
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Elfing Around

I've been busy with all the usual holiday stuff, but I finished my gift quilt and wanted to share it.

I used Jay McCarroll fabric and pieced the back, and pieced the batting, and made a scrap binding.  Waste not, want not.

For the quilting, I stabilized the block then added the wavy lines and also quilted the circle centers.

How wonky is that?  So funny.  The large print was not really on grain, so the whole back got thrown off.  I'm okay with it.

No peeking until Christmas.....

I really liked these colors and thought they were an unusual combo, until one day while looking at my inspiration board I saw all of these.  They are of similar color combinations.

I've finished 2 more stars -

What a nice model.  Thanks Coco.  She'll be turning 2 on  Christmas Day.  What a good girl she's turned out to be.

I'm prepping a couple of more.  I'll be making 12 in all.

And finally, I'm having twins!  I received this amaryllis as a hostess gift and it was asleep so long, I thought it would never get going.  I'll post what color it is when it blooms.

Kids are coming home tonight!  Hope you are having fun with your family and friends during this season.


  1. Your quilt turned out so nice, some one is going to be very happy!
    The stars are wonderful, how many are you making?
    My amaryllis has not started to grow there is no way it will be in bloom for Christmas! I guess I will be enjoying it during the gloom of January and February!!!

  2. So did you already tell us how you applied the circles? applique? machine? Hand?

    Thanks, it s a great looking quilt and love the circles.....I hope the man who gets it loves it.

    Happy Sewing and Merry Christmas

  3. Your quilt has a real glow about it, like coals in a cosy fire place. Im loving those stars! Coco is such a sweet model. Amaryllis are so beautiful, I like the suspense of waiting to see what colour it will be.

  4. The quilt looks great! Love your quilting. It matches the theme perfectly. I'm sure the mystery man will love it!

  5. You are having entirely too much fun!

  6. I can't believe you already finished the quilt! Then again if it is a Christmas gift... Oh that recipient is in for a treat!
    I actually like the thrown off back. How many stars are you making? I love them!
    Enjoy the time with your kids!

  7. Quilts make fabulous gifts and this turned out great, I actually love the crooked back, it adds character. The stars look wonderful, especially with Coco keeping an eye on them.

  8. That quilt has great graphic appeal. Wonder who's the lucky recipient.
    Love your stars. They are coming along quickly for a hand piecing project.
    Have fun with your family. My daughter comes home Sunday.

  9. Your quilt is very bold and striking. A wonderful gift! I LOVE those stars you are making. I can't wait to see more :0) Your HOHOHO table topper is very fun as well.

  10. This bold quilt is going to be loved by some lucky person. It's a winning color and design combination.
    Great stars. The fabrics you're using are gorgeous together. Looking forward to seeing all of your choices. Did you ever tease us with a photo of the antique quilt that's your inspiration?

  11. You are getting so much accomplished!! Love the quilt!!

    Your stars are looking fantastic as is Coco;)

  12. Love that QUILT! and your centerpiece AND your stars!!! Merry Christmas.

  13. Hope your twins bring you all you desire. Lol you have been busy but looks like you had a big elf helper in Cocoa

    Happy Holidays Barb

  14. I really like the fabric combinations in your stars! I'm looking forward to seeing them all together in a quilt.

    Have a great time with your kids!

  15. Hahaha -- when your blog post rolled up in my reader, my eyes saw two f's and no l's in your post title. Your quilt turned out great -- I love the way you quilted it. You'll have to let us know how it was received!

    Does Coco respond to requests? A little to the right? No, lower??? She's a cutie.

    One of my little packages have arrived home already -- he'll be home for 6 weeks and I'm loving it. Will see the other two next week. I LOVE the holidays!

  16. Hi, Barb. Your choice of fabrics for your quilt is great--really interesting. Your stars look lovely (as well as your model!).
    Have a happy stitching holiday!
    best from Tunisia,

  17. Oh.....your quilt is just awesome....everything looks great!

  18. The quilt is wonderful. As well as the colours, I love how you quilted it.

    The stars are great too, and it's good to see that Coco has Quality Checked them for you.

  19. Your man quilt turned out great; lucky recipient!

    The star quilt is going to be fabulous; very inspiring - too bad I don't have time right this minute to go play in my sewing room!

    And the ho-ho-ho quilt on the table is!

    Enjoy the holidays with your family.


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