
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Join the Jubilee!

After posting about my new project here, several friends and readers have shown an interest in making their own Jubilee quilts!  How wonderful!

Lori, of Humble Quilts, and Regan, of Floating on a Quilted Cloud, are also turning 50 this year and will be starting their own Jubilee Quilts.

We are planning to have a Jubilee Quilt Project blog and letting anyone working on this project  post updates of their work.  Lori already has several readers interested in joining the fun.

The main idea of the project is to make a quilt by you and for you.  You don't have to be having a big birthday this year, you can be jubilant about any milestone in your life, past or present.

Email me at or leave a comment.  Even if you responded to Lori, let me know too.  The more the merrier!

This is a test, this only a test........

I recently purchased 2 bolts of moda bella solids from Thimbleanna for an upcoming red & white project for my daughter.

I did a pre-wash test and here is how it went:

don't be alarmed, I always wash my quilts in regular detergent.

I used warm/cold, as you never know who will wash it one day.

I used 3 of these.  They seem the same as color catcher.

All together now...

I like to buy a cyclamen every year about this time at the grocery store.  The best $10. value.  They bloom for weeks.

I purposely let it sit for a while overlapping each other.  I was really testing it here....

I pulled it out and it looked good!  the color grabbers grabbed a little of the red, but not much.

Into the dryer with 1 sheet of bounce and set on medium.

and Viola'!  After pressing, it look exactly the same as the fabric on the bolt.

Great news for me, as I would much prefer to piece with unwashed fabric!  Hoooray for Moda Bella Solids!!!  I give you an A+.

Think about a Jubilee Project, there isn't a deadline to join us and you don't have to have a blog either.  Just drop me a line.


  1. I say, Hoooray for friends like you for washing the fabrics and sharing the tips. I am still thinking about the jubilee project. I will get a head start if I start now.. Always a good thing! Put me on the list please!

    Love that little quilt under the cyclamen plant!

  2. I was holding my breath as I scrolled past the lovely cyclmen pic!

  3. Which red is that? I always waste so much time mulling over solid swatches...
    (And that would be 'cyclamen'.)

  4. I am committed to the Moda Bella solids and have had great success with the reds (knock, knock on wood). I always wash my quilts in regular detergent too. We use them all and I like them clean. I look forward to seeing everyones jubilee quilts. My jubilation will have to be limited to finishing some of the many projects I have on the go already.

    P.S. which Moda Bella white did you get? Do you mind telling me who you use to order the bolts? My wonderful source closed her shop. Miss you Tara!

  5. Love your red test Barb!! I have a list of 13 ladies interested in making a Jubilee quilt. We should set up the blog and have people join if they are interested.

  6. You are very brave washing those together! I love the Bella solids as well, they have a beautiful hand and are very nice to work with, also good color selection.
    I have so many projects in front of me right now I won't be able to participate but be sure I will be checking in to see everyone's progress!

  7. Good test for the red and white! I love how you inserted the gorgeous cyclamen picture to build suspense :0) That is such a lovely little quilt! I wish I could join you in making a Jubilee project but I cannot start anymore big projects right now - way too many fun ones on the go already!

  8. I'm midway piecing my big birthday quilt of B's, which others contributed. does that count? It's fun to make a quilt just for me -- and it's overwhelming to be gifted with 50 blocks from other people.

  9. This year I'll be double nickel years old so even though I have no time to start another quilt project, I'm going to start another quilt project just to celebrate. I'll have to start a little later but count me in! Now to begin the search for just the right project.

  10. Ohmygosh -- you're either brave or nuts LOL!!!! I don't think I could put white in with red -- I was having a heart attack there for a minute. I'm sure glad it passed the test. (Thanks for the shout out!)

    Your jubilee group sounds really fun -- I'm looking forward to seeing all the inspiring quilts!

  11. I'm so excited that there are others wanting to jump on the Jubilee! Yay! It's going to be so fun!

    And are your cyclamens sitting on top of a quilt you made with Lori's quiltalong last year? It's adorable!

    And you certainly win the 'bravest quilter' award for washing red with white, even WITH color catchers! So good to know the colorfastness of the Moda's.....thanks, Barb!

  12. Cool to see this. We went through a period there where all the reds in the quilting universe seemed to bleed everytime you looked at them (I think it was right after formaldehyde was banned in textiles--glad to see it go, but it did set the dyes nicely). So I'm happy that we now have Color Catchers (or equivalent) and seem to be getting back to more colorfast fabrics. I'll be doing the same thing this weekend when I wash my red/white quilt. Holding my breath!

    Elizabeth E.

  13. I agree Moda Bella Solids get an A+ I love the feel of them as well. I have never had any of them run. I too am curious which colors did you choose?

    A Jubilee quilt along sounds like fun, still thinking about it~

  14. I too am turning 50 this year. Count me in.

  15. I'd love to join you in making a jubilee quilt. All the quilts you posted are great I really love the centenial one, I'd need to add some cats and dogs to mine.

    I'm 50 next year and I need a head start.
    Can't wait to see what you choose.

  16. I'm turning 50 in October. so count me in! This should be fun.

  17. Great to know about the fabric. It is always so scary to wash a quilt for the first time.

  18. Your jubilee quilt is amazing. I'm turning 60 this year, does that count :)??

  19. You had me on the edge of my seat with your colour test! Just seeing the white and red in together made me nervous, then you kept the suspense going with the very red cyclamen ( which is really beautiful and I agree they are great value). I can hardly believe how they came out looking the same. Your Jubilee quilt is looking amazing! It so wonderful that you are getting together a quilt along of sorts. I look forward to watching lots of spectacular quilts being made!

  20. good for you~!!~ the tumbling blocks doll quilt is finished~!!!~
    love your photos of it and the quick tutorial on the binding. i may have to make some small adjustments in how i bind my small/doll quilts . . .
    cyclamen love fever. i happen to have caught that too. my post today has a very very close macro of a pink and white one that is blooming like crazy right now.

    the color test was brave of you and i'm glad to see that it turned out so well. i am one of those wondering just what red this is . . .


  21. Thanks for the fabric test Barb - you must have read my mind! I've been debating using some Kona red without washing it, just today.
    Love your doll quilt as well, good to have it finished.


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