage to India".  You can't see it here, but it has over 600 Swarovsky crystals and embroidered mirrors.  To my great honor, it received Margaret's quilt show chair ribbon award.

My "Whooville" quilt.  How nice that the judged recognized liberated piecing and ribbon matches the quilt :)

And finally, I can't resist adding this photo of me and Susan H.  In some odd way her shirt matched my skirt, sort of

So, I have a new profile photo because I had to send a photo of myself with a quilt show entry.  I have one word to say about setting up and taking my own portrait; awkward.

Have a fun weekend and I'll be back with part 3 soon!


  1. This looks like such a fantastic show! What a special friendship quilt.
    I love them all!

  2. Fantastic quilts!! I don't know where to begin...all that gorgeous applique makes me wanna drag out some UFO and new projects and develop some decent skills! LOL I have a ways to go. I LOVE your elephants! and your skirt! and your name tag! :-D And glad when you include photos of you -- always beautiful and elegant!
    Mary Lou

  3. It must have been an amazing show!! Thanks for sharing these incredible quilts. What exactly is a handsewn looped edge? Is it made out of fabric or thread? It looks very unique. Love the Whooville quilt with the selvages - congratulations on the ribbon!

  4. These quilts are all so amazing! The Lincoln quilts are so beautiful, and so different, yet have the same 'WOW' factor! A wonderful tribute! And the rest of the quilts are fantastic! That is some amazing talent in this guild! Thanks so much for sharing these! And congrats on all your ribbons! Yay!

  5. Thank you for the quilt show! i would have loved to see them in person!

  6. Thanks for taking us along to the show! Lovely many great quilts.
    I was at a show recently and the makers photos were on every quilt tag with the quilt description.

  7. More pretties! Congratulations on your Whooville quilt. It's always been one of my favorite quilts of yours!

  8. I love your blog and have learned so much from reading it. I particularly liked the ability to enlarge the photos to see the quilting. Sadly, since Google Blogger added the lightbox feature, and from what I have learned did so without discussing it with folks who owned the blog, it is really difficult to fully appreciate the photographs. I learned that the following url tells blog owners how to eliminate the lightbox feature. Would you consider doing so?
    Thank you for a wonderful blog.
    Rose Huskey

  9. You're too cute! Wow. Oh Wow! Those quilts are all just gorgeous. What a feast for the eyes. Thanks for sharing -- now I can't wait for part 3!

  10. GREAT quilts! Wow those fabric loops are amazing, how did she do that? I have seen them on older quilts.
    How wonderful to make such a beautiful quilt and give it away to a good friend. I would have cried too!

  11. It is such a treat to see such amazing quilts!! Amazing patterns with wonderful details. I love the big red star quilt! Your India quilt must sparkle so beautifully in real life! Abe would be so honoured to have inspired those 3 very beautiful quilts! Thank you for sharing your fabulous photos!!

  12. More wonderful pics, Barb! Love your friend Jill's star quilt & the one with the loops - what a cool idea!

  13. I enjoyed a re-run of the Lincoln quilt challenge pieces. I never tire of the creativity in your group.
    There are some stunner applique quilts that were in the show. It would be difficult to pick a favorite from among them. I am looking forward to seeing part 3 on your blog.

  14. Barb what a lovely show your guild has put on! Thanks so much for taking me there. Congratulations to all the quilters - beautiful work!

  15. Wow!
    To be surrounded by all this talent is a privilege!Your guild members make beauties!
    Those Lincoln quilts are amazing! Have you all decided on your new challenge?
    There is an undeniable charm of traditional quilts. Can you post a close up shot of the loopy edge?
    Can't wait for part 3.

  16. I came back to say that your new portrait looks perfect but I miss the old one!

  17. Thanks for all the wonderful eye-candy!

  18. The Lincoln quilts are fascinating - and so many other lovely quilts...congratulations on being awarded the Chairman's ribbon!

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful images.

  19. Congratulations to all the quilt makers! Beautiful work!

    I love your A Passage to India quilt!

  20. Thanks for sharing - all of the quilts are wonderful. I'm partial to Abe Lincoln - we share the same birthday (a few years apart, of course!).

  21. Thanks for even more quilty wonderful-ness! Your Passage quilt is stunning... 600 crystals plus mirrors?? wow. Whoville is whimsical and appealing, too.

  22. Thank you for sharing!! Congrats on all your ribbons especially the pretty blue one on Abe's quilt. Your quilts and your workmanship are inspiring!

  23. All these quilts are fabulous!!

  24. What a stunning bunch of quilts. The show looks like it was amazing. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your ribbons !!!

  25. Thank you for all those beautiful pictures, it was a great pleasure to see them;

  26. The quilts are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Looking forward to seeing Part 3! How could it get any better?

  27. Thanks for sharing more of the quilts from the show. It's great eye candy and there's no calories in that.


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