
Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh My Stars!!

Over the past couple of days, I've added the background pieces to my large EPP stars.  I'm using this lovely toile' (what else?) that has flowers and birds.

I think I'm going to stop at 9 stars and here they are:

 Here is how I plan my fussy cuts on a large piece of fabric.

I made pattern pieces with manilla folders for the corners and 1/2 squares.  I machine baste them, before hand whipping.

Since I'm catching up on sewing room TV, I machine basted the diamonds too.

My friend, Jill, shared this great tip.  After you lay out a block design, take a photo (it lasts longer).

This way if your pieces get moved or you have to pick them up it's no problem.  Brilliant Jill!

Speaking of stars - I want this Guy

To do less of this:

and way, way more of this:

Don in all his badness will return March 25 with a 2-hour premier.  Here's a little something to tide you over....

Have a Fun Week!


  1. Oh that yummy Don Draper! I can't wait.

  2. Oh Barb your stars are gorgeous!! (my favorite is the top left one :0) I love the toile background fabric. What a fabulous idea to baste them on the machine. Do you take the basting out or do you leave it in?

  3. ok - thought about it for a couple seconds more - I guess you have to take the cardboard out - duhhhh!

  4. You have used some interesting fabrics in the stars. One of them looks like worms. The rickrack looking zigzag piece has an interesting look when used in the stars.

  5. Thanks for the "how to" pics- I've been hoping for them.

    I love the "machine baste" part!

  6. Love that background too! Stars are great. Oh yes thank goodness for that camera I use it a lot. Never know where you will find inspiration!

  7. LOVE both stars, the qullty one and Don D. Yummmm. ? for you, are you appliqueing your stars onto a full background piece or are you piecing in the corner squares and the triangles? Your fabric choices are spectacular.

  8. Wow Barb. Those stars are gorgeous! And what a great idea to baste them with the machine. What weight paper are you using -- is it like a cardstock? Somehow I feel like you've already addressed this?

    I have Mad Men on my queue, but after my recent search for Downton Abbey replacements, I think I have enough to watch well into old age LOL!

  9. ooh NICE!
    Love love love English paper piecing...(doing a bit myself, I am) Toile background...super nice...but basting on the machine??? arrgh. Does it take forever to get your basting stitches out?

  10. I would have never thought of machine basting the pieces. Brilliant! Makes me want to run downstairs and start sewing. Your stars are beautiful!

  11. You stitched some very pretty stars. Looking forward to seeing them put together.

  12. These stars are so beautiful.....and the basting is a very smart tip! Thanks!

    I somehow missed the whole Mad Men series.....where was I? I guess I'll need to Netflix it now, along with Downton Abbey! Sheesh! I have a lot of catching up to do! lol

  13. LOVE IT! That's a great toile.
    Thanks for the tips.

  14. LOL - I have so many audition pics on my phone - whenever I have to wait someplace - I can even evaluate in the grocery line...
    Your stars are beautiful and the toile a fabulous choice.

  15. Your stars look wonderful! I love that background toile, it's so pretty! I'm always taking progress shots on my camera and am thankful for when I don't remember which blocks /pieces go where. I can't wait for Mad Men, we get it later here is Aust, though It could be fun to watch the previous series again, that might get me through till the new serious comes out.

  16. Your star blocks are wonderful! Love the toile background too.

  17. Those stars are looking sparkly on that background fabric.
    Good idea to machine baste the diamonds. I am going to try that sometime in future. Thanks!

  18. I love the fabrics you've chosen for your stars, big bold and beautiful. And Don Draper, well, that goes ,without saying. Thanks for sharing your basting tip. It would make me consider English paper piecing.

  19. YES that is the perfect background!
    Oh this is going to be a you have a border planned?

    Happy Sewing

  20. love the toile as background~!
    i've never thought about basting my paper pieces on the machine . . . is it hard to remove?
    i baste while watching tv or in the car on a long trip which is actually fairly frequently since i live rurally.
    it's funny that you should mention the photo as a way to remember the setting or placement of parts of blocks because yesterday when i was preparing the post about my hexie project i was thinking how nice it would be to just refer to the photo. and then i went and sewed background completely around one of the flowers that i had planned a different placement for. darnit. did some reshuffleing of flower shapes this a.m. and all is well again.


  21. Lovely stars Barb! I adore the toile you are using as a background.

    I never have watched mad men- I thought that hunk was your hubby....LOL

  22. Your stars look wonderful. The background is perfect.
    I am anxiously awaiting the r eturn of Don and Betty!!!!

  23. Smashing stars!!! Love all the movement you have created by attention to where you cut the designs...

    Your tutorials are just the best too.

    Happy star stitching!!

  24. Your stars are gorgeous..and the toile looks great with them. Machine basting the pieces..brilliant! We could use dull machine needles too?

    I've never watched Mad men, but my son is a fan. He recently sent me a CD of songs used in the show. It has me curious..

  25. Ha, ha, I was talking to a friend today and we were asking ourselves if we love to hate DD or hate to love him? I'm leaning towards the latter! Love your star blocks.

  26. I have to say these stars are amazing - your fabric and colour selections are SO good!


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